
  • 网络the Purple Heart;purple heart medal
  1. 科拉多·皮科利的紫心勋章现在悬挂在水城的美籍意大利公民协会里。

    Corrado Piccoli 's Purple Heart medal now hangs at the Italian American Civic Association in Watertown .

  2. 扎克知道紫心勋章的含义,他当兵时在一次战争中赢得了紫心勋章。

    Zac knows the meaning of a Purple Heart — he earned one himself in a war as a soldier .

  3. 首先,国会正在考虑一项新法案,该法案将使一些士兵有资格得获得紫心勋章(PurpleHeart)。

    First up , Congress considers a new bill that would make some soldiers eligible for the Purple Heart .

  4. 紫心勋章(PurpleHeart)在1782年首次颁发,授予任何打击敌人和恐怖主义袭击中受伤或死亡的士兵。

    The Purple Heart first created in 1782 is given to any US service member who is wounded and killed while serving in action against an enemy or in a terrorist attack .

  5. 众议员Carter认为胡德堡枪击事件中的受害者有资格获得紫心勋章,因为他认为胡德堡枪击事件属于敌对分子袭击。

    Representative Carter says the Fort Hood victims deserved the Purple Heart because he considers the shooting to be an enemy attack .

  6. 卡利姆高中一毕业就参了军,后来获得紫心勋章(PurpleHeart)和青铜星章(BronzeStar),深受战友们的钦佩。

    Kareem joined the military as soon as he finished high school . He would go on to win the Purple Heart and Bronze Star , along with the admiration of his fellow soldiers .

  7. 他所获得的种种荣誉反映出他所受到的严峻考验及勇气:多个紫心勋章,带有象征英勇V字母的青铜星章,银星勋章以及法国政府所颁发的一项享有极高荣誉的战争十字勋章。

    The list of his decorations reflects his ordeals and his courage : multiple Purple Hearts , the Bronze Star with V for valor , the Silver Star , and also the Cross of War , an extremely high honor from the government of France .

  8. 陆军奖章紫心勋章。

    Army commendation medal , purple heart .

  9. 他的军人勋章包括一个铜星勋章和四个紫心勋章。

    His military decorations included the bronze star and four awards of the purple heart .

  10. 他们举行了个小颁奖仪式,授予他一个紫心勋章和一块表。

    They had this little ceremony , gave him a Purple Heart and a watch .

  11. 他有一个紫心勋章。

    He has a purple heart .

  12. (授予作战负伤之军人的)紫心勋章。

    Pu Purple Heart ( medal awarded to a soldier who has been wounded in battle )

  13. 他仍保存着受伤之后被授予的紫心勋章,虽然有一阵差一点留不住它。

    He still has the purple heart awarded him after he was wounded , although he has had a difficult time keeping it .

  14. 爷爷在二战期间当过伞兵,叔叔在越战中拿过紫心勋章,两位堂兄都是陆战队军官。

    My grandpa was a World War II paratrooper ; my uncle a Vietnam Purple Heart recipient , my cousins both Marine Corps officers .

  15. 意思是,因为你不是被敌人所伤,自然不能被颁发紫心勋章,所以,我们就自己来表扬这件事。

    Since you weren 't wounded by enemy , And thus didn 't qualify for a purple heart , We 've taken matters into our own hands .

  16. 紫心勋章(美国授予受伤士兵的勋章)证明你聪明到可以想出一个计划,愚蠢到常识这个计划,并且幸运到活了下来。

    A Purple Heart just proves that were you smart enough to think of a plan , stupid enough to try it , and lucky enough to survive .

  17. 但在他2011年退役的时候,贝克就已经获得一长串的勋章,包括青铜星及紫心勋章。

    But the time he retired from service in 2011 , Berg had a long list of medal of accommodation , including the bronze star and the purple heart .

  18. 显然,在罗沙瑞奥的竞选中,他所称的“在部队服役的21年期间被授予了2枚青铜勋章和1枚紫心勋章”皆为谎言。

    Apparently , during his campaign , Rosario falsely claimed to have been awarded two Bronze Stars and a Purple Heart and to have served 21 years in the Army .