
  • 网络Lead time;lead-time
  1. 这一个工具的运用是对订单交付周期合格率的改善,也是对整个供应链的改善,他的贡献能在客户满意度和销售业绩中得到反映。

    The use of a tool to improve order lead time pass rate , improve the entire supply chain , his contribution to customer satisfaction and sales performance to be reflected .

  2. 对于D公司服务器市场份额的增加和较高的利润,研究交付周期和需求的不确定性是供应链管理中的棘手问题,也是库存管理的要解决核心困难问题。

    Dell Servers for increased market share and higher profits , lead time and demand of the uncertainty of supply chain management is the thorny issue is the core of inventory management .

  3. 我们真正在谈论的,是完整的构建、交付周期。

    Rather we are talking about full build / delivery cycles .

  4. 按月来衡量硬件的交付周期并不罕见。

    Hardware lead times measured in months are not unusual .

  5. 持续改进成本,质量和交付周期。

    Delivering continuous improvement in cost , quality and delivery .

  6. 拉尔斯表示,缩短交付周期计划,还将有助于降低雨果博斯的复杂性,呈现一个更专注化的品牌。

    He said the programme would also help cut complexity at Hugo Boss and deliver a more focused collection .

  7. 在软件与系统交付周期中控制质量流程为组织提供了更多降低风险的方式。

    Controlling the quality processes across and between software and systems delivery cycles gives companies many ways to lower risk .

  8. 我们还把敏捷方法应用于维护和产品支持领域,缩短了交付周期同时提升了系统的可靠性。

    We are moving Agile into the maintenance and production support area which is delivering shorter cycle time and greater reliability .

  9. 从航天领域招募而来的经理人或许是不错的选择,因为他们在复杂供应链和较长的研究交付周期方面很有经验。

    Managers recruited from aerospace might be a good fit because of their experience with complex supply chains and long research lead-times .

  10. 在上一个交付周期内遇到问题。仍要发送“发件箱”中的邮件吗?

    Errors were encountered during the last delivery cycle . would you still like to send the messages that are in your outbox ?

  11. 换句话说,组织能够在软件与系统交付周期内控制质量流程就可以实现质量的进步。

    In other words , the organization can control quality processes across and between software and systems delivery cycles to achieve continuous quality improvement .

  12. 最后,企业如何通过深思熟虑的应用与流程集成加速软件交付周期,增强规模经济。

    Finally , how the organization can increase economies of scale and accelerate software delivery through careful and deliberate integration of applications and processes within their development lifecycle .

  13. 比如,如果三次签入在很短的时间内先后进行,那么可能触发三个构建、交付周期,实际上只有最后一次才是必要的。

    For example , if three check-ins are performed in quick succession then three build / delivery cycles may be triggered when really only the last one is necessary .

  14. 在迭代过程中引入客户意见,迭代测试压缩对客户的交付周期,从而最大化应用程序对于这个客户的价值。

    By involving customers in each iteration , iterative testing compresses the delivery cycle to the design partner customers , while maximizing the value of the application to this customer .

  15. 这些项目级的治理需要符合敏捷项目的节奏,可驾驭并能够对敏捷项目快速的交付周期做出响应。

    This project level governance has to be aligned with the cadence on the Agile projects and be able to steer and respond with the same fast cycle time as the Agile projects .

  16. 由于这些交付周期可能很短(即一周或两周),所以系统的开发流程能够适应不断变化的情形并仅提供客户想要的内容。

    As these delivery cycles can be short ( say , a week or two ), the system 's development process is able to adapt to changing conditions and deliver just what the customer wants .

  17. 数码印花技术相对传统丝网印花技术具有精度高、耗能低、污染低、交付周期短等显著优势,是未来印花技术的发展方向。

    Compared to traditional screen printing , digital printing has many significant advantages , such as high image precision , energy-efficient , low pollution and short delivery cycle . Therefore , digital printing may become the main printing technology in future .

  18. 该模型表明,技术复杂程度、研制一体化程度、客户/市场类型、产品交付周期这4个研发特征因素决定着复杂产品系统研发团队的组织形式。

    The model results show that the degree of technical complexity , the degree of R D and manufacturing integration , customer / marker type , and product delivery cycle are four R D characteristics of factors that determine the organizational form of the R D team in CoPS .

  19. 中小型企业要快速响应市场,缩短交付周期,实现快速采购,就必须基于顾客价值采用快速响应顾客定制化模式进行生产,在这种模式下运用价值分析工具实施业务流程再造。

    SMEs has to respond quickly to market , shortening lead time , rapid procurement , customer value must be based on a " fast response to customer customization " mode of production , in this mode , the value of analytical tools used to implement business process reengineering .

  20. 在开发和交付生命周期中,项目涉众仍旧充分参与。

    Stakeholders remain fully engaged throughout the development and delivery lifecycle .

  21. 下文图1展示了一个简单的交付生命周期视图和一个典型的组织职责分配。

    A simplified view of the delivery life cycle and a typical allocation of organization responsibilities is shown in Figure 1 below .

  22. 沿着该曲线绘制单个项目也可以帮助组织了解,在项目执行过程中风险是如何变更的&因为项目体征在交付生命周期中经历变更。

    Plotting a single project along this curve can also help organizations understand how risk changes during project execution & as project characteristics undergo change during the delivery lifecycle .

  23. 这样,治理确保了业务需求推动了服务交付生命周期的所有方面,并且确保了实现仍旧与业务目标结合在一起。

    In this way , governance ensures that business requirements drive all aspects of the service delivery lifecycle , and that the implementation remains constantly aligned with business objectives .

  24. 它还会进一步要求元数据文档和注册成为标准服务交付的生命周期的一个环节。

    It will further require that metadata documentation and registration become part of the standard service delivery lifecycles .

  25. 用例模型可以作为新项目的参考,寻求单个交付项目生命周期之外的重用。

    The use case models can be used as reference for new projects seeking re-use beyond the lifetime of a single delivery project .

  26. 这个过程通常需要几个小时或几天的时间,而且很容易融入2周一次的功能交付的迭代周期。

    That often takes just a few hours or a few days and is easy to fit into a2-week iteration alongside feature delivery .

  27. 这两个产品一起提供了一个安全、协作式、基于云的环境,支持加速的应用程序开发、部署和交付的完整生命周期。

    Together they deliver a secure , collaborative , cloud-based environment that supports the complete life cycle of accelerated application development , deployment , and delivery .