
fā xínɡ rì qī
  • issuing date;date of issuance
  1. 四受益凭证之发行日期、购买每一受益权单位之金额及费用。

    The date of issuance of beneficiary certificates , and the dollar amount and fee for purchasing each unit of beneficiary certificates .

  2. 正式的发行日期是在五月。

    The official launch date is in May .

  3. 开始与,合作M33从未真正地有集合发行日期为CFW!

    To begin with , Team M33 never really had a set release date for the CFW !

  4. 虽然她的新专辑和即将来临的新电影都还没有透露具体发行日期,但是GAGA告诉粉丝,整个夏天他们可以期待即将于2013年春天推出的新专辑。

    No specific release date has been set for her latest album or the forthcoming film , but Gaga told fans over the summer that they can anticipate the follow up to Born This Way before the spring of 2013 .

  5. 应用程序二:专辑、艺人及发行日期

    Application two : Albums , their artists , and release dates

  6. 影片制作将于今年开始,预定的发行日期是2016年。

    Production will begin this year with a scheduled 2016 release date .

  7. 文件是否有发行日期及修正状况的管制?

    Are documents controlled by date and revision status ?

  8. 你知道你护照的号码发行日期和发行地吗?

    Do you know your passport number date of issue and place of issue ?

  9. •发行日期:2014年2月25日

    • release date : Feb. 25 , 2014

  10. 发行日期:2014年11月17日

    Release date : Nov 17 , 2014

  11. 发行日期:2014年9月30日

    Release date : Sept 30 , 2014

  12. 发行日期:2014年11月24日

    Release date : Nov 24 , 2014

  13. 发行日期:2014年10月14日

    Release date : Oct 14 , 2014

  14. 发行日期:2014年10月27日

    Release date : Oct 27 , 2014

  15. 准备更新确定发行日期的软件安装在您的计算机。

    Prepare for the update by making sure the Zune software is installed on your computer .

  16. 所列出的期刊都注有发行日期和本期上的文章的题目。

    The magazines are shown with the date of issue and the name of the article .

  17. 我关注的是关于服务器的信息,还有发行日期以及游戏规则相关的一些信息。

    My focus was on obtaining server information , followed by dates and then gameplay issues .

  18. 比如,对于音乐作品,可能希望捕获艺术家名称和发行日期等元素。

    For example , with music products , you may want to capture elements such as artist name and release date .

  19. 鉴于该片的发行日期已被如此提前地确定下来,影片的制作在一段时间内还不会开始。

    Seeing as the release date has been set so far ahead , production won 't kick off for some time yet .

  20. 更多关于这首极好的新歌,包括标题,发行日期还有精选集的新闻马上到来!

    More news on this stunning new song including title , release dates and the details of the hits package coming soon !

  21. 企业标准逐步形成,并且该文件反映在其发行日期时对标准的理解,这是公认的。

    It is recognized that industry standards evolve , and this document reflects the understanding of them as of the publication date .

  22. 要对一个关系数据库中的电影建模,您可能需要一个表来存储特定于电影的信息,比如标题和发行日期。

    To model movies in a relational database , you 'd likely have a table for movie-specific information like title and release date .

  23. 请关注欧洲魔兽世界官方网站以获知发行日期的公告。

    Please stay tuned to the European World of Warcraft community site for an announcement regarding the upcoming release date for the game .

  24. 我将这些信息在笔记本上和录音机记录下来,并将其整理为三个主要类别:服务器信息、发行日期、以及游戏规则信息。

    I recorded information in a notebook and using a Dictaphone , now sorted into three broad categories ; Server Information , Dates , and Gameplay Information .

  25. 迪士尼公司推迟了第五部的发行日期,表示影片将于2015年7月10日上映。现已在全球总共赚得37亿美元的特许权费。

    Disney has pushed back the release date for the fifth installment in the franchise that has grossed $ 3.7 billion worldwide from it 's original July 10 , 2015 date .

  26. 通过使用这种方式,如果发行日期并没有安排在迭代开发的末期,那么您将能够提前一个星期完成发行版的开发。

    By using this approach , if the release date is not at the end of the iteration , you will be able to wrap up the work for the release a week earlier .

  27. 但此后上述3家公司中已转而选择了其它投行,因为有关方面披露,日兴证券回溯了一只债券的发行日期,同时没有合并一家特殊目的载体的报表,从而填补了自己的利润。

    But the three have since turned to other investment banks following revelations that Nikko Cordial padded its profits by backdating the launch date of a bond and failing to consolidate a special-purpose vehicle .

  28. 在这种情况下,遇到的挑战就是管理层试图指定发行日期和内容,而开发团队的观点是他们只能实现其中之一。

    The challenge in this scenario is that management is trying to dictate both the release date and the content , while the development team 's belief is that they can achieve one or the other .

  29. 我家的部分藏曲,其专辑名称、流派、发行日期和封面插图或者缺失或者有误。因此,我试用了两款新的软件包,以消除清理过程带来的巨大不便。

    In the Taylor collection , some of the album names , genres , release dates and cover images were missing or wrong , so I tried two new software packages designed to remove much of the pain from the process .

  30. 随着JiBX首个产品发行版发行日期的临近,对于众多的应用程序而言,似乎有了一个更好的选择。

    As JiBX nears initial production release , it 's looking like a great alternative for many applications .