
lián dài zhài wù
  • joint and several obligation
  1. 本文第一部分为连带债务制度的历史沿革。

    The first part describes historical evolution of joint and several obligation .

  2. 首先对连带债务的历史发展进行了梗概式的回顾:连带债务最初法起源于罗马法,罗马法把连带债务分为单纯连带与共同连带。

    First , Retrospect the historical development of joint and several obligation : Joint and several obligation come of Roman law .

  3. 不真正连带债务的诉讼法研究

    Research on the Procedural Law of Non-essential Joint and Several Liability

  4. 对不真正连带债务的效力进行了分析。

    The effectiveness of the no real joint debt are analyzed .

  5. 不真正连带债务制度具有保护债权人和保护债务人利益的功能,用以平衡二者利益。

    It protects both creditor and debtor and balances their benefits .

  6. 一起保险纠纷引发的思考&论不真正连带债务

    A Thought To An Insurance Issue & On Untrue Joint Debt

  7. 本文研究连带债务诉讼三个问题。

    This paper researches three questions of joint and several liabilities action .

  8. 作者从不真正连带债务角度出发,对保险代位权的行使条件做了分析。

    The author analyzed it from the nonstandard joint and several obligation .

  9. 第二部分为从连带债务到连带责任。

    The second part deals with the joint obligation and the joint responsibility .

  10. 连带债务理论研究

    Research on the Theory of Joint and Several Liability

  11. 不真正连带债务满足一定的条件即可成立;

    The unreal joint obligation exists under certain conditions ;

  12. 第一章是对连带债务的意义与地位的分析。

    The first chapter elaborates the status and meaning of joint and several debts .

  13. 连带债务的外部效力包括债权人的权利及债务人所生事项的效力。

    It includes the rights of the creditor .

  14. 因此,笔者认为,对民事连带债务制度进行深入系统的研究十分必要。

    I myself think it is necessary to study Joint and several debt system .

  15. 重要的是,它将是一种规模可信的连带债务。

    What matters is that it will be a joint-and-several liability of credible size .

  16. 但是应当看到,我国民法关于连带债务的理论研究还不够系统、成熟。

    Yet it is noted that the theory of it has to be improved .

  17. 它不同于连带债务,也有别于一般所言的请求权竞合。

    It is different from joint and several liability , and concurrence of claims .

  18. 连带债务研究

    Study on Joint and Several Liability

  19. 连带债务多由法律规定。

    It is stipulated by law .

  20. 论连带债务

    On Joint and Several Debt

  21. 侵害债权人与债务人在法律上构成不真正连带债务关系。

    Creditors and debtors form a kind of relation lawfully called " no real joint debt " .

  22. 不真正连带债务债务人之间也存在求偿权,但非基于内部分担关系,其依据是赔偿代位。

    The loaners have rights to ask payment , but it is not based on the inner efficacy .

  23. 不真正连带债务的对内效力中,存在求偿权的可能。

    As far as the interior effect of Unreal Joint Obligation is concerned , possibility of claims exists .

  24. 两者承担不真正连带债务,必要时,其中一方承担补充责任。

    The both sides bear non genuine joint liability , when necessary , one side of them bears supplementary liability .

  25. 尽管有关连带债务或连带责任的规定数目繁多,但关于连带债务的概念性规定(立法定义)并不明确。

    Although the provisions are many , the concept ( legal definition ) of joint and several obligation is still ambiguous .

  26. 正是基于这一点,本文将连带债务作为研究的对象,主要探讨了三大问题,即连带债务的界定、连带债务的外部效力、连带债务的内部效力。

    In view of this , this thesis discusses three issues , namely , the definition , outward effect and inside effect .

  27. 连带债务对债务人要求严厉,因此,要严格界定其概念和构成要件。

    Joint and several obligation is a severe regulation to debtor , so it is important to regulate the conception and structure .

  28. 后者是连带债务成立的主要方式,属于强制性规定,因此其产生基础及适用范围是连带债务的难点问题。

    Legal joint and several obligation belongs to forcible regulation , so the base of its happen and the area applied are the difficulties .

  29. 在现实生活与司法实践中不真正连带债务存在多种形态,并且对债权人、债务人产生对内和对外的法律效力。

    In real life and judicial practice , it manifests manifold and has both interior and exterior legal effect for debtors as well as creditors .

  30. 连带债务制度将数个债务人的财产总和作为保障债权实现的责任财产,最大限度地保护了债权人的利益,促进了交易安全。

    The main purpose of the joint and several obligation is to protect the interests of the creditor and to secure the safety of the transaction .