
zhuī chánɡ quán
  • right of recourse
  1. 论对共同担保人之间追偿权的四大制约

    On the four restriction of recourse between coguarantors

  2. 共同担保由两个或更多的承保人联合给予保险论对共同担保人之间追偿权的四大制约

    Insurance held jointly by two or more insurers . On the four restriction of recourse between coguarantors

  3. 中国《海商法》下承运人对托运人的运费追偿权

    On the Carrier 's Right of Claiming Freight from the Shipper

  4. 论保证法律制度中保证人的追偿权

    Guarantor 's Right to Recover Losses in the Guarantee Legal System

  5. 保险人的追偿权与代位权之比较研究

    The Comparative Studies on Insurer ′ s Rights of Recovery and Subrogation

  6. 国家赔偿法中的国家追偿权问题

    Research on State Compensation Recovery Right in State Compensation

  7. 行政追偿权是具有惩戒性质的公权力。

    Obviously , administrative recoupment power itself is a public power with punishment .

  8. 人民法院的国家追偿权及其行使

    National Recourse and Its Implementation in People 's Courts

  9. 本法并不削弱任何基于现行法的追偿权。

    This Act does not impair any right of indemnity under existing law .

  10. 赋予工伤保险机构向第三人的追偿权。

    Giving the Industrial injury insurance agencies right of recovery to the third party .

  11. 浅析保证人预先追偿权的几个问题

    Some Problems on Previous Recovery Right for Bondsmen

  12. 人力资源会计研究保证人追偿权制度研究

    The Study on Human Recourse Accounting Research on the Institution of the Surety 's Recourse

  13. 仅仅赋予物上保证人求偿权或者追偿权是不足以保护其权益的。

    Just giving mortgager the claiming right or recoursing right is not enough to protect the mortgager 's interests .

  14. 本文围绕雇主追偿权问题,分五个部分加以阐述。

    This paper stresses the employers on the right to recourse , divided into five parts to be elaborated .

  15. 因此,我国法律应当明确区分并分别规定保证人的代位权与追偿权。

    The authors think that Chinese law should realizingly distinguish the right of subrogation from the right of indemnity .

  16. 共同保证人之间、物上保证人之间应当对债务进行相应的分担并享有追偿权与代位权。

    The debt should be contributed in co-suretyships or securities , then they have the right of indemnity and subrogation .

  17. 商业医疗保险合同中引发的纠纷,目前的主要争论焦点在于商业医疗保险是否适用损失补偿原则和是否享有代位追偿权。

    Recently , most disputes caused by commercial health insurance contracts come from the application of principle of indemnity and subrogation .

  18. 可见虽规定雇主追偿权,但雇主实现追偿权非常困难,实务中差异也较大。

    Visible Although employers right of recoupment , employers realize the right to recourse against very difficult substantive differences are large .

  19. 存款保险机构在向存款人做出赔付之后,并不享有保险法上的代位权,但享有追偿权,可以向银行进行追偿。

    The bank , after its indemnity to the depositor , enjoys the right of recourse instead of the right of subrogation .

  20. 本条规定不影响船舶所有人对其他被救助方的追偿权。

    Nothing in this Article shall affect the right of recourse on the part of the shipowner against any other parties salved .

  21. 保险人同意对上述被免责的个人、商号或公司放弃代位追偿权。

    Underwriters agree to waive their rights of subrogation against such person , firm or corporation having been so released from such liability .

  22. 交易所代为履约后,由此取得对违约会员的相应追偿权。

    After the exchange performs the contract for the breaching member , it shall get the right of recourse against the breaching member .

  23. 对于政府承担赔偿责任的构成要件、范围、金额、程序以及赔偿后享有的追偿权进行了分析。

    The constituent elements of the government liable for damages , the right of recourse in scope , amount , procedures and compensation enjoyed .

  24. 我国国家赔偿制度关于精神损害、行政不作为和赔偿义务机关如何行使追偿权等问题,应在《国家赔偿法》中予以进一步完善。

    Spiritual harm , administrative non-execution and how to execute pursuing of the right of indemnity in our state indemnity system should be further perfected .

  25. 其次,本文还探讨了保险人间保险金分摊权和分摊原则的具体适用及其适用限制,明确了保险人间追偿权的法律性质,并对保险法中保险人间权利义务未做规定的地方进行了补充。

    Then , the article expounds the insurer 's right of contribution and its enforcement , clarifies the legal nature of the right of recourse .

  26. 这种保险应命卖方及其分包商为附加的被保险人,并且必须包括一份以卖方及其承包商为受益人的代位追偿权弃权书。(请指正)

    The insurances shall name SELLER and its subcontractors as additional insured and will include a waiver of subrogation in favour of SELLER and its subcontractors .

  27. 在我国现行法律框架下,融资担保机构在向借款人行使追偿权欲处分抵押物时困难重重,不利于保障其追偿权的实现。

    Under the present legal framework in our country , the guaranteeing organization finds it very hard to exercise their recourse by disposing of the secured property .

  28. 相应的补充责任人承担的相应的补充责任是对自己的过错行为承担的责任,因此相应的补充责任人承担责任后不享有追偿权。

    The corresponding supplementary liability comes from the fault behavior of the supplementary liability person , thus the corresponding supplementary responsibility does not enjoy the right of recovery .

  29. 保险代位追偿权在行使方面存在很多问题,如构成要件、诉讼时效、权利范围、适用对象等。

    Insurance subrogation right has a lot of problems in the exercise , such as elements , limitation of actions , rights of the scope , application objects .

  30. 并对与代位权相关的几个概念,如债权人的撤销要、债权让与、债权代理以及代位权追偿权等几个相关的法律概念进行区别。

    The author further makes a distinction between creditor 's subrogation and some relevant concepts such as creditor 's rescission right , assignment of claim and procuration of creditor 's right .