
  • 网络accounting software
  1. 本规范所称会计核算软件基本功能是指会计核算软件必须具备的功能和完成这些功能的基本步骤。

    The term " basic functions of accounting software " as mentioned in these Rules refers to the essential functions of accounting software and the basic steps to perform such functions .

  2. 试论计算机会计核算软件的开发

    On the Development of Business Accounting Software by Computer

  3. 会计核算软件中辅助往来帐的设计与实现

    The Design of Secondary Current Account in the Accounting Softwares and Its Realization

  4. 面向科研事业单位的会计核算软件的设计与实现

    The Design and Realization of an Accounting Keeping Software for Scientific Research Institutions

  5. 从必要性及可行性角度出发,较全面地论述了通信企业在建工程会计电算化的组织与管理;简介了《邮电企业在建工程会计核算软件》

    It systematically discusses the organization and management of accounting computerization for the projects under construction of communication enterprises , from the aspects of necessity and possibility , describes briefly " accounting software of posts and telecommunications enterprises projects under construction " .