
  1. 大部分资金将通过发行政府债券来筹措。

    Most of it will be financed by government bonds .

  2. 中央银行获授权公开发行政府债券。

    The Central Bank is authorized to sell government bonds on the open market .

  3. 台湾已决定在明年通过发行政府债券筹集4660亿元新台币。

    Taiwan is already committed to raising T $ 466bn through government bonds next year .

  4. 考虑到2009年众多发达国家纷纷发行政府债券,爱尔兰势必面临融资困境。

    Given massive new bond issuance by most industrialised countries in2009 , the Irish government could conceivably face funding difficulties .

  5. 从我国国情出发,在赋予地方发行政府债券的权力时,必须规定由中央政府核准后方可发债。

    According to the situation of China , while enduing with the power of issuing the bond , the local government can issue the bond after being authorized by the central government .

  6. 在我国,地方政府无权发行政府债券,为筹集基础设施建设等公益性项目的建设资金,地方政府通过搭建投融资平台公司(城投公司)进行融资。

    In China , local governments have no right to issue government bonds to raise funds for infrastructure construction and other public welfare projects , so the local governments built some financing platforms ( Urban Construction Investment Company , " UCIC ") for financing .

  7. 因为我国《预算法》第28条明确规定:除法律和国务院另有规定外,地方政府不得发行地方政府债券。

    Because our country law prohibit that the local government issue bond .

  8. 对发行地方政府债券的思考

    Speculations on Issuing Municipal Government 's Bonds

  9. 而只要存在中央与地方分权的财政联邦主义,就具备发行地方政府债券的前提。

    So far as fiscal federalism is concerned , there exists precondition for local government bonds .

  10. 另外,由于各国央行在放贷时接受折价发行的政府债券作为抵押品,因此它们也一直在为政府融资。

    Moreover , because national central banks have lent against discounted public debt , they have been financing their governments .

  11. 在交易所挂牌上市的有价证券包括在全国公开发行的政府债券、司债券、融债券和股票。

    The securities listed in exchange include government bonds , corporation bonds , financial bonds and stocks publicly issued all over the country .

  12. 发行地方政府债券可以解决日益严重的地方政府财政困境,促进地区经济的可持续发展。

    Issue of local government bonds can solve the increasingly serious financially difficult position of local governments and promote the sustainable development of regional economy .

  13. 本文通过对发行地方政府债券的分析,积极探索我国发行地方政府债券的可行对策。

    On the basis of the analysis of issuing municipal government 's bonds , the article is trying to explore the feasible solutions to the issue in China .

  14. 在我国,通过发行地方政府债券,不仅能够有效地规范地方政府融资渠道,而且能够降低地方政府的财政风险。

    By the issuance of the Local Treasury bond , it not only can undertake urban infrastructure construction financing effectively , but also solve the local government debt problem .

  15. 该公司正敦促监管机构结束长达6个月的等候期,允许其发行政府支持债券,以减轻投资者对其财务健康日益增加的担忧。

    The company is pressing regulators to end a six-month wait and allow it to issue government-backed bonds in an effort to allay mounting concerns over its financial health .

  16. 安倍晋三还提出,日本央行应无限量购买建设公债(即为资助公共建设而发行的政府债券),直到达到通胀目标。

    Mr Abe has also floated the idea of the BoJ purchasing construction bonds government debt issued to fund public works in unlimited quantities until the inflation target is met .

  17. 第四章,以河北省为例,对发行地方政府债券进行了必要性和可行性分析。

    Chapter 4 . the dissertation take Hebei province as an example , it carries out the analysis on the issue of the necessity and feasibility of the Local Treasury bonds .

  18. 举例来说,跟据该计划,可以用完全安全的欧洲债券覆盖希腊、爱尔兰或法国50%的借款,剩下的一半则由各国政府发行本国政府债券来解决。

    For example , the regime would allow Greece , Ireland or France to cover 50 % of their total borrowings with totally safe Eurobonds , and the other half with their own government securities .

  19. 在此基础上,应积极拓宽融资渠道,尝试发行地方政府债券或建立专项偿债基金,已达到开源节流的目的。

    Based on this , we should actively broaden the financing channels , trying to set up special issue local government bonds and a sinking fund , in order to achieve the purpose of raising revenue and cutting expenditure .

  20. 如果在已有的隐形债务无法显性化或者没办法去除的情况之下,来大规模发行地方政府债券就可能会使地方政府的债务规模失去控制,从而给地方财政的带来巨大的风险。

    If we do not dominant in the hidden debtor remove the circumstances , issue a large scale sub-national government bonds may make the scale of government debt out of control . so that it will bring credit risk to the government finance .

  21. 尽管我国《预算法》明确规定地方政府不得举债,不得发行地方政府债券,但由于现实的财政体制因素和地方政府间关系因素使得各级地方政府或明或暗的负有大量债务。

    Although our " Budget Law " clearly provides that local governments should not borrow money and issue its bonds , still local governments at all levels bear a large number of explicit and implicit debts because of the reality of the financial system and the relations between local governments .

  22. 债券拍卖是典型的多单位拍卖,也是世界上规模最大的拍卖市场,各国政府每年都会发行大量的政府债券,企业也经常通过发行债券募集资金。

    Governments issue a large number of bonds every year and companies often raise money by issuing bonds .

  23. 因此政府往往会进行“冲销”操作一般采用发行政府或央行债券的做法,以吸收货币市场上过剩的流动性。

    So governments have tended to resort to " sterilisation " operations usually through the issuance of government or central bank debt securities in order to mop up excess liquidity from money markets .

  24. 事实上,它已经把短期利率调到零,而且已经通过用新发行的货币购买政府债券,推出了两轮量化宽松货币政策(QE)。

    It has already , in effect , lowered short-term interest rates to zero , and carried out two rounds of quantitative easing ( QE ), the purchase of government bonds with newly printed money .

  25. 希腊、爱尔兰和葡萄牙发行的欧元区政府债券的交易量跌至创纪录的低点,因围绕是否再次对希腊实施国际救助的分歧令投资者不安,并再度引发了市场对于希腊出现违约的担忧。

    Trading volumes in eurozone government bonds issued by Greece , Ireland and Portugal have fallen to record lows as disagreements over another international bail-out for Greece unsettle investors and revive fears of a default .