
  • 网络Refusal to fulfill;repudiation;to repudiate;Anticipatory Breach
  1. 其次,本文介绍了大陆法系相关国家针对合同履行期届至前拒绝履行和履行不能情形的规制方法,即拒绝履行制度和抗辩权制度,并分别将其与期前违约制度进行了比较。

    In the next place , this paper introduced the method about repudiation prior to the time for performance and inability to perform sometime introduced the system of repudiation and the system of right of defense in the civil law , and compared with the system about the anticipatory breach .

  2. 正是由于担心土耳其有望达到要求,萨科齐和其他领导人才拒绝履行最初的协议。

    It is the fear that Turkey is within sight of doing what has been asked of it that has led Mr Sarkozy and others to repudiate the original bargain .

  3. 危险在于抗命不遵的地方当局将拒绝履行他们的职责。

    The danger is that recalcitrant local authorities will reject their responsibilities

  4. 在买方完全履行其合同义务前,WIRTGENCHINA可以拒绝履行其保修承诺义务。

    WIRTGEN CHINA may refuse to honour its warranty obligations as long as the Buyer has not fulfilled its contractual obligations .

  5. 为了防止重蹈覆辙,MTS市场限制交易,许多银行由于担心再一次集体买单,拒绝履行做市承诺。

    To prevent a repetition MTS restricted trading and many banks refused to honour their commitment to make a market for fear of another mass order .

  6. Ching表示,对那些拒绝履行合同的人,正常做法是请求法庭扣押他们的船舶,即在这些船舶靠港期间将它们置于当地法庭的控制之下。

    Mr Ching said normal practice was for those who refused to honour contracts to have their vessels arrested – put under the control of a local court during a port call .

  7. 矿物出口商抱怨中国买家拒绝履行合同。

    Mineral exporters have complained that Chinese buyers have defaulted on contracts .

  8. 第二,行政主体不履行职权,迟延履行或拒绝履行作为义务。

    Administrative subject neglects , delays or refuses to perform the duty .

  9. 第二章按照第一章所主张的分类,主要讨论了预期拒绝履行构成预期违约的情形。

    The second chapter concerns about the one mode of anticipatory breach-anticipatory repudiation .

  10. 拒绝履行义务的房东可能会被罚款。

    Landlords who refuse to fulfil their obligations may be liable to fines .

  11. 如果雅典方面拒绝履行上一个协议,欧元区其它国家必须让该国违约。

    Should Athens reject the last one , its neighbours must let it default .

  12. 公司竟然拒绝履行合同,让我感到震惊。

    I was staggered that the company simply refused to abide by the contract .

  13. 那些拒绝履行自身义务的国家,必须面对后果,他表示。

    Those nations that refuse to live up to their obligations must face consequences , he said .

  14. 医生同意采取紧急保护措施,但拒绝履行非必要的职责。

    The doctors have agreed to provide emergency cover , but they are refusing to perform non-essential duties .

  15. 如果合同一方拒绝履行合同规定的义务,则另一方有权终止合同。

    1 either party may terminate the contract should the other side refuse the performance of a substantive contractual obligation .

  16. 一方拒绝履行的,对方当事人可以向人民法院申请执行。

    Where one party refuses to carry it out , the opposing litigant may request its execution at the people 's court .

  17. 换言之,西方终于显著提高了伊朗拒绝履行国际义务的代价。

    The west , in other words , has finally raised significantly the cost to the regime of refusal to meet its international obligations .

  18. 表面上的原因是,鸠山拒绝履行冲绳美国海军基地新建协议,触怒了华盛顿。

    The ostensible reason was that Hatoyama had displeased Washington by reneging on a deal to build a new US Marine base on Okinawa .

  19. 在金融危机最严重的时期,有些钢铁公司拒绝履行合约,转而从现货市场购买价格更便宜的铁矿石。

    During the depths of the financial crisis some steel mills refused to honour their contracts , buying cheaper ore in the spot market .

  20. 在未到履合同时一方当事人拒绝履行其合同义务。

    Refusal by a party to a contract to perform his obligation under the contract at a time before they is due to is perform .

  21. 死邢不是对违法的宣判;尽管如此,如果一个人拒绝履行政府对他违法的制裁可以被判处死邢。

    Death is not the stated penalty for disobedience ; however , death can occur if the person refuses to submit to government sanctions for his disobedience .

  22. 再保险分出人不得以再保险接受人未履行再保险责任为由,拒绝履行或者迟延履行其原保险责任。

    The ceding insurance company shall not decline or delay fulfilling its obligation of the direct insurance on the basis that the reinsurer fails to fulfill the reinsurance obligation .

  23. 与投资者相同,消费者对企业拒绝履行社会责任的行为产生较大的反响,并影响消费者对其产品的选购和消费。

    The same as the investors , consumers ' response to companies refusing to fulfill corporate social responsibility is huge , and it influents consumers ' purchase choice and consumption .

  24. 在英美法系用期前违约制度进行合同期前救济,而在大陆法系与之相关的拒绝履行和不安抗辩权制度也具有合同期前救济的功能。

    Anticipatory breach is the remedy system before performance of contract in the Anglo-American law . In the Continental law , refusal to fulfill and right of unstable pleadings have the similar functions .

  25. 《京都议定书》是国际社会应对气候变化的重要法律文件,但美国出于自身利益诉求,拒绝履行议定书所规定的减排责任。

    Kyoto Protocol is the important legal document about climatic changes among international community . Because of own interesting , USA had been refusing to perform the duties of cutting emissions according to Kyoto Protocol .

  26. 如果义务人拒绝履行义务,则要求文化行政部门使用强制手段迫使相对人履行或达到与履行相同之效果,以维持文化行政秩序。

    If the agent refused to fulfil obligation , the administrative departments for cultural use force to perform or forced counterpart with the effect of performing the same cultural administration , in order to maintain order .

  27. 有人指控,由于全球金融危机,在2008年下半年铁矿石现货价格首次低于合约价格时,中国钢铁厂商拒绝履行它们的年度合约。

    Chinese steel mills were accused of defaulting on their annual contracts in the second half of 2008 when spot prices fell below contract prices for the first time as a result of the global financial crisis .

  28. (五)申请行政机关履行保护人身权、财产权的法定职责,行政机关拒绝履行或者不予答复的;

    Refusal by an administrative organ to perform its statutory duty of protecting one 's rights of the person and of property , as one has applied for , or its failure to respond to the application ;

  29. 买方的银行是置于险境,只有当如果买方失败或者拒绝履行,买方的银行有了一个机会在发行信用证之前评估的危险,和为哪一个它可以调整它的价值。

    Buyer 's Bank is at risk only if buyer fails or refuses to perform , risks which Buyer 's Bank had an opportunity to evaluate before issuing the letter of credit , and for which it could adjust its price .

  30. 合同从有效成立至合同履行期限届至前(合同中期)出现一方不履行(拒绝履行和履行不能)的情况时,法律应如何对受害方予以救济?

    How should laws give remedies to the aggrieved party in case of nonperformance of one party ( renunciation and impossibility of performance ) in medium-term of their contract , which is from effective date to the deadline for performance of the contract ?