
  • 网络developed market
  1. 眼下中国投资者正对发达市场、尤其是欧盟(EU)和北美进行战略投资。

    Chinese investors are now making strategic investment in developed markets , in particular the European Union and North America .

  2. 据德意志银行(deutschebank)计算,目前新兴市场的追溯市盈率(trailingpe)为16.6倍,而发达市场为17.3倍。

    According to Deutsche Bank , emerging markets currently trade on a trailing price / earnings ratio of 16.6 , versus 17.3 for developed markets .

  3. 新兴市场首次公开发行(IPO)的现金价值一直是发达市场IPO的两倍,尽管市场规模逊色得多。

    Emerging market IPOs have been running at double the cash value of developed market IPOs , in spite of the much smaller market scale .

  4. 富时环球新兴市场股票指数(ftseall-worldemergingequityindex)今年上涨了8%,而发达市场指数下跌7%。

    The FTSE all-world emerging equity index is up 8 per cent this year , versus a 7 per cent fall in the developed index .

  5. 虽然在美国和欧洲部分地区等发达市场,智能手机的整体销售在放缓,但iPhone的销售额却在稳步增长。

    IPhone sales have steadily grown even though overall sales of smartphones are slowing in developed markets like the United States and parts of Europe .

  6. 目前,虽然新兴市场占全球GDP的38%,但就总部设在发达市场的公司而言,新兴市场对其收入的平均贡献率只有17%。

    Today , while 38 % of global GDP comes from emerging markets , companies headquartered in advanced markets on average earn only 17 % of their revenue from these countries .

  7. 安石投资管理公司(ashmoreinvestmentmanagement)研究主管杰罗姆布思(jeromebooth)明确认为,新兴市场股票相对于发达市场应该存在溢价。

    Jerome booth , head of research at Ashmore investment management , is unequivocal that emerging equities should trade at a premium to those in developing markets .

  8. 近年来,随着iPhone在美国等较发达市场普及率达到饱和,中国一直是苹果新需求的主要来源。

    For several years , China had been a key source of fresh demand for Apple as iPhone penetration reached saturation in more developed markets such as the US .

  9. 怡富资产管理公司(JFAssetManagement)香港投资者关系部门主管DanielChui表示,可悲的是,恐怖事件似乎越来越频繁地发生在新兴市场和发达市场。

    ' Sadly , terrorism seems to be a more frequent occurrence in emerging and developed markets , 'said Daniel Chui , JF Asset Management head of investor communications in Hong Kong .

  10. 毕马威(KPMG)的一份报告显示,2009年下半年,新兴市场公司加大了在发达市场开展收购活动的力度。

    A KPMG report shows that emerging market companies stepped up acquisition activity into developed markets during the last six months of 2009 .

  11. 安永的这份报告称,与新兴市场日益高涨的上市活动相反,发达市场的ipo规模则有所下滑,原因可能是信贷危机引发的不确定性。

    In contrast to the rising activity in emerging markets , IPO volumes by developed markets have declined , possibly because of the uncertainty caused by the credit squeeze , the E & Y report said .

  12. 薄凯认为,在人们倾向于购买较便宜物品之际,涵盖定价、包装和分销等环节的ppp理念对于发达市场来说,是一个“很及时的”商业模式。

    Mr bulcke argues the PPP philosophy , which encompasses pricing , packaging and distribution , is a " very timely " business model for developed markets as people buy cheaper groceries .

  13. 国际金融协会的数据显示,2015年期间发达市场企业债务与GDP之比降低了0.4个百分点,降至87.4%。与此同时,新兴市场企业债务与GDP之比却增加了6.7个百分点,达到101.3%。

    Companies in developed markets reduced their level of debt to GDP by 0.4 percentage points during 2015 to 87.4 per cent , the IIF 's figures show , while those in emerging markets added 6.7 points to reach 101.3 per cent of GDP .

