
  1. 浅析票据法上的拒绝证明

    A Tentative Discussion about Protest Proof on Negotiable Instruments Law

  2. 取得有关拒绝证明和发出通知书的费用。

    The expenses for obtaining relevant evidence of dishonor and for dispatching notices .

  3. 在法定的条件下,持票人可以免除提供拒绝证明而行使追索权。

    Furthermore , the holder of bills can also be exempted from providing protest proof to exercise the right of recourse under certain legal conditions .

  4. 未出具拒绝证明或者退票理由书的,应当承担由此产生的民事责任。

    The acceptor or the drawee , who does not provide proof of dishonor or a statement on reasons for dishonor , shall bear civil liabilities deriving therefrom .

  5. 在持票人直接取得拒绝证明困难时,一些机关的文件也起着拒绝证明的替代作用。

    As the holder of bills can 't obtain protest of proof directly , the files of certain organs are also playing the substituting function as the protest proof .

  6. 承兑人或者付款人因违法被责令终止业务活动的,有关行政主管部门的处罚决定具有拒绝证明的效力。

    Where an acceptor or a drawee is ordered to stop business activities for violation of law , the decision on punishment made by a competent administrative department shall have the effect as proof of dishonor .

  7. 被追索人清偿债务时,持票人应当交出汇票和有关拒绝证明,并出具所收到利息和费用的收据。

    When the person against whom the right of recourse is exercised settles the liabilities , the holder shall surrender the bill of exchange together with the relevant evidence of dishonor and issue a receipt of interest and expenses paid .

  8. 因此我的问题是,我能拒绝提供证明人吗?

    So my question is , can I just decline to give references ?

  9. 如外地汇票经部分承兑者,则未获承兑之余额,须作拒绝证书证明之。

    Where a foreign bill has been accepted as to part , it must be protested as to the balance .

  10. 当事人提供的证明材料不充分或者拒绝补充证明材料的;

    The supporting materials provided by the party concerned are insufficient or the party concerned refuses to supplement such materials ;

  11. 我并真被拒绝,这才证明我没用。

    I 'm not really being rejected , this isn 't really evidence of inadequacy .

  12. 据这位名叫徐义清的老人表示,这件事始于湖北省宜昌市政府拒绝在没有死亡证明的情况下把这处房产归到他的名下。

    Xu Yiqing said the red tape began when authorities in Yichang , Hubei Province refused to put the property in his name without death certificates .

  13. 曼联急切的渴望去洗刷掉上赛季被贝尼特斯的球队以2-1跟4-1击败的耻辱,但是爵爷拒绝这种他想要证明什么的观点。

    United will be keen to erase the memory of last season's2-1 and4-1 defeats at the hands of Rafael Benitez 's side , but Sir Alex rejects the notion that his side have a point to prove .

  14. 持票人提示承兑或者提示付款被拒绝的,承兑人或者付款人必须出具拒绝证明,或者出具退票理由书。

    Where the presentment for acceptance or the presentment for payment by the holder is rejected , the acceptor or the drawee must provide proof of dishonor or a statement on reasons for dishonor .