
bàn zhì chéng pǐn
  • crude product;semimanufacture;semimanufactured commodity;partly-finished goods
半制成品[bàn zhì chéng pǐn]
  1. 铁及非合金钢的半制成品。

    Semi-finished products of iron or non-alloy steel .

  2. 他们多半是入口的半制成品。

    They mostly import semi-finished goods .

  3. 原材料的进口税率一般低于半制成品或制成品的税率。

    Import duty rates on raw materials were generally lower than those on semi-manufactured or manufactured products .

  4. 存货增加可能会随著企业开始提高产量和进口更多的原材料或半制成品符合改善贸易条件。

    Inventories are likely to start increasing as businesses ramp up production and import more raw materials or semi-finished goods in line with improving trading conditions .

  5. 普惠制是发达国家给予发展中国家出口制成品和半制成品普遍的、非歧视的、非互惠的一种关税优惠制度。

    Pu Hui is made is the developed country gives a developing country outlet finished products and half finished products is general , be not discrimination , blame mutual beneficial system of privilege of a kind of custom duty .

  6. 我国在全球垂直专业化分工中的地位是进口半制成品并加工装配成消费品,然后出口,其主要形式是加工贸易。

    China 's trade status in vertical specialization is : importing intermediate goods , then processing or assembling , and at last exporting consuming goods . China 's main way to engage in vertical specialization is its processing and assembly trade .

  7. 为了研究在不同温湿度条件下棉纺各工序对棉纤维的可加工性,对棉纺生产中各工序的半制品与制成品的合理化回潮率与温湿度间的相互关系进行了测试分析。

    To research the workability of cotton fibers in each process of cotton spinning in different moisture temperature , the relation between rationalization moisture regain and workshop moisture temperature of semi-finished goods and products in each process was tested .

  8. 发达国家常在两个方面实施全球化:在第三世界国家谋求更大的成本优势,以及在其他国家寻找新的合作伙伴生产零配件、半成品甚至制成品。

    Developed countries often deal with globalization in two ways : to be more cost competitive with third world countries , and to look for new partners in other countries to manufacture components , subassemblies and even the final products .