  14. 业内有很多猜测称,阿里巴巴集团可能会向全球竞争对手eBay和亚马逊发起攻击,帮助中国卖家快速而廉价地向发达市场发货。

    The industry is alight with speculation that Alibaba could launch an attack on global rivals such as eBay and Amazon , by helping Chinese sellers ship fast , and cheaply , to developed markets .

  15. 日本福岛第一(FukushimaDaiichi)核电站融毁事故后民众的反核电情绪,加上廉价页岩气投放市场(主要在北美),意味着发达市场的核反应堆建造商无法依赖国内市场的增长。

    Anti-nuclear sentiment after the Fukushima Daiichi meltdowns in Japan , coupled with cheap shale gas primarily in North America , mean reactor builders in developed markets cannot rely on growth at home .

  16. 与此同时,我们得知,在经过3年的犹豫不决之后,MSCI最终不会将韩国和台湾列入发达市场行列。

    At the same time , we learn that , after three years in index limbo , it will not add South Korea and Taiwan to the family of developed markets .

  17. 西方发达市场经济国家二十世纪九十年代实施的股票期权给CEO带来的巨额薪酬成为了机构投资者所关注的主要问题,学术界更是对公司管理人员的薪酬进行了大量理论和实证研究。

    In the nineties of 20 century of the western market economy countries , the mint compensation caused by CEO stock option has been the main consideration problem of institutional investors especially investment funds . There are more and more theory and empirical research on CEO compensation .

  18. 夏普(Sharpe)于1963年提出了简化的单指数模型以解决标准投资组合模型计算困难,单指数模型在西方发达市场得到了广泛的应用。

    In 1963 , Sharpe raised the Single - Index Model to solve the algebraic complexity of the standard Portfolio Selection Model . The Single - Index Model was well utilized in the Western market .

  19. Threadneedle全球新兴市场股市主管朱利安汤普森(JulianThompson)表示:发达市场的复苏萌芽可能寥寥无几,而新兴市场经济体(尤其是金砖四国)的复苏则更容易让人觉察到。

    While the green shoots may be thin on the ground in developed markets , the recovery in emerging market economies , especially the Brics , is more readily visible , says Julian Thompson , head of global emerging market equities at Threadneedle .

  20. 新兴市场和发达市场的相关性已经提高。

    The correlation between emerging markets and developed markets has risen .

  21. 报告记录了102笔新兴市场进军发达市场的交易,上半年的数字为78笔。

    It recorded 102 emerging-to-developed deals , compared with 78 in the first half .

  22. 直到2008年,印度一直在新兴市场进军发达市场的交易中占据领先地位。

    India dominated emerging-to-developed deals up until 2008 .

  23. 权证在许多发达市场已经流行了很久,特别是在欧洲。

    Warrants have long been popular in many developed markets , particularly in Europe .

  24. 而此次,它们在度过市场动荡方面的表现,却远远胜过发达市场。

    This time they are riding out the market turbulence far better than developed markets .

  25. 那么,投资新兴市场的私募股权与投资发达市场的私募股权有什么不同吗?

    But is private equity investing in emerging markets any different to that in developed markets ?

  26. 相反,发达市场进军新兴市场的交易数量,则出现了连续第四个半年度的下降。

    By comparison , the number of developed-to-emerging deals fell for the fourth consecutive six-month period .

  27. 因此,在此轮危机开始时,新兴市场的跌势甚至比发达市场还急。

    Thus once the crisis started , emerging markets fell even quicker than the developed world .

  28. 如果美国及其它发达市场的经济急剧放缓,这种局面可能会发生变化。

    This could change if the US and other developed markets suffer a very sharp slowdown .

  29. 您认为,新兴市场因此将会实现增速高于发达市场的永久性增长吗?

    Do you think EMS should therefore see a permanent expansion in their premium to developed markets ?

  30. 第一,新兴市场指数的估值低于像标普500指数(S&P500)这样的发达市场指数。

    First , emerging market indices are cheaper than developed market ones like the S & P500 .