
jù fù
  • protest;dishonor;dishonour;refuse to pay;repudiate;refuse payment
拒付 [jù fù]
  • (1) [refuse payment]∶拒绝付款

  • (2) [dishonor]∶拒绝接收或支付

拒付[jù fù]
  1. 如拒绝承兑,惠请出具拒付证书为荷。

    If acceptance shall be refused , please have the bill protest .

  2. 从同函寄上的拒付证书可知,该汇票已遭拒绝承付。

    By the enclosed protest you will perceive that this bill have been refused acceptance .

  3. 保险公司拒付她提出的索赔款项。

    The insurance company is refusing to settle her claim .

  4. 他的开户银行错误地拒付了票面金额为75,000英镑的支票。

    His bank wrongly bounced cheques worth £ 75,000 .

  5. 约翰办理过失业保险,可是当他去索赔时却遭拒付。

    John had taken out redundancy insurance but when he tried to claim , he was refused payment

  6. B银行可以代表A银行发出拒付通知,或者B银行也有资格作为被指定银行拒付。

    Such notice of refusal can be given by Bank B on behalf of Bank A or as a refusal of Bank B in its capacity as a nominated bank .

  7. 换句话说,B银行必须在下一个星期一营业终了前(假定星期六和星期日是假日)代表A银行发出拒付通知。

    In other words , Bank B must send the refusal notice on behalf of Bank A by the close of the following Monday ( assuming Saturdays and Sundays are holidays ) .

  8. 预计乌克兰2009年国内生产总值(GDP)将收缩5%至10%,同时失业率正不断上升,拒付工资的现象变得更为普遍。

    Gross domestic product growth is forecast to contract 5-10 per cent in 2009 , while unemployment is rising and non-payment of wages is becoming more common .

  9. 开证行拒付留单后CIF合同的履行&兼评CIETAC[99]沪贸仲字第1422号仲裁裁决书

    Performance of CIF Contracts after Rejection but Holding of Documents by Issuing Bank & Comments on a CIETAC Arbitral Award

  10. 在用户或用户组级别也能跟踪云资源(即内存、CPU、IP)的使用情况,允许CloudBurst支持整个企业拒付(Chargeback)。

    Usage of cloud resources ( i.e.memory , CPU , IPs ) is also tracked at a user or user group level allowing CloudBurst to support chargeback across an enterprise .

  11. 这叫做拒付(chargeback)。

    This is called a chargeback .

  12. 即使ucp500有规定,我行拒付了该信用证下提交的单据后,我行也保留开证人接受不符点后的我行的权利。

    Notwithstanding the PROVISONG of ucp500 , if we give notice of refusal of documents presented under this credit we shall however retain the right to accept a waiver of discrepancies from the applicant .

  13. 因为透支,他的支票被拒付了。

    The check got bounced because his account is overdrawn .

  14. 银行会拒付,而且会向你收取手续费。

    The bank may refuse to pay and will normally charge you .

  15. 你们拒付的理由是什么?

    What 's your reason for the refusal of payment ?

  16. 采取什么程序以保证拒付支票的妥善处理?

    What is the process in place for dishonored checks ?

  17. 任何单位或者个人不得拒付医疗费用。

    Any unit or individual person shall not refuse to pay medical fees .

  18. 如果你不能存进去的话,我们今天所写的所有支票都会被拒付退回的。

    If you don 't all the checks we wrote today will bounce .

  19. 令我震惊的是银行拒付并退回了支票。

    To my horror the bank bounced the cheque .

  20. 因为他在银行里没有钱,因此银行拒付他的支票。

    The bank dishonoured his cheque because he had no money in the bank .

  21. 你最好请他付现金,他的支票总被银行拒付退回。

    You 'd better ask him to pay cash , his cheques always bounce .

  22. 拒付债务将把国家资源转而引向教育及其它重要项目。

    Repudiation of debt will redirect national resources to this and other vital projects .

  23. 他们决定组织一次拒付房租的抗议行动。

    They decided to organize a rent strike .

  24. 如果拒付错了,你们应该偿付我方的银行利息。

    You ought to pay us the bank interest once payment is wrongly refused .

  25. 不停的接到这种拒付信。

    And they 're getting all these letters .

  26. 银行拒付他的支票了。

    The bank stopped his check .

  27. 滞纳税款拒付损失估计

    Estimated uncollectible delinquent taxes assessments contingency

  28. 中日票据拒付处分制度的比较研究

    Comparison Study on Liability System Due to Payment Refusal of Negotiable Instruments in Japan and China

  29. 任何情况下甲方均不得以此为借口拒付乙方合同款项;

    Under any circumstances Party A may use it as an excuse to pay B contract amount ;

  30. 我们惊讶地获悉8000美元的托收光票被拒付了。

    We are surprised to learn that our draft for $ 8000 clean collection has been ~ ed.