
  • 网络Countries in transition;transitional countries;Transition country
  1. 转型国家私有化模式比较

    A Comparison of Privatization Models in Transitional Countries

  2. 如何理解转型国家的制度变迁&对相关研究的一个总体评价

    How to Understand the Institutional Changes in Transitional Countries & A Review of Related Research

  3. 此外,FDI的引入更是对欧盟新成员国,特别是那些转型国家在市场经济体制建立、现代法律制度的建立、以及加快私有化改革中起到了重要作用。

    Besides , the introduction of large flows of FDI helps these countries , especially transitional economies , with building up a market economy , modern legal system and privatization .

  4. 得出,转型国家是按阶段性发展;转型国家信任与人均GDP、GDP增长率和外资引进都存在一定的相关性,信任是解释经济增长的重要变量。

    Then , concludes that countries in transition are staged development ; there is a certain correlation in trust , per capita GDP , GDP growth and foreign investment in transition countries . Trust is an important variable to explain economic growth .

  5. 由此认为,这3个经济转型国家只有培养出卓越的人力资本,增加吸收能力,提高科学技术的创新能力,才能充分利用FDI的外部性和溢出效应,促进经济的可持续发展。

    At last , only through good cultivation of humen capitals , a rapid increase of absorptiveness and improvement of technical innovation , the three countries with transitional economy can enjoy FDI externalities and spillovers of FDL to promote their sustainable development .

  6. 在一般含义上,MBO是通过改变产权结构,提高绩效的产权交易手段和资本运作方式进行的,转型国家MBO具有效率提高和财富转移的双重特征。

    Commonly , MBO is property right dealing measure by changing property right structure to improving performance , as well as capital wielding measure . MBO takes on characters both improving performance and transferring wealth in changing type countries .

  7. 它曾给许多转型国家带来了挫折与混乱。

    It brings a great deal of countries chaos and setback .

  8. 转型国家激进式改革理论再思考

    Re-discussion on the Theory of Radical Reform of Transforming Nations

  9. 转型国家社会性规制问题研究

    Research on the Problem of Social Regulation in Transitional Country

  10. 各转型国家选择了不同的转型方式,结果也各不相同。

    The patterns of transition are various and the results are different .

  11. 东欧部分经济转型国家医疗费用支付方式的改革与发展趋势

    The trends and development of hospital payment system reform in transition countries

  12. 转型国家与美国的战略联合国与非殖民化

    The United Nations Transforming Nations and the U.S. Strategy

  13. 转型国家养老金制度改革的性别视角分析

    Pension Reform in Transition Countries : the Gender Perspective

  14. 作为中亚转型国家参考模式的发展型政权

    The Developmental State as a Reference Model For Transition Economies in Central Asia

  15. 俄罗斯经济转轨战略调整及对转型国家的启迪

    Strategic Adjustment of Russian Economy Diversion and Its Enlightenment for Countries in Transformation

  16. 转型国家教育公平研究&问题、根源和措施

    Review of Equity of Post-transition Countries & Problem , Root Cause and Policy

  17. 转型国家和地区的腐败与反腐败现象研究

    Corruption and Anti-corruption in Countries and Regions in Transition

  18. 转型国家市场化进程与结构转型

    Marketization and Structure Transition in Transitional Countries

  19. 有关社会主义转型国家城市社会空间的研究述评

    Summaries and Analysis on the studies about urban social space in the socialist transitional countries

  20. 经济转型国家汇改的剖析与借鉴

    Analysis on Exchange Rate Reform in the Economy Transformation Nations and Their Implication for China

  21. 贸易开放、贸易增长与贸易平衡&对转型国家贸易发展的实证研究

    Openness , Growth and Balance : An Empirical Study on Trade Development in Transition Economies

  22. 经济转型国家与资本外逃

    Economic Transition Countries and Capital Flight

  23. 转型国家仍需权威主义政治

    The Transitional-Nations Still Need Authoritarianism Polity

  24. 转型国家的政治发展:中国与中东欧国家的对比分析

    Political Development of Transitional Countries : A Comparative Analysis of China and Central East European Countries

  25. 国际直接投资和经济增长的关联度&基于三个经济转型国家的比较研究

    Correlation degree between FDI and economic growth & Based on comparison of three economic transitional countries

  26. 转型国家与美国的战略

    Transforming Nations and the U.S. Strategy

  27. 论转型国家金融自由化的不稳定因素&以俄罗斯为例

    On the Unstable Factors of Financial Liberalization in Transitional Countries & A Case Study of Russia

  28. 目前,国际药品采购机制由27个国家以及盖茨基金会提供支持,其中19个为发展中国家或转型国家。

    Currently , UNITAID is supported by27 countries-19 of which are developing or transition countries-and the Gates Foundation .

  29. 文章在介绍转型国家教育公平问题的基础上,从较深层次论述了教育公平问题的表现特征和多重根源。

    This paper first introduces the education equity of Post-transition countries , and analyzes its characteristics and reasons .

  30. 转型国家在经过十多年的发展之后,各国的经济绩效出现了大的分野。

    There are great divide in economic performance among transition country after ten years of reform and development .