
  1. 请以银行间汇款来付账。银行提供自动转账业务

    Please make payment by bank transfer . The Bank offers swing service

  2. 我们希望至少筹集250000美元以满足关于我们的转账业务的开支。

    We expect to incur a minimum of $ 250000 in expenses in order to effectuate our plans regarding our money transfer business .

  3. 任务是写一个客户端程序,实现同一位客户在不同银行账户间的转账业务。

    The task is to write a client application that can transfer some amount from one bank account to another account of the same customer in a different bank .

  4. 通过与银行连网实现了自动转账业务,从而提供了自助挂号、预约挂号、自助收费等功能。

    Through automatic account transfer service was cooperated with bank net , hospital should provide functions such as self-service registration , carried appointment registration , self-service charge , and so on .

  5. 实际上两个账户都有可以供您在自动取款机上使用的卡。这样您就不用到银行柜台来办理转账业务了。

    Actually , both accounts come with cards that you can use in ATM machines , so that you won 't have to come in to the bank to make a transaction .

  6. 协定存款账户的A户视同一般结算账户治理使用,可用于现金转账业务支出。

    Account of agreement savings , or a type A , should be managed and used as a general settlement account , and it may be applied to the withdrawal of a cash transfer service .

  7. 从7月份起,世界上任何一家公司都可以在香港自由开设人民币银行账户,同时,香港各企业之间也可以从事人民币转账业务,并创建以人民币计价的新投资产品。

    Since July , any company in the world has been free to open a Renminbi bank account in Hong Kong while groups in the city are now able to transfer funds among themselves and create new renminbi-denominated investment products .

  8. 它还为您这样的资深股民提供了“银证转账”业务和“银券通”业务等证券服务。

    It also provides you , superior shareholder , such securities services as " Bank Securities Transfer " and " Bank Securities Link " .

  9. “汇款直通车”是指收款人和汇款人均在工行开户,进行工行内账户间转账汇款的业务。

    A service for making transfer between receiver and remitter who both have accounts opened in ICBC .

  10. 做好实施自动转账前的准备工作、正确修改错误凭证、严格转账业务顺序、正确选择计算公式、有针对性地查找错误是自动转账过程中常见问题的解决方法。

    The solutions of these common problems in automatic transfer process include making sufficient preparation work before automatic transfer , modifying wrong voucher correctly , regulating strictly the order of business order , choosing calculating formula correctly and finding out mistakes with a clear aim .