
  • 网络market access;Principle of Market Access
  1. 市场准入原则是GATS中一个关键性条件,也是成员方履行WTO所规范的实现世界贸易自由化的首要义务。

    Principle of market access is the essential terms of GATS , which are also the key measures regulated by WTO for world trade freedom .

  2. 市场准入原则与国民待遇原则是GATS的具体原则,通过谈判使服务业市场逐步开放,促进服务贸易自由化。

    Market access principle and national treatment principle are specific principles in GATS . Market in service should be opened step by step through the negotiations between the member states in WTO .

  3. 尽量缩小行政许可范围,以适应WTO市场准入原则要求;

    Minimizing scope of administrative license so as to accord with WTO 's principle of admittance of entering market ;

  4. 我国加入WTO后,根据市场准入原则和国民待遇原则,将会有更多的跨国公司进入我国开办外商投资企业。

    After China 's Accession to the WTO , based on the Principles of Market Entering and National Treatment , there will be more and more Multinational Companies coming into China to operate foreign enterprises and making money .

  5. 文章针对我国现行的工程造价管理现状,结合WTO的市场准入原则和国际经济合作活动规则,提出一些急需解决的问题的措施和对策。

    Aiming for the actuality of construction cost management in china , the article connecting the entrance principle of market at WTO and the activity rule of the international economic cooperation raises some measure and countermeasure of exigent settled problems .

  6. 本文首先探讨了WTO在国际贸易运行中的五项基本原则,即最惠国待遇原则、国民待遇原则、透明度原则、市场准入原则和例外原则。

    The paper first talks about the five basic principles , the principle of most favored nation treatment , the principle of national treatment , transparent principle , market admittance principle and the principle of exception , which work in the international businesses .

  7. 论市场准入原则对我国法律服务业的影响及其对策

    The Influence of Market Access on Chinese Legal Service Industry and Appropriate Measures

  8. 具体义务包括:市场准入原则和国民待遇原则。

    In detail , it includes the market admittance principal and the population treatment principal .

  9. 我国入世后,必须按市场准入原则向世贸组织成员国逐步开放国内市场,这意味着国内市场和国际市场的融合。

    With the WTO principles , China has to open the market in all respects one by one , this implies the amalgamation of domestic market and overseas market .

  10. 本文的重点在于,如何取得中国金融现状与其相应法律法规价值取向的统一,如何促进金融服务市场准入原则功能在消费者保护、金融机构公平竞争、金融有效监管等三方面更好的发挥。

    The core of this thesis is on how to make market access in financial services to function better in China , with achieving the integration of regulations on finance .

  11. 根据世界贸易组织对金融服务贸易的规定,在银行业完全开放之后,中国必须遵守金融服务贸易的基本原则,即最惠国待遇原则、透明度原则和市场准入原则。

    According to the rules of WTO for financial service trade , China has to obey the basic principles that the financial service trades , namely most-favored nation treatment principle , transparency principle and market access principle , after totally opening up to foreign countries .

  12. 数字图书馆产业市场准入的原则、条件、程序和范围

    Principle , Term , Process and Scope of the Market Access of Digital Library Industry

  13. 法律服务业属于专业服务,中国加入WTO后,应采取谈判方式逐步开放法律服务市场,因此研究法律服务业如何贯彻市场准入原则,以及市场准入的现状、限度和范围,具有重要的现实意义。

    For the legal service is exclusive , we should open the market progressively by way of negotiations after China 's entering the WTO . It is of significance in practice to research problems about the market access , including the present conditions , limitation and scope .

  14. 文章对数字图书馆产业市场准入中的四个重要问题,即市场准入的原则、条件、程序和范围进行系统、深入的探讨。

    This paper discusses four major issues concerning the market access of Digital Library industry such as the principle , term , process and scope .