
yín hánɡ zhì dù
  • banking system
  1. 中国银行制度变迁:1949&2002

    The Institutional Evolution of Banking System in China : 1949-2002

  2. 现代银行制度是现代银行业的发展方向。

    Modern banking system is the developing direction of the modern banks .

  3. 日本主银行制度演变的路径分析

    Analysis of the Evolutionary Route of Japan 's Main Bank System

  4. 商业银行制度与投资基金制度:一个比较分析框架

    Commercial Bank System and Investment Fund System : A Comparative Analytical Framework

  5. 重庆直辖市商业银行制度建设的关键和任务

    The Key and Taskes of Construction of Chongqing 's Commercial Bank System

  6. 是联邦储备银行制度的成员的银行。

    A bank that is a member of the Federal Reserve System .

  7. 我国银行制度变迁研究(1949-2004)

    The Institutional Transition of the Banking System in China ( 1949-2004 );

  8. 伴随着部分准备金银行制度,英国的银行业处于一个不平稳的均衡中。

    With a fractional reserve system you 're in an unstable equilibrium .

  9. 我国小型商业银行制度研究

    The Research on Institution of Small Chinese Commercial Banks

  10. 美国投资银行制度风险管理的经验与启示

    The Experience and Implications of American In-vestment Banks ' Management of Institutional Risk

  11. 国有商业银行制度创新的三点思考

    Some Reflection on Institutional Innovation of State-owned Commercial Banks

  12. 这一中央银行制度对国民政府实现对全国金融业的垄断从而集中经济力量抗战是有利的。

    This central banking institution benefited the Anti-Japanese War by controlling the economy .

  13. 国有银行制度变迁中政府的次优制度安排偏好分析

    Analysis on the Government 's Sub-optimal Institutional Arrangements Preference during State-owned Banking System Transition

  14. 论国有银行制度变迁中政府效用函数的动态优化

    The analysis on government 's utility function dynamic optimization during the State-owned banking system changes

  15. 重新思考主办银行制度

    Reflections on the Managing Bank System

  16. 收银机与银行制度

    Cash Registers and Banking System

  17. 建立现代商业银行制度

    Establishing modern commercial banking system

  18. 中央银行制度变迁是经济主体行为合力作用的结果。

    The central bank institutional changes result from the composite force of the economic subject 's performance .

  19. 关于全能银行制度的思考

    Reflection on the Universal-Bank Approach

  20. 从银行制度的创新看我国全能银行的发展

    A Study on the Development of Universal Bank in China from the View of Innovation of Bank System

  21. 中国国有银行制度演进的逻辑及其当代经济学论证

    The Logic of the Evolution of State-Owned Commercial Banking Institution and Its Theoretical Analysis to the Contemporary Economics

  22. 商业银行制度从应用的角度来讲,是一种社会博弈关系或博弈结果。正式制度和非正式制度作为商业银行的制度组织结构和制度构成,成为商业银行在经营活动中遵循的规则。

    From the angle of practical application , the institution of commercial bank resembles a social chess game .

  23. 这一章分析了国有银行制度变迁的动力机制及其特点,并对中国国有银行制度变迁历程进行了总体上的考察。

    We analyse the driving mechanism and the characteristic of institutional changes of Chinese state - owned banks .

  24. 利率自由化关键在于健全的微观基础,包括现代化的银行制度和企业制度。

    The micro-foundation which consists of modern bank system and business system is key to liberalization of interest rate .

  25. 本章的主要内容是对银行制度风险和信用风险的国内外研究现状做一个历史梳理和全面评价。

    The main contents of this chapter are to completely evaluate and summarize theories on institution and credit risks .

  26. 金管局的首要任务是捍卫本港的银行制度。

    The primary responsibility of the Hong Kong Monetary Authority ( HKMA ) is to safeguard the banking system .

  27. 国有银行制度变迁的演进逻辑与国家效用函数的动态优化

    The Evolvement Logic of the Institutional Change in the State-owned Band and the Dynamic Optimization of National Utility Function

  28. 日本、德国的主办银行制度和我国主办银行制度的建立

    The system of leader bank in Japan and Germany in relation with the initiation of leader bank in China

  29. 最后,《资本论》中分析了信用制度,特别是银行制度对资本主义经济所起的作用。

    Finally , the author analyses the credit system , especially the bank system on the role of capitalist economy .

  30. 日本主银行制度的盛衰演变:一个新制度经济学的视角分析

    Japan 's main banking system in the evolution of the Rise and Fall : A New Institutional Economics Perspective Analysis