
zhuī jiā tóu zī
  • additional investment;transfusion
  1. 有追加投资的Bayes决策

    Bayes Decision of Make an Additional Investment

  2. 本文通过实例讨论有追加投资的Bayes决策方法。

    This paper discusses Bayes decision method of make an additional investment through the medium of instances .

  3. 13.请求追加投资亲爱的周先生:我很高兴地告知您ABC公司自开业以来运营状况良好。

    Dear Mr. Zhou , I am very glad to inform you that ABC Company runs quite well since its establishment .

  4. Ellison此前并未就Oracle在SunSparc处理器方面的有关计划作出详细说明,不过他上周称Oracle将继续经营硬件业务,并将为Sparc项目追加投资。

    Ellison initially provided few details about what Oracle would do with the Sparc chips but last week said Oracle plans to stay in the hardware business and would increase its investment in Sparc .

  5. KKR集团的出价也是每股12-13美元,并假定迈克尔的股份会加上东南资本持有的那些股份——加上迈克尔所做的5亿美元追加投资。

    Kohlberg Kravis Roberts & Co. ( KKR ) also put in a bid for $ 12 - $ 13 per share , assuming Michael 's shares plus those held by Southeastern -- plus a $ 500 million additional investment from Michael .

  6. 社会主义经济中的国有企业一旦发生亏损,政府常常要追加投资、增加贷款、减少税收、并提供财政补贴,这种现象被亚诺什·科尔奈(Kornai,1986)称为预算软约束。

    The phenomenon that , once a national enterprise in a socialist economy has made a loss , the government often supplements investment , increases loan , reduces taxes and provides financial subsidy is called by Kornai ( 1986 )" budgetary soft constraint "( BSC ) .

  7. 追加投资回收期的动态计算探讨

    A Study on the Dynamic Calculation of the Additional Investment Recovery Period

  8. 如果没有巨额追加投资,公司就会倒闭。

    Without a massive increase in investment , the company will collapse .

  9. 雀巢公司宣布在中国追加投资7.3亿元人民币。

    Nestle has announced an additional investment of 730 million yuan in China .

  10. 上海外商争相追加投资

    Foreign businesses in Shanghai compete for additional investment

  11. 特别是已办成的项目,外商纷纷追加投资。

    Foreign businessmen have successively been adding to investments , especially those already completed .

  12. 但基建这条管道已经淤塞,在这方面追加投资,短期内不会起到任何提振作用。

    But the infrastructure pipeline is already clogged . Adding to it will not provide any near-term boost .

  13. 为了步入可持续能源轨道,一个主要障碍是如何为未来20年每年所需要净投入的800亿美元追加投资调动资金。

    An estimated $ 80 billion a year of net additional investment is needed over the next two decades .

  14. 人们普遍认为,追加投资将使总产量和经济效益同步增长。

    It is generally Believed that the added investment will make the total output and economic returns increase simultaneously .

  15. 投资者给威尔士带来了120亿英镑,继续追加投资。

    Investors in Wales have brought over £ 12 billion into the country and continue to reinvest once established .

  16. 通过计算费用现值、费用年值以及动态追加投资回收期,分析了优化设计后地源热泵系统的经济性,并与常规供热制冷系统进行比较。

    Its present value , annual value and addition investment are calculated and compared with that of the conventional air-conditioning system .

  17. 在适当与可能的情况下,国际金融公司和其它金融机构将很乐意提供追加投资。

    As appropriate and feasible , IFC and other international financial institutions look forward to supporting these initiatives with follow-on investments .

  18. 我们已经讨论了许多关于合资的可能性,长期供货协议,为更大的产量而追加投资,等等。

    There have been many previous discussions on a possible JV , long term supply agreement , capital investment for additional capacity etc.

  19. 而投资回报率始终高居全国之首,则是吸引外商不断追加投资的另一个重要原因。

    Whereas the return rate always ranking first in the country is another important reason for attracting foreign businesses to continuously add investments .

  20. 分别采用成本效益法、追加投资回收期法、价值分析法等进行商业物流系统经济分析。

    Employing cost-benefit method , investment reclaiming time adding method , value analyzing method , etc. , the business logistics system is analyzed economically .

  21. 京、沪、苏、鲁等地,除新增外资项目外,原有外资企业也纷纷追加投资。

    In Beijing , Shanghai , Jiangsu and Shandong , in addition to new investment projects , existing foreign-funded enterprises also have increased investment .

  22. 北京、上海、江苏、山东除了新增加的外资项目外,原来的外资企业纷纷追加投资。

    Apart from newly added foreign-funded projects , many existing foreign-funded enterprises in Beijing , Shanghai , Jiangsu and Shandong have made additional investment .

  23. 摩拜获得了新加坡公司淡马锡的股权投资,以及领投摩拜上一轮融资的高瓴资本的追加投资。

    Mobike received equity investment from Singapore 's Temasek and add-on investment from Hillhouse Capital , which led Mobike 's last round of funding .

  24. 星期三,电商巨头阿里巴巴控股公司表示,他们将继续追加投资,以拓展在农村地区的淘宝业务。

    E-commerce giant Alibaba Group Holding Ltd said on Wednesday that it would continue to make more investments to boost its presence in rural areas .

  25. 运营初期,公司往往不能达到还本付息要求,需要股东追加投资或补贴还款。

    So in the initial operational stage , companies could not repay principal and interest , and additional investment and subsidies are required from shareholders .

  26. 因此,我想知道你们能否追加投资帮助我们度过目前的困难。

    So I would like to know if it is possible for you to make additional investment to help us pull through the current difficulty .

  27. 如果追加投资,中投必将面临诸如拿钱打水漂、扶助华尔街却对国内亟待解决的问题置之不理等批评。

    A further investment would certainly face criticism for throwing good money after bad and helping prop up Wall Street , while ignoring pressing problems at home .

  28. 上海日报说地方政府正在监控这一形势,有望近几年在污水处理设施上追加投资。

    The Shanghai Daily newspaper said the local government was monitoring the situation and is expected to spend more on sewage disposal facilities in the next few years .

  29. 如果你在1987年时将25000美元投入了一个股市、债市八二开的投资组合,并且此后再未追加投资,那么这笔钱现在已增殖到了196000美元。

    Had you put $ 25,000 into the80 % - 20 % split in1987 and never invested another dime , the money would have grown to $ 196,000 .

  30. 引入了美国学者雅各布明塞尔教授人力资本贬值&追加投资模型,分析了人力资本贬值的原因,对人力资本追加投入的机理进行了讨论;

    This paper introduced the model " Human Capital Depreciation & Added-invest " conducted by Jacob Mincer , analyzed the reason of human capital depreciation and discussed the added-invest principle .