
zhuǎn dài
  • enlending
转贷[zhuǎn dài]
  1. 目前需要的是大幅扩张的借贷总协定,各国通过该协定向imf提供信贷,以进行转贷。

    What is needed is a much expanded version of the general agreement to borrow , through which countries provide credit to the IMF for on-lending .

  2. 转贷每套房产可获得最多$1000澳元补贴。

    Refinance receive up to $ 1000 rebate for each property .

  3. 高利转贷罪认定中的几个问题

    On Some Problems of Determining the Crime of Relending at High Interest Rate

  4. 国债转贷资金的宏观定位与微观管理

    An Analysis of Macro-Localization and Micro-Management of the Treasury Bond Fund Using in Way of Lending

  5. 再转贷项目作为外国政府贷款一类项目进行管理。

    The reloaning projects shall be administered as the projects of category I of foreign government loans .

  6. 转贷业务,以贷款利息减去借款利息后的余额为营业额。

    For re-lending businesses , the turnover shall be the balance of interest on lending less the interest on borrowing .

  7. 采用投资补助、转贷和贷款贴息方式的,只审批资金申请报告。

    As to projects in involving investment subsidy , loan transfer and low-interest loans , only the fund application report is subject to examination .

  8. 本文围绕存量贷款非正常转贷过程中存在的风险和防范措施提出了一些观点和看法。

    This paper presents the writers'view on the risk in the process of the atypical transferring loan and the ways to keep away from that .

  9. 贷款,是指将资金贷与他人使用的业务,包括自有资金贷款和转贷。

    Loan refers to the business of lending money to others for use , including loans lent with funds at one 's own disposal and enlending .

  10. 与此同时,大公司流动性泛滥:一些公司干脆把贷款放入储蓄账户,或者转贷给那些得不到银行信贷的企业。

    Meanwhile , big corporates are awash in liquidity : some are simply putting loans on deposit , or lending on to lesser credits denied bank finance .

  11. 但是如果资本长期处于短缺状态,大型公司挣扎着转贷其外债,投资人的大胆举动可能会变成自圆其说了。

    But if capital remains scarce for toolong , and big companies struggle to refinance their foreign debt , investors ' gut reaction could become a self-fulfilling prophecy .

  12. 布什总统敦促国会采取行动,把一笔250亿美元的救市款转贷给汽车制造商,不过,这笔贷款只能发给那些有能力生存下去的厂商。

    President Bush urged Congress to act on a proposal that would redirect $ 25 billion in loans to help the automakers , but only to those that can survive .

  13. 政府信用创新&基于国债转贷政策的分析商业银行向社会投资者转让贷款债权问题初探

    The Innovation of the Government Credit : An analysis in the Central Government Lending Policy of Treasury Bond Fund ; How does Commercial Banks Transfer Loans Asset to Social Investors

  14. 转贷协议签订后,转贷款债务人无需到当地外汇局办理外债转贷款登记手续。

    After a reloan agreement is signed , it is not necessary for the debtor to go to the local SAFE branch or sub-branch to handle the registration formalities for a foreign debt reloan .

  15. 处理骗取贷款罪与高利转贷罪的竞合时,主要是看行为人的主观目的。

    When dealing with the co-petition of crime of cheating loan and crime of transferring loan at high interest transferring loan at high interest , it mainly depends on the subjective aspect of the doer .

  16. 如通过组建政府性公司进行融资、利用政府担保为企业贷款、向国际金融机构争取贷款、向中央争取国债转贷、利用地方政府信用融资等。

    Such as through the formation of the companies financing , the use of government guarantees for enterprise loans , to the international financial institutions for loans and bonds for on-lending to the central government credit .

  17. 结合河北省目前利用外资面临的形势和存在的问题,提出拓宽融资渠道、保持适当贷款规模、整合财政资金、建立健全转贷与还款保障机制等政策建议。

    Based on the current trends and existing problems , the paper also puts forward some policy suggestions , for example , widen the capital collection channel , keep proper loan scale , adjust financial funds , establish sound loan security system , etc.

  18. 就结构而言,区县政府显性负债主要是直接显性负债;直接显性负债中又主要是由解决地方金融风险专项借款、国内金融组织其他借款、向单位借款、国债转贷资金四部分。

    As far as structure is concerned , explicit debt of county is mainly direct explicit-debt , which includes four parts such as , special loan for solving local financial risk , other loan of domestic financial institutions , loan from unit , conversion capital from national debt .