
jù fù tōnɡ zhī
  • notice of dishonor
  1. B银行可以代表A银行发出拒付通知,或者B银行也有资格作为被指定银行拒付。

    Such notice of refusal can be given by Bank B on behalf of Bank A or as a refusal of Bank B in its capacity as a nominated bank .

  2. 换句话说,B银行必须在下一个星期一营业终了前(假定星期六和星期日是假日)代表A银行发出拒付通知。

    In other words , Bank B must send the refusal notice on behalf of Bank A by the close of the following Monday ( assuming Saturdays and Sundays are holidays ) .

  3. 未于下一个星期一发出拒付通知,A银行将无权宣称单据不符。

    Failure to send the refusal notice by the following Monday will preclude Bank A from claiming that the documents are discrepant .

  4. 当按照指定行事的指定银行,保兑行或开证行决定拒绝承付或议付时,必须给予交单人一份单独的拒付通知。

    When a nominated bank acting on its nomination , a confirming bank , if any , or the issuing bank decides to refuse to honour or negotiate , it must give as ingle notice to that effect to the presenter .