- enlending

What is needed is a much expanded version of the general agreement to borrow , through which countries provide credit to the IMF for on-lending .
Refinance receive up to $ 1000 rebate for each property .
On Some Problems of Determining the Crime of Relending at High Interest Rate
An Analysis of Macro-Localization and Micro-Management of the Treasury Bond Fund Using in Way of Lending
The reloaning projects shall be administered as the projects of category I of foreign government loans .
For re-lending businesses , the turnover shall be the balance of interest on lending less the interest on borrowing .
As to projects in involving investment subsidy , loan transfer and low-interest loans , only the fund application report is subject to examination .
This paper presents the writers'view on the risk in the process of the atypical transferring loan and the ways to keep away from that .
Loan refers to the business of lending money to others for use , including loans lent with funds at one 's own disposal and enlending .
Meanwhile , big corporates are awash in liquidity : some are simply putting loans on deposit , or lending on to lesser credits denied bank finance .
But if capital remains scarce for toolong , and big companies struggle to refinance their foreign debt , investors ' gut reaction could become a self-fulfilling prophecy .
President Bush urged Congress to act on a proposal that would redirect $ 25 billion in loans to help the automakers , but only to those that can survive .
The Innovation of the Government Credit : An analysis in the Central Government Lending Policy of Treasury Bond Fund ; How does Commercial Banks Transfer Loans Asset to Social Investors
After a reloan agreement is signed , it is not necessary for the debtor to go to the local SAFE branch or sub-branch to handle the registration formalities for a foreign debt reloan .
When dealing with the co-petition of crime of cheating loan and crime of transferring loan at high interest transferring loan at high interest , it mainly depends on the subjective aspect of the doer .
Such as through the formation of the companies financing , the use of government guarantees for enterprise loans , to the international financial institutions for loans and bonds for on-lending to the central government credit .
Based on the current trends and existing problems , the paper also puts forward some policy suggestions , for example , widen the capital collection channel , keep proper loan scale , adjust financial funds , establish sound loan security system , etc.
As far as structure is concerned , explicit debt of county is mainly direct explicit-debt , which includes four parts such as , special loan for solving local financial risk , other loan of domestic financial institutions , loan from unit , conversion capital from national debt .