
xún xìnɡ
  • go on an inspection tour
巡幸 [xún xìng]
  • [(of a monarch) go on an inspection tour] 旧时帝王巡视各地

  • 巡幸江南

  1. 反过来说,历次君主巡幸,都曾起到某种作用。

    Every Jubilee , to take the opposite case , has served a function .

  2. 唐宋金元时期应用虫类药物治疗痹病的文献研究唐太宗的政治情怀&唐太宗巡幸诗初探

    Application of the Tang and Song Jin and Yuan Dynasties Worm Disease Drugs Treatment of Paralysis Research Literature

  3. 尤其是前期与中期的巡幸活动,对中央集权的大一统王朝的巩固与发展产生了重要影响。

    The tours of inspection in the early and middle of the Western Han Dynasty , in particular , have great effect on the consolidation and development of the unified dynasty with centralism .

  4. 各朝皇帝出巡的目的不尽相同,且各具特点,但他们的巡幸活动却都是当时社会面貌的一个缩影,对西汉的社会政治产生了深刻影响。

    Although the emperor of different dynasty has different purpose of inspection with distinctive characteristic , their tours of inspection epitomizing the social visage have a profound influence on society and politics of the Western Han Dynasty .

  5. 在荷马史诗《伊利亚特》中,波塞冬只被描述成一个主宰海洋的神。他住在海中华美的宫殿里,或驾驭战车在海面上巡幸,或掀起地动山摇的巨浪。

    In the Iliad Poseidon appears only in his capacity of ruler of the sea , inhabiting a brilliant palace in its depths , traversing its surface in a chariot , or sirring the powerful billows till the earth shakes as they crash upon the shore .