
jù jué zhènɡ shū
  • protest;note of denial
  1. 拒绝证书可根据任何免除作不能兑现通知之情况而免除。

    Protest is dispensed with by any circumstance which would dispense with notice of dishonour .

  2. 而该证书亦在各方面视为该票据之正式拒绝证书。

    The certificate shall in all respects operate as if it were a formal protest of the bill .

  3. 第九十四条在不能获得公证人情况下作成的拒绝证书。

    Article94th notary public can not be made into a case of refusing the certificate .

  4. 至于正式之拒绝证书,得于注明之日以后之任何时间内作出。

    The formal protest may be extended at any time thereafter as of the date of the noting .

  5. 如外地汇票经部分承兑者,则未获承兑之余额,须作拒绝证书证明之。

    Where a foreign bill has been accepted as to part , it must be protested as to the balance .

  6. 拒绝证书必须附有汇票副本,由办理之公证人签署,并须载明下列各项

    " A protest must contain a copy of the bill , and must be signed by the notary making it , and must specify & "

  7. 但汇票不必经公证注明或作拒绝证书始可保留向发票人或背书人追偿之权利。未按照前款规定期限通知的,持票人仍可以行使追索权。

    But it shall not be necessary to note or protest any such bill in order to preserve the recourse against the drawer or indorser . In case of failure to do what is stipulated in the preceding paragraph , the holder may still exercise the right of recourse .

  8. 对拒绝授与证书之裁定不服的上诉;

    Appeals against decisions for the refusal to grant a variety certificate ;

  9. 凡已办理拒绝承兑证书之汇票,其后可办理拒绝付款证书。

    A bill which has been protested for non-acceptance may be subsequently protested for non-payment .

  10. 关键证人拒不出庭作证的原因与对策凡已办理拒绝承兑证书之汇票,其后可办理拒绝付款证书。

    The Reason and Countermeasure of Key Witness Refusing to Serve at Court ; A bill which has been protested for non-acceptance may be subsequently protested for non-payment .

  11. 如信誉承兑人不兑现汇票,则须作该承兑人拒绝付款证书。法院的执达吏快要把人家告发我的拒绝付款状给我送来了。

    " When a bill is dishonoured by the acceptor for honour , it must be protested for non-payment by him . " Do you know that I should have had a bailiff and a protest after me ?

  12. 它则须于汇票所载之付款地点办理拒绝付款证书,而不必再向付款人作付款提示或要求付款。我今天不能付款给你。

    " it must be protested for non-payment at the place where it is expressed to be payable , and no further presentment for payment to , or demand on , the drawee is necessary . " I can 't pay you today .

  13. SSL可以发送安全证书,对方可以接受或拒绝该安全证书。

    SSL can send a security certificate , which the other party can accept or reject .

  14. 使用SSLPEER决定是接受还是拒绝给定的证书。

    The use of SSLPEER is what determines whether a given certificate is accepted or rejected .

  15. 通过拒绝此“证书权威”,即告诉“Netscape通信器”在不提示您的情况下,不要连接或从由此权威认证的任何网站接收信息。

    By rejecting this Certificate Authority , you have told Netscape Communicator not to connect to and receive information from any site that it certifies without prompting you .

  16. 单击确定,把此证书安装到“通信器”中;或单击取消,拒绝新的证书。

    Click OK to install the certificate into Communicator or click Cancel to refuse your new Certificate .

  17. 如:学生没有达到学校规定的毕业学分,学校可以拒绝颁发毕业证书。

    Such as : school students did not meet the graduation requirement credits , schools can refuse to receive a Certificate .

  18. 律师会如拒绝发出执业证书,须以书面向该申请人述明拒绝的理由。

    The society shall , if it refuses to issue a practising certificate , state its reasons in writing to the applicant .

  19. 但如在该段期间内,署长决定拒绝就紧急证书所关乎的法律程序而提出的法律援助证书申请,则须随即撤回该紧急证书。

    Provided that if within that period he decides to refuse the application for a legal aid certificate in respect of proceedings to which the emergency certificate relates , the director shall forthwith revoke the emergency certificate .

  20. 这些谁拒绝了他们的证书和文件的检查。

    Those who refuse to have their credentials and documents checked .

  21. 服务器拒绝了您的证书(当作已过期的证书)。

    The server has rejected your certificate as expired .

  22. 其中一位姓欧阳的女生在接受《环球时报》采访时表示,学校之所以拒绝向她们颁发证书,是因她们六月份的公开求婚“违反了相关规定”。

    The university refused to give the lesbian couple diplomas because their public proposal in June had " violated certain regulations , " one of the women , surnamed Ouyang , confirmed with the Global Times .

  23. 托收指示对发生拒绝付款或拒绝承兑时的有关拒绝证书应有具体的指示(或代之以其他法律手续)。

    The collection instruction should give specific instructions regarding protest ( or other legal process in lieu thereof ), in the event of non-payment or non-acceptance .

  24. 接收人进程拒绝此信号。同函奉上拒绝承付证书,敬请查收。

    The recipient process has refused the signal . Enclosed we wait on you with the protest for non - acceptance .