
  • 网络Beijing Municipal Civil Affairs Bureau
  1. 北京市民政局表示,从今天开始,家属探访、返院人员和新入住老人以及医务人员将被允许进入养老院。

    The Beijing Municipal Civil Affairs Bureau says starting from today , family visitors , returning and newly admitted senior citizens , and medical personnel are among those who will be allowed to enter the nursing homes .

  2. 据新京报3月27日报道,在今年3月下旬,北京市民政局发布了2016至2020年殡葬行业发展规划,该规划指出,该市将不再建造新的墓园,并且现有租金到期的墓园将不能再租用。

    In late March , the Beijing Municipal Civil Affairs Bureau ( BMCAB ) issued a funeral industry development plan for 2016-20 , which said that the city will no longer build new tombs and that existing tombs with expired rental leases cannot be rented again , the Beijing Times reported on March 27 .

  3. 资料来源:北京市民政局。

    Source : Beijing Civil Affairs Bureau .

  4. 北京市民政局一位不愿透露姓名的官员告诉新京报记者,北京所有墓地将在2050年用完。

    An anonymous official with the BMCAB told The Beijing News that Beijing will run out of tombs by 2050 .

  5. 北京市民政局还表示,北京还将拨款约1400万美元支持养老服务机构的运营。

    The bureau says Beijing will also allocate about 14 million dollars to support the operation of elderly service institutions .

  6. 北京市民政局婚姻登记处处长韩明喜表示,有些人没有表现出对婚姻登记应有的尊重,

    The bureau 's marriage registration director , Han Mingxi , says people aren 't showing sufficient respect for the process .

  7. 来自北京市民政局的宣传人员李静(音译)表示,统计数据并不能为人们纷纷在孩子参加高考后离婚这一说法提供强有力的证据。

    Li Jing , publicity official with the Beijing municipal civil affairs bureau , said the statistics do not provide strong evidence that people rush out to get divorced after their children finish taking the college entrance exam .

  8. 北京市民政局近日宣布,如果有人穿短裤、体恤衫或是其他休闲服饰到民政局办理结婚登记手续,将不予颁发结婚证书。

    The city 's Civil Affairs Bureau has announced a new rule stipulating that couples won 't be issued a licence to wed if they show up in shorts , T-shirts or other casual wear , the state newspaper Beijing Daily reports .