
  • 网络right of set-off;the right to set-off;setoff
  1. 文章还对第三债务人主张抵销权的方式及相关问题进行了论述。

    This chapter also discusses the way the third debtor claims for right of set-off and other relevant questions .

  2. 同时,第三债务人在符合条件时,亦可针对出质债权主张抵销权,不过为寻求利益平衡,对第三债务人的抵销权应作适当限制。

    At the same time , in accordance with the conditions , the third debtor may claim for right of set-off in respect to the pledged obligatory right , which , of course , should be put into proper limitation for the sake of interest balance .

  3. 论银行抵销权电子合同刍议

    The right of set - off in bank Discussions on electronic contract

  4. 我国承认破产抵销权。

    Our country admits such kind of right .

  5. 破产抵销权新论

    New Argumentation over Setoff Right in Bankruptcy Law

  6. 论银行抵销权

    The right of set - off in bank

  7. 对破产抵销权的审视与反思

    Contemplation on the offset right in bankruptcy

  8. 同时,该部分对债务人之抗辩权和抵销权也作了介绍。

    This part also introduces the debtor 's right of defense and right of offset .

  9. 第二部分笔者概述了外国银行法定抵销权的立法例以及笔者的评价。

    The second part discusses and evaluates the legal right of foreign banks offset legislation .

  10. 论法定抵销权的行使:对《合同法》第九十九条的思考

    The Exercise of the Right of Legal Set-off : Study on Article 99 of Contract Law

  11. 破产抵销权起始于抵销权,与清偿、混同、提存等都是债消灭的方式。

    The right is the way of elimination of right together with pay-off , confusion and drawings .

  12. 法定抵销权是指依单方意思表示即可发生抵销效果的权利,其性质为形成权。

    Legal offset right is one right that one party making a mean express leads to offset .

  13. 法定抵销权制度,是民商法领域重要的制度之一。

    The system of legal offset right is one of important systems in civil and commercial law .

  14. 破产抵销权对维护破产债权人的利益,具有重要的意义,体现了公平的价值。

    The insolvency set-off rights are of great significance to maintaining the benefit of creditors , implying the fairness value .

  15. 但需注意的是:附有抗辩权的债权并不影响法定抵销权的成立。

    Attentions should be attached to that : the claim with right of defense does not affect the foundation of legal offset right .

  16. 只有完善的制度及有效的程序设计,才能保障抵销权发挥其实践意义,助力经济发展和社会发展。

    Only by improving the system can we guarantee the right of off-set to play its practical significance and help the development of society and economy .

  17. 我国新《破产法》确立了抵销权制度,并在此基础上对破产抵销权加以限制,这对实现债权债务的公平清偿具有重要的意义。

    Our new bankruptcy law established offset system with restrictions , the bankruptcy offset right has vital significance in the realization of paying off debt in fairness .

  18. 抵销权制度虽在民法体系中占很小一块领域,在博大精深的民法理论甚至合同理论中显得并不突出。

    It is not outstanding in the extensive and profound civil law theory and even in contract theory , which is only a small part in civil law system .

  19. 本章笔者借助前面章节的研究,试图有效借鉴发达国家的抵销权制度设计,对我国抵销权制度的完善提出建议。

    Based on the above three chapters , the author tries to take examples from developed countries ' to off-set right system design then to perfect the system in our country .

  20. 首先在分析完善银行抵销权制度的必要性的基础上进一步探讨要以银行与客户间的利益平衡为原则完善我国银行抵销权制度。

    Firstly , It is necessary to perfect bank of set-off system , and we should take advantage of the principle of balance of interests to improve the bank of set-off system .

  21. 一方面是立法层面上银行抵销权制度的缺失,另一方面是实践中银行抵销权的滥用。

    On the one hand , The system of bank of set-off is absent in the legislative level , on the other hand , Banks abuse the right of set-off in practice .

  22. 正是基于该原则的考虑必须设立完善的银行抵销权制度,同时也是基于该原则的考虑必须对银行抵销权的行使加以限制。

    Taking into account the principle , we should build the bank of set-off system . Also basing on the principle , we should limit the exercise of the bank of set-off system .

  23. 鉴于此,本文对抵销权制度做如下分析与探讨:第一章抵销权制度概述。

    In view of this , this article made the following analysis and discussion in respect of the off-set rights ' system : The first chapter is the general overview of the off-set rule .

  24. 未偿清的股东贷款必须支付给买方。股东的贷款不带任何抵销权、反索赔权、附属权、债务权或其他任何性质的约束。

    The Shareholder 's Loan remains due and outstanding to the Vendor , free from and clear of any right of off-setting , counter-claims , subordination , encumbrance or other restriction of whatever nature .

  25. 但是对破产抵销权存在的价值、法律地位和性质有诸多讨论。

    However , based on different reasons and values , there are lots of discussions and doubts about the necessity of the right of offset in bankruptcy law , its legal status and legal quality .

  26. 具体制度设计是:首先构建我国的银行法定抵销权制度要遵循一个原则,平衡银行、客户与第三人的利益原则。

    Concrete system design is : first to build a principle for our bank legal offset right system to follow which is keep balance of the bank , customer and interests of a third person .

  27. 这些限制性规范的总体性目标是为了防止破产抵销权被当事人滥用、抵销制度的不适当运用,规避对公平原则的侵犯和损害他人的合法利益。

    These limited regulations ' total target is avoiding that parties abuse the right of bankruptcy offset and inappropriate appliance of offset system , preventing damage to principle of equity and parties ' legal interest .

  28. 但破产法上的抵销权又与民法上的抵销权有所不同,破产法上的抵销权涉及到众多债权人的利益,因此其存在的依据与行使的条件都值得特别的探讨。

    But set-off in bankruptcy law is different from that in civil law because it involves the interests of many debtors . So it is essential to specially discuss its bases and conditions of implement .

  29. 本文将破产抵销权的行使限制条件提炼为五个方面,分别是来自法律规定、出资义务、特别约定、债权强制效力和诚实信用原则的限制或禁止。

    In this thesis I generalize limited conditions of exercise of right of bankruptcy into five aspects , respectively means legal regulation , funding obligations , particular convention , mandatory effect of claims and principle of honest .

  30. 若主动债权上附有抗辩权,债务人在行使法定抵销权后,对方当事人行使抗辩权的,仅会阻碍法定抵销权行使效力的发生。

    If there is initiative claim with the right defense , after one party exercising legal offset right , the other party exercising the right of defense only can hinder the exercise effectiveness of legal offset right .