
kuài jì kē mù
  • Ledger Account;accounting title;title of account;caption of account
  1. 会计科目的设置与电子报表的编制

    Establishing of Accounting Title is with the Draw Upping of Electronics Statement

  2. 谈会计科目表中将累计折旧列为资产类的缺陷

    In Accounting Title , Defect of Dividing Accumulated Depreciation into kind of Asset

  3. SAP的会计科目表分为两层管理:集团层和公司代码层。

    The Chart of Accounts in SAP consists of two management levels : the group level and the company code level .

  4. 使用Feltham和Ohlson阐述的剩余收益评估模型对国内银行类上市公司的商誉与会计科目之间的关系进行评估,实证检验结果表明:银行商誉价值主要源于存款、贷款以及销售有偿服务。

    The valuation , on the relation between the goodwill of domestic banks and its fiscal subjects , has been made with RIV model .

  5. 各个会计科目的核算及内部往来帐目的管理。

    Checking each Account Ledger and managing the interior C / A.

  6. 建立中文账套及中文会计科目1。

    Set up Chinese accounting mode and Chinese accounting subjects .

  7. 关于金融资产中会计科目合并的思考

    Considerations on Mergence of Two Accounting Subjects Tradable Financial Assets and Salable Financial Assets

  8. 高校教育成本核算的会计科目体系设置构想

    The Envisagement in Installing Accounting Items in Educational Cost Accounting of Colleges and Universities

  9. 信托会计科目体系设计探索

    On the Design the Trust Accounting Item System

  10. 具有可操作性,会计科目括号内附有记录数据的来龙去脉。

    Operatic . Accounting items include origin and development of recorded data in brackets .

  11. 会计科目在设置和分类上与会计要素的矛盾和协调

    Contradiction and Coordination between the Establishment and Classification of Account Titles and Accounting Elements

  12. 过账前会计科目结算及试算表预览。

    Account balance trial balance preview before posting .

  13. 规范会计科目的设置和使用:使用程序直接实现现金流量表的编制

    Prescribe Accounting Subject to Come True the Preparation of a Cash Flow Statement wth Procedure

  14. 物业公司用到的会计科目和工业一样吗?

    Are the accountant headings in an account book that property company uses and industry same ?

  15. 二分类帐簿:以事项归属之会计科目为主而为记录者。

    Ledger books : those recorded mainly on the basis of the types of the events .

  16. 第三章阐述高校教育成本核算成本项目和会计科目的设置。

    Chapter three explains the establishment of university 's educational cost accounting cost project and accounting items .

  17. 累计折旧科目与你以前见过的哪些资产会计科目相似?

    How is the Accumulated Depreciation account similar to other asset accounts you have seen in the past ?

  18. 并改进相关会计科目和账户的设置以及会计信息披露方式。

    The relevant accounting headings , accounts and the improvement of information disclosure are also discussed in this thesis .

  19. 拥有一定的业务能力,熟悉收款会计科目,并随时了解食品、酒水储备及使用情况。

    Have certain business ability , know well account title , and check the food , beverage reserves condition .

  20. 在投资者情绪的影响下,盯市法相关会计科目中包含了非理性因素。

    Because of the influence of investor sentiment , irrational factors are contained in accounting subjects under the mark-to-Market method .

  21. 公款的范围包括:凡列在国家机关、企业及事业单位会计科目的任何款项;

    The public money shall encompass any money listed in the accounts of state organs , state-owned enterprises and public institutions ;

  22. 我们这里要讨论的会计科目是递延税项资产,这是金融危机的产物。

    The accounting item in question is the deferred-tax asset ( DTA ) . This is a legacy of the financial crisis .

  23. 物业公司用到的会计科目和工业略有不同,不用刻意找什么科目,用到就设立吧。

    Property company differs somewhat with the accountant course that arrive and industry , need not seek what course painstakingly , use be established .

  24. 麦克尤恩承认,与数字相比,他更喜欢与人打交道,在大学时考了3次才通过了会计科目的考试。

    Mr McEwan admits to being more comfortable with people than with numbers and only passed his university accountancy exam at the third attempt .

  25. 企业基本上没有对信用风险的管理措施,应收账款只是作为一个会计科目进行简单的记账式管理。

    There isn 't any credit management system or measures in most Chinese export corporations , accounts receivables is just managed as a common account .

  26. 公司制证券交易所应于每月十日以前,向本会申报上月份会计科目月计表。

    A company type stock exchange shall file with the commission the monthly accounting report of the previous month before the tenth day of each month .

  27. 如何设计信托投资公司信托业务核算所需要的会计科目体系是信托会计亟待解决的难题。

    The essay expounds her views on the design of the trust accounting items system by advancing the aims , principles and contents of the system .

  28. 文章通过对审核会计科目的正确性及规范性进行阐述,进而提出了对账务及报表填列数据进行审核的重要性及正确性。

    On the basis of correctness and normative of auditing accounting titles , this paper points out importance and accuracy of auditing financial statements and data .

  29. 会计科目合并是专业知识方面的;福利费的提取属于政策规定方面的,两者不能等同。

    Accountant course incorporates is professional knowledge respect ; the extraction of welfare funds belongs to policy to provide a field , both cannot be equal .

  30. 实践操作中,你只要把对应的会计科目的名称改变过来就可以了。

    In carrying out an operation , it is OK that the name change that you want to look corresponding bursary look corresponding bursary only comes .