
  1. 交付转让人对汇票不负责任。

    Delivery of the assignor to the bill irresponsible .

  2. 目前存在重新交付转让金后就可以续期的机制,不过这些机制没有经过实际检验,因为现有的使用期限均未到期。

    Currently there are mechanisms for renewal on the payment of a fresh grant fee , although these have not been properly tested because existing terms have not run their course .

  3. 新保险法只是规定了保险标的物的转让,通知保险人知晓即可,但交付和转让在民法里面却有不同的含义:交付只是占有的变更,转让却代表着所有权的转移。

    New insurance law only provides for transfer of the subject-matter , notify the insurer knows , but the delivery and transfer inside a different meaning in civil law : deliver just the change of possession ; transfer represents the transfer of ownership .

  4. 该票据的出票、承兑、交付、背书转让涉嫌欺诈、偷盗、胁迫、恐吓、暴力等非法行为的,持票人对持票的合法性应当负责举证。

    If the issuance , acceptance , delivery and negotiation by endorsement are suspected of being involved in the illegal actions such as fraud , theft , intimidation , threat , or violation , etc. , the holder shall bear the burden of proof for the legality of the bill .

  5. 以持票人为收款人之汇票,凭交付而构成流通转让。

    A bill payable to bearer is negotiated by delivery .

  6. 而票据的流通依赖于票据反复不断地转让,虽然理论上票据可以通过背书交付与单纯交付两种方式进行转让,但背书交付才是票据转让最基本、最主要的方式。

    The circulation of bill depends on its repeated and continuous transference . Although in theory bill rights can be transferred by both endorsement and pure delivery , the former one is more principal and fundamental .