
  • 网络bank system;all-in-one
  1. 我国利率市场化的问题由来已久,在当前推进银行体制改革和即将加入WTO的背景下,这一问题更具有迫切性。

    Under the situation of bank system reform and China 's access to WTO , it 's urgent now for China to deal with the problem of free interest rate .

  2. 战后日本主银行体制的形成与演变

    The Origin and Evolvement of the Postwar Japanese Main Bank System

  3. 关于加入WTO后我国的金融业面对着巨大的挑战问题,我们应从加快我国银行体制改革,提高管理水平、发展金融工具、提高人员素质等方面来应对。

    We can cope with the challenges facing China 's financial affairs after entering WTO in terms of speeding up the reform of banking system , raising management proficiency , developing financial tools and improving personnel qualities .

  4. 第三部分介绍了国外商业银行体制改革的案例。

    The third part introduces some cases from foreign commercial banks .

  5. 日本主银行体制研究述评

    An Overview of the Research on the Japan Main Bank System

  6. 战后初期日本金融改革与主银行体制的延续

    Financial Reform in Early Post-war Era and Continuity of Main-bank System

  7. 国有商业银行体制变迁分析

    Analysis of the institutional change in the state owned banks of commerce

  8. 中国(大陆)与老挝银行体制比较研究

    A Research about Comparing Chinese ( Mainland ) and Laos Banking System

  9. 国有商业银行体制问题及其改革的思考

    The Problem of Commercial Bank System and the Idea of Its Reform

  10. 国有商业银行体制不顺及资本市场不发达;

    Imperfection of system of state-owned commercial banks and underdevelopment of capital market ;

  11. 中国与老挝银行体制比较研究

    The Comparative Study on China and Laos Banking System

  12. 论法兰西第二帝国银行体制的变革

    To comment on the structural reform of banks of the second french empire

  13. 西部国有商业银行体制的创新

    The Discussion on Innovation of the State-owned Commercial Bank System in Western China

  14. 日本主银行体制的演进及其对中国金融制度安排的启示

    The Evolution of Japanese Banking System and Its Enlightenment to China 's Financial System

  15. 商业银行体制与业务创新

    Innovations in Mechanism And Business of Commercial Banks

  16. 保险和银行体制的深化显然在经济增长过程中发挥互补效应。

    Insurance and banking system deepening appear to play complementary roles in the growth process .

  17. 存款准备金制度是在中央银行体制下建立起来的。

    The System Of Deposit Reserves is established under the system of the central bank .

  18. 对银行体制改革过程中内部安全保卫工作的调查与思考

    Investigation and Consideration on Bank Interior Guard

  19. 我国真正的货币政策操作始于1984年二级银行体制的建立。

    Chinese monetary policy operations really begin from the establishment of the two grade banking system .

  20. 银行体制、预算软约束与乡镇企业目前的困难

    Banking System , Soft Budget Constraint , and Difficulties of the Township and Village Enterprises at Present

  21. 因此,研究贷款对象应在一定的经济体制和银行体制背景下进行。

    So select credit object should be studied at the background of the fixed economy and bank system .

  22. 提出农发行体制创新目标模式是计划结合市场的农业政策性银行体制。

    Put forward innovation goal of Agricultural Development Bank of China is Combination of Market with Planned Agricultural policy bank System .

  23. 我国高度垄断的国有银行体制造成大量信贷资金从不发达地区向发达地区、从农村向城市转移的抽血行为,是拉大区域经济发展水平差距的一个重要原因。

    High monopolization of banks by the government makes great deal of credit capital flowing from underdeveloped regions to developed regions .

  24. 主银行体制作为后发国的一种融资体系,对于发展中国家有重要的借鉴意义。

    As a backward country 's financing system , the mail bank system can be used for reference for a developing country .

  25. 出于金融业开放的压力,中国金融体制改革终于于2004年进入对银行体制、汇率体制以及利率体制改革的深入层面。

    Proceed from the pressure , China ultimately take reformation to the system of banks , exchange rate , and interest rates .

  26. 市场失灵的外部环境和农业政策性银行体制弊端引致了体制创新的要求。

    Market failure of the external environment and agricultural policy shortcomings of the banking system caused the need of institutional innovation . 3 .

  27. 国家政策法规的不完善,市场结构方面出现的弊端,商业银行体制上的不合理等多方面因素都给出口退税帐户托管贷款业务的发展带来一定的阻碍,必然影响其发展势头。

    National policies and regulations are imperfect , the market structure presents some abuses , and commercial banks have some unreasonable institutional factors .

  28. 这些变革可以包括土地使用权、公司税法、信贷和银行体制的改革。

    These changes might include such diverse activities as the reform of land tenure , corporate tax , credit , and banking structures .

  29. 正因为现代商业银行体制特征集中体现在现代公司制度上,所以需要用现代公司理论来研究国有商业银行体制再造课题。

    It is because modern commercial banking system embodies mainly the modern corporation system that studying state-owned system remaking needs modern corporation theory .

  30. 然而,这个趋势真正成为推动我国银行体制发展的现实。还有赖于很多方面的共同努力。

    However , this trend wouldn 't become the reality of promoting the development of banking system without the joint efforts of respects .