
  1. 他们将拨出经费建房。

    They will allocate fund for housing .

  2. 如果该公司1978年拨出科研经费8000美元,那么就可以预期求得1979年的利润额在36000美元左右。

    If the firm allocates $ 8000 for research in1978 , it can expect to earn approximately $ 36000 in the coming year .

  3. 政府拨出一笔经费以重建该建筑物。

    The government has allotted a sum of money for the reconstruction of the building .

  4. 学校决定拨出20%的经费用于购买课本。

    The school has decided to earmark 20 percent of its funds for book purchases .

  5. 拨出更多的经费资助这些活动,可以帮助学校发展更好的体育课程,并鼓励更多学生参与。

    Setting aside more money for these activities will help schools to develop better physical education programs and encourage more students to participate in them .

  6. 这份调查报告的作者说,他们的一个积极的重要发现是,美国人支持政府拨出更多的经费,防治艾滋病。

    The author of the report , said one of their important positive finding is that Americans support the Government to allocate more funds to fight AIDS .

  7. 由于事业单位的大部分工作人员收入和业务经费来自国家财政拨款,而国家财政拨出的这笔经费又是来自各企业单位上缴的利润和税金。

    Because most of the staff and public institutions revenue and operational expenses of the financial allocation from the State , and the state finance allocated funds are from various institutions profits and taxes paid .