
yín liǎng
  • tael;tale;silver;silver used as currency
银两 [yín liǎng]
  • [silver used as currency] 中国旧时银子为主要流通货币,以两为单位,故称银子为银两

银两[yín liǎng]
  1. 冰岛已经嬴得三枚运会的奖牌,一银两铜。

    Iceland has won three Olympic medals , one silver and two bronze medals .

  2. 提出有关纳米粒子的生长模型,分别解释金和银两种金属由还原剂浓度控制粒子生长的生长机理。

    To explain concentration-dependent crystal growth mechanism of gold or silver nanoparticles with different size and shape respectively , we propose two preliminary models .

  3. 一区中央对隐私权的辩论是选择式银两选择退出。

    One area central to the privacy debate is opt-in versus opt-out .

  4. 采用先锰后银两段浸出流程处理高锰银矿取得了较好的效果。

    The two-step leaching technique was used to extract silver from manganese-containing silver ore.

  5. 文章考察了民初汇划制度的一般情况及币制问题与钱庄的关系,分析了民初币制银两公率增加的原因和影响。

    It also analyzes the reason and effect of the addition to the currency system of the tael metric rate .

  6. 计算结果表明:金、银两种材料的纳米粒子,其消光光谱的强度和峰位存在一定的差异。

    The results showed that the peak place and the strength of the extinction spectra of the nanoparticles with different material were distinct .

  7. 这项研究的主要目的是,要表现出优势,循序渐进无生存的阿瓦斯丁都含有治疗武器银两控制水情。

    The primary objective of the study was to demonstrate superiority in progression-free survival of both Avastin containing treatment arms versus the control regimen .

  8. 新华社伦敦消息,菲尔普斯赢得一金一银两枚奖牌,创造了奥运会的奖牌数量记录。

    LONDON - American superstar Michael Phelps won two medals , including a relay gold , on Tuesday night to become the most successful Olympian ever .

  9. 1582年,张居正逝世,改革也随之终止,但用银两收税的办法却保留了下来。

    In 1582 , Zhang Juzheng died and the reform was stopped at the same time . But the way to collect tax in silver was maintained .

  10. 浅析银两在明代得以盛行的原因江西官银钱总号银两票的新发现

    The reason that shallow analysis money has been current in the Ming Dynasty pre-test A NEW DISCOVERY OF THE SILVER NOTE BY GOVERNMENT GENERAL BANK OF JIANGXI PROVINCE

  11. 本文采用离散偶极子近似理论,研究金、银两种金属的球形和棒状纳米粒子的消光光谱。

    In this article , the Discrete Dipole Approximation ( DDA ) was used to calculate the extinction spectra of the gold and silver nanoparticles with the shape of sphere and cylinder .

  12. 当然如果决定买捷达,当然是捷达王系列(5气门)是最理想的选择,只是需要你多付出一些银两。

    If you decide to buy a Jetta of course , of course , Jetta series ( 5 valve ) is the best choice , but need you to pay some more silver .

  13. 生息银两制度作为清代重要的财政政策与货币政策,其实施对政府财政以及宏观金融环境尤其是通货膨胀,银钱比价都有着重要的影响。

    As the Qing Dynasty important fiscal policy and monetary policy , the implementation of interest generating institute had a great effect on government finance and macro financial environment especially in the inflation and money exchange rate .

  14. 针对含金17.3g/t、银4400g/t的炭质银精矿,提出了氰化浸金&强化提银两段浸出新工艺,并对其浸出过程进行了研究。

    A novel technology for the treatment of carbonaceous silver concentrate containing 17.3 g / t Au and 4400 g / t Ag was proposed , and its leaching processes for gold and silver were also investigated .

  15. 生息银两制度是清代的一个特色,在清代之前并未见有各中央王朝中利用官款取息,并将所获得的利息大规模的用于军队福利的举措。

    The system of Interest Bearing Silver is the characteristic of the Qing Dynasty , official conducts of it and using the intrest gained from this way for the welfare of the army was not seen in any central dynasty .

  16. 晚清币制变迁的主线是:银两制度向银元制度的变迁,制钱制度向铜元制度的变迁,清末新型纸币的发行流通也是晚清币制变迁的一部分内容。

    The main clue of the transition of the currency system included the transition from the sycee system to the silver dollar system , from copper cash system to the copper coin system and the circulation of the new-typed paper currency .

  17. 生息银两制度是由政府拨出一定的专门款项作为基金,交给政府官员或者商人负责营运,政府只收取一分至二分不等的利息,所取息银主要用来支付政府的特定支出。

    Interest generating institute generated by the government to allocate certain special payments as the foundation to government officials or merchant to operate , the government charged only ten to twenty percent of the principal every year to used to pay for government spending specified .

  18. 邮政企业是以实物传递为主要方式的信息服务业,在邮电、邮银两次分营后,中国邮政面临巨大的经营压力,需要在发展中利用自身的各种资源,不断寻求新的利润增长点。

    Postal business is based on physical delivery of information services as the main way in telecommunications , postal silver twice sub-camp , the Chinese postal operators face enormous pressure to use in the development of its own resources , constantly looking for new profit growth point .