- The principle of non discrimination;rule of nondiscrimination

Unilateral labor law is violating the basic principles of WTO .
An Analysis on the Nondiscrimination Principle of Government Procurement Agreement in WTO
Non-discrimination Principle under WTO Multilateral Framework on Investment
The first principle of WTO non-discrimination principle is commonly realized through most-favoured-nation treatment and national treatment .
WTO is a global economic trade organization , one of whose basical principles is non-discrimination , i. e. , national treatment .
As the key principle of WTO , the non-discrimination principle is also broadly applied in GATS .
The third part explores the implications of GPA non-discrimination exceptions for China .
As an important expression of Non-discrimination principle in the system of WTO , Principle of national treatment is of great importance and its position is obviously .
WTO rules are comprised by Non-Discrimination principle , Transparency principle , Free Trade principle , Fair Competition principle and the Balance of Right and Obligation principle .
The second chapter studies the WTO government procurement system , including its historical evolution and its core principles , especially the various exemptions from the application of nondiscriminatory principle .
Moreover , even with the non-discrimination , there are a number of stipulations which can be used as exceptions .
Government Purchase Agreement differs from the other all-related agreements of WTO in that it arranges additional negotiation chance for the parties and provides special indiscrimination principles .
But the green rampart of countries is given enough consideration to developing countries , which is inconsistent with non-discrimination principle , unity principle and transparency principle , and has implicit discrimination for the exporters .
According to the principles of non-discrimination , market opening and fair-competition , China should , through perfecting her legal system , establish and maintain a desirable market environment for both domestic and foreign subjects to conduct fair competition .
Basic principles of WTO system are as follows : non-discrimination , reduction of tariff , abolition of quotas , promotion of fair competition , making allowances for the developing countries , transparency , permission of exception and exercise of securing measures .
In terms of GPA , it provides space for many exceptions while it stipulates the principle of non-discrimination provisions , such as public interest and the special treatment provisions of developing countries .
Although GPA non-discrimination principle requires competition of international trade liberalization and forbids the discrimination of foreign products and suppliers , however , excessive pursuit of trade liberalization will lead to unfair in essence .
The second part analysis concretely the escape clause of GPA non-discrimination principle and makes a careful and comprehensive sorting out study about various exceptions , seeking the basis of international law for China to join GPA to implement the secondary policies .
The first part explains primarily the conception of GPA non-discrimination principles and its exceptions , analyzing the effect of government procurement trade barriers and the motives of protecting domestic industries , exploring the exceptional applicable value of non-discrimination and the possibility of implementing secondary policy .
According to the SPS Agreement , the principles of transparency , non-discrimination , regionalization , equivalence and nationality should be obeyed by WTO members during the application of a SPS measure , and should not be adopted in a mean which constitute a disguised restriction on international trade .
The Principle of Indiscrimination of Government Purchase Agreement and Its Exceptional Applications
Application of Non-Discrimination Rules to Environment-Related Trade Disputes
They infringe the principle of non-discrimination .
An independent Scotland would have been forced to take UK students free of charge on grounds of non-discrimination .
There shall be multilateral negotiations on the question of emergency safeguard measures based on the principle of non-discrimination .
The green trade barrier of China should be established on the basis of the principles of non-discrimination and proportion .
Especially the principles of " Full Faith and Credit " and " Interstate Discriminate Clause ", are of significance in this regard .
But implementing this kind of measures may constraint on free development of international trade and conflict with non-discrimination principle of multilateral trade rules .
Studies on the Legal Issues Relating to the Application of the Principle of Non-discrimination and the Definition of " Like Product " under the Multilateral Trading System
On the one hand , National Treatment and Non-discrimination is one of the basic principles of international trade system . On the other hand , states have the authority to take measures when something would threaten their public morality .