
  • 网络Rate
  1. 银行贷款利率高得太离谱。

    The band loan rate is unbelievably high .

  2. 本文探讨了乡镇企业投资收益与银行贷款利率间的关系。

    This paper studies on the relationship between investment returns of rural enterpiseand rate of bank loans .

  3. 预计中国不会大幅上调银行贷款利率。

    In China , bank lending rates are not expected to rise sharply .

  4. 官方的银行贷款利率仅仅是调控信贷增长的工具之一。

    Official bank lending rates are only one tool used to manipulate credit growth .

  5. 银行贷款利率不得不提高。

    Bank lending rates have to rise .

  6. 应用期权方法构建商业银行贷款利率模型

    Application of the Option Method to The Loan Interest Rates Model of the Commercial Banks

  7. 中国债券市场的利率一般比银行贷款利率低两到三个百分点。

    Interest rates in China 's bond market are generally 2-3 percentage points lower than bank loans .

  8. 银行贷款利率浮动的差异性比较

    Thoughts on the Status Quo of Floating Interest Rates of Loans with Commercial Banks in Guangdong Province

  9. 但是,好像没有什么协调银行贷款利率和实际贷款业务的安排。

    Yet , there appears to be very little effort to coordinate bank lending rates with actual lending .

  10. 意大利北方企业支付的银行贷款利率仍然高于邻国奥地利的企业。

    Companies in northern Italy continue to suffer from higher interest rates on bank loans than their Austrian neighbours .

  11. 银行贷款利率,也是由政府控制在一个较低的水平,这样更方便企业贷款。

    Bank lending rates , regulated by government , are also kept low so that companies can borrow cheaply .

  12. 研究结果表明:一年期人民币银行贷款利率和回购利率是影响我国银行间同业拆放利率的主要因素。

    It is found that our interbank offer rate is mainly affected by one-year maturity RMB bank-loan rate and buyback rate .

  13. 抵押贷款利率日趋走高,英镑兑美元汇率上涨,银行贷款利率也提高了。

    Mortgage rates have drifted higher , sterling has risen against the US dollar and banks are charging companies more to borrow .

  14. 这个估计是基於7%左右的平均银行贷款利率,也考虑了约为4%的生产者物价指数。

    That is based on an average bank lending rate of around 7 percent , and includes producer price inflation of around 4 percent .

  15. 2013年中国央行取消银行贷款利率下限后,存款利率上限就成了仅剩的一个仍由政府指令设定的利率。

    The deposit-rate ceiling is the one remaining interest rate still set by government fiat , after the People 's Bank of China removed the floor on bank lending rates in 2013 .

  16. 在中国,由于央行人为将银行贷款利率设定在高水平,以确保国有银行领域的利润和稳定性,因此发行债券对所有公司都有吸引力。

    But bonds will appeal to all corporations in a country where bank lending rates are set artificially high by the central bank to ensure profits and stability in the state-owned banking sector .

  17. 计算结果显示,在同样的工作条件、电价结构及银行贷款利率情况下,水/溴化锂潜能蓄冷空调具有一些明显的优点。

    The results indicate that the PSACS using H2O / LiBr as working fluid has some remarkable advantages under the same working condition , the electric price structure and the loan interest rate .

  18. 其次,对中国上市公司资本结构现状和利率的现状进行了分析,分析表明目前上市公司的资本结构不尽合理,而受利率政策的影响,中国银行贷款利率也存在一定程度的扭曲。

    Through the analysis shows that the capital structure of the listed companies is not proper and the interest rate on loan in our country has also been distorted in some degree because of the influence of interest rate policy .

  19. 商业银行贷款利率在我国还没有放开,而商业银行资产负债比例管理模式已经开始推行,这在理论和实践上给商业银行的信贷方案设计带来了困难。

    In China , Asset / Liability Management ( ALM ) has been put into practice , however , loan interest rate is still controlled by the central bank , that leads to some difficulties for commercial banks in designing credit contracts .

  20. 融资成本居高不下,除却偏高的银行贷款利率、奇高的中间费用,畸高的民间借贷利率也是推升小微企业融资成本帮凶。

    Fourthly , the cost of financing is expensive , apart from the high rate of bank loans , the high cost of the middle , high private loan interest rate is also pushing up the small and micro businesses financing cost .

  21. 针对影响民间投资的众多因素,我们用偏最小二乘法进行了回归分析,结果显示,提高最终消费率、降低银行贷款利率等措施将对提高民间投资总额起到积极作用。

    This paper analyzes many factors that influence nongovernmental investments , using the method of Partial Least-Square Regression . The regression result shows that improving final consumption rate and decreasing loan rate of the banks might have positive influence on increasing the total amount of non-governmental investments .

  22. 该银行的贷款利率保持不变。

    The bank left its lending rates unchanged .

  23. 主要的银行间贷款利率&伦敦银行同业拆息(Libor)是很多企业和个人贷款的基准。

    Libor , the main interbank borrowing rate , forms the benchmark for many loans to companies and individuals .

  24. 瑞银(UBS)对一些最资深的交易员采取了停职措施,因一项针对可能存在的操纵银行间贷款利率行为的国际调查与他们相关。此事是金融危机爆发以来打击瑞银的最新争议。

    UBS has suspended some of its most senior traders in connection with an international probe into the possible manipulation of interbank borrowing rates , in the latest controversy to hit the bank since the financial crisis .

  25. 聚焦于借贷成本方面的影响,并假设不进行其它任何调整,MAG研究人员估计,资本金要求每提高一个百分点,银行的贷款利率就会上升约15个基点。

    Focusing on the implications for borrowing costs and assuming no other adjustments , MAG researchers estimated that banks ' lending rates would rise by about 15 basis points for each percentage point increase in capital .

  26. 亚洲银行间贷款利率也有所下降,其中3月期香港银行同业拆息(hibor)下滑15个基点,至3.39%,低于10月13日4.4%的峰值水平。

    The rate at which Asian banks lend to each other also fell , with the three-month Hong Kong interbank offered rate falling 15 basis points to 3.39 per cent , down from a peak of 4.4 per cent on October 13 .

  27. 银行的贷款利率为百分之五。

    That bank gives loans with an interest rate of5 % .

  28. 中央银行再贷款利率与同业拆借利率的非对称动态传导机制

    Unsymmetric Dynamic Transmitting System of Refinancing Rate and Inter Bank Operating Rate

  29. 降低银行存贷款利率。

    Lower bank interest rates for savings deposits and loans .

  30. 公积金贷款利率低于银行商业贷款利率。

    Interest rates on public housing fund loans are lower than bank loans .