
shì chǎnɡ pèi zhì
  • market distribution
  1. 这严重破坏了市场配置资本作为资源的效率。

    That undermines efficient capital allocation and allows excesses to fester .

  2. 内部资本市场配置效率的实证分析

    An Empirical Study on the Efficiency of Internal Capital Market

  3. 资源的市场配置是宏观经济问题

    Market disposition of resources & one of the macro-economic issues

  4. 积极发挥西部城市在要素市场配置中的综合功能。

    Finally , play the western cities ' synthetical role in allocating resources .

  5. 改变传统就业体制实现劳动力资源的市场配置;

    Changing the traditional employment system , realizing market deployment of human resources ;

  6. 我国资本市场配置效率考察

    Reviews on Collocation Efficiency of China 's Capital Market

  7. 风景名胜资源市场配置的制度创新

    On Institutional Innovation for Market Allocation of Scenic Resources

  8. 发挥市场配置资源中心的作用

    To play the role of a center of resource allocation through the market

  9. 市场配置资源代替资源配置市场;

    Market locating resources replaces resources locating market ;

  10. 水资源市场配置的经济研究

    Economic Research of Marketed Allocation of Water Resources

  11. 代建制是促进市场配置资源、抑制腐败的有效途径

    EPAM : the Way of Promoting the Allocation of Resources Under the Market and Prevent Corruption

  12. 因此,市场配置土地这种特殊资源也呈现出明显的配置上的非效率和分配上的非公平性。

    Thus it brings about non-efficiency allocation and non-equity distribution in land resources allocation by market .

  13. 试论教育资源的市场配置方式

    On Market Allocation of Education Resource

  14. 马克思的市场配置资源理论对我国外贸的现实意义

    Practical Significance of the Marx 's Market Allocation of Resources Theory to China 's Foreign Trade

  15. 管理层激励对内部资本市场配置效率的影响机制分析

    An Analysis of the Affecting Mechanism of Management Incentives over Allocation Efficiency of Internal Capital Markets

  16. 实行土地市场配置:深化农村改革的基点

    The Marketing Distribution of Land

  17. 水价是水资源市场配置中的核心因素。

    The price of water is the core factor on the market way of water resources allocation .

  18. 对其工作内容的阶段性与长期性、库区后期扶持工作的非市场配置行为的存在合理性等特性进行了深入分析。

    The characteristics that include phase and long-term and reasonable existence of the non-economic distributive means are analyzed .

  19. 经矿山整顿后矿权重新市场配置,可为财政增收3000万元。

    The rearrangement of mining market after rectifying mines results in increase in revenue of RMB $ 30000000 .

  20. 第二,坚持在政府调控下市场配置国土资源的原则。

    The second principle is to let the market allocate national land and resources with proper government regulation .

  21. 第五章水权的流转水权之流转是水资源市场配置的法律问题,是我国重大的现实问题。因此笔者专门留出一章的篇幅来分析此问题。

    Chapter Five presents the major realistic legal problem which appears in the market distribution of water resources in China .

  22. 之后,本论文研究了旅游资源资本化的关键环节&旅游资源市场配置机制。

    In the next , the dissertation studies the key of tourism resource capitalization & tourism resource market allocation mechanism .

  23. 具体地说,就是通过水权制度来实现水资源的市场配置,从而达到水资源可持续开发利用的终极目标。

    To be concrete , the distribution of water resource can realize the terminal aim of sustainable development of water resource .

  24. 应当把不确定性当作资源,通过适当的制度安排规范它的有效供给,以提高证券市场配置资本的效率。

    Uncertainty should be treated as resource , and its efficient supply should be regulated under the appropriate arrangement of institutions .

  25. 在整个转型期间,将是劳动力计划配置与市场配置并存的二元配置结构。

    During the period of transition , it will be a dual-structure of planned configuration and market configuration of labor force .

  26. 教育的商品性,体现于它的产品社会分配和交换,是否通过市场配置进行。

    The commodity attribute of education is embodied in whether the social distribution and exchange undergo in market activities or not .

  27. 供地政策对土地市场配置效率影响的经济学分析&理论研究与实践检验

    An Economic Analysis on the Effects of Land Supply Policy on Land Market Allocation Efficiency & Theory Analysis and Practical Verification

  28. 企业家的选择问题实际上是企业家的配置问题,企业家人力资本市场配置信号包括:个人学历、经历和业绩,个人资本,社会资本等三个方面。

    The choice of entrepreneur actually is a collocating problem . Signals include degree , experience and personal capital and society capital .

  29. 对自然资源物权的配置通常有两种方式,一种是行政配置,一种是市场配置。

    There are two way to allocate the natural resources , one is to allocate by administration , other is by the market .

  30. 通过对影响和制约内部资本市场配置功能的因素追根溯源,发现很多因素都与公司治理有关。

    Tracing Origins of the factors which affect and restrict the efficiency of ICM , scholars find many factors are related to corporate governance .