
  • 网络the search for glory;In Pursuit of Honor
  1. MarthaBeck对那些无法停止追求荣耀的人们提供了一个计划。

    Martha Beck has a plan for those who can 't stop going for the glory .

  2. 照亮了男人们追求荣耀的道路。

    That we men have trod the perilous paths of glory .

  3. 他为追求荣耀而努力。

    He strove after honor .

  4. 这些追求名誉荣耀的高尚目标难道不正是,马基雅维利所拥护的吗?

    Are not these aristocratic goals of honor and glory ? precisely what Machiavelli seems to be advocating ?

  5. 对这些的追求给你以荣耀。

    There is honor in all of these pursuits .

  6. 除此之外,传统史诗中的英雄发动战争往往是为了追求世俗名利,而斯宾塞笔下的英雄大多数追求精神化的荣耀。

    Besides , heroes in traditional epics start a war in order to pursue earthly fortune .