
  • 网络dial-up users
  1. 它关注的只是几千万的拨号用户,而不是将会改变我们目前的教学和教育方式的应用程序,这正是我们要改变的。

    It 's really focused on tens of millions of dial-up users , not applications that really would change how we do teaching , learning and education .

  2. 本论文介绍基于Internet的拨号用户管理认证计费系统。

    The paper is about of the dialing consumer management and authentication the calculate-fee system based on the Internet .

  3. 然而,拨号用户可能从来没机会体验其真正的优势,因为在许多情形下,Ajax需要在浏览器与服务器之间大量通信。

    However , users on dial-up might never be able to experience its real advantages , because in many cases , Ajax requires a lot of communication between browsers and servers .

  4. 阐述了利用Internet进行信息通信的智能门禁监控系统的硬件结构和软件的功能、特点,同时叙述了远程程序更新功能及自启动功能、拨号用户的实现以及数据库功能。

    The hardware structure and software function and property of intelligent door monitoring control system with Internet as transmission medium is expounded . The renewed and self started functions of long distance program , database function , and realization of dialing users are introduced .

  5. 介绍了通过使用远程拨号用户认证服务器(RADIUS)实现的带用户认证的L2TP强制隧道。

    L2TP compulsory tunneling via Remote Authentication Dial In Us - er Service ( RADIUS ) is introduced in this paper . In this case , dial-in users are authenticated by RADIUS server .

  6. 方案中应用了帧中继技术、以太网技术以及VLAN技术等,为拨号用户提供了可靠性高、通信速度快和具有良好扩展能力的接入服务。

    In this project , the Frame Relay , Ethernet and VLAN technologies are used , which provide the dialing users with high reliability , speedy communication and great expanding access services .

  7. VPDN(VirtualPrivateDialupNetworks)是基于拨号用户的虚拟专用拨号网业务,利用IP网络的承载功能,结合相应的认证和授权机制,可以建立安全的虚拟专用网络。

    The VPDN ( Virtual Private Dialup Networks ) technology , which is based on the dialup customers , provides a specialized , secure solution to consolidate virtual networks and services . The technology exploits the IP networks ' supporting function and takes advantage of the corresponding authentication and authorization .

  8. 拨号用户可以得到完全一致的安全和性能。

    The dial-up user can get equivalent security and efficiency .

  9. 支持拨号用户进入网络从远程站点。

    Support dialing-in users to access networks from remote site .

  10. 校园网拨号用户的计费管理

    Accounting Management for DialUp User in Campus Network

  11. 如果您是家庭拨号用户,我们建议您将所有都禁止。

    If you are a home dial up user , we suggest you deny ALL .

  12. 拨号用户的网络实时计费系统研究基于防火墙的网络实时计费系统的设计与实现

    Design And Research of Network Accounting on Extranet Research and Implementation of Real Time Accounting System Based on Firewall

  13. 该系统在多平台上实现了拨号用户的管理、认证、记帐、计费,并支持灵活的查询和复杂的统计报表功能,实现了专线用户的计费管理。

    The system realizes the management , Authentication , accounting and calculate-fee of dialing consumer on the mul-platform , supports flexible inquire and complex calculate table function , carries out special line consumer management .

  14. 接入服务器能为拨号上网用户提供Internet接入服务,因此基于网络信息安全技术的接入服务器有着广阔的市场前景。

    Based on information safety technology , Network Access Server will find a promising market in that it can provide dial-in users Internet access service .

  15. 构建了基于远程访问拨号接入用户服务(RADIUS)的认证、授权和计费系统。

    A remote access dial in user service ( RADIUS ) authentication , authorization and account system is constructed .

  16. RADIUS(RemoteAuthenticationDialInUserService远程认证拨号接入用户服务)协议是最流行的身份验证和授权拨号及隧道网络用户的方法。

    RADIUS ( Remote Authentication Dial In User Service ) protocol is widely used in various AAA ( Authentication , Authorization , Accounting ) systems of networks access devices .

  17. 反过来,微软于最近考验了AOL的3000万拨号上网用户对AOL的忠实度。

    More recently , Microsoft moved to test the loyalty of AOL 's 30 million dial-up network users .

  18. 基于虚拟拨号的用户接入技术研究与实现

    Virtual Dial-Up and User Access Management

  19. 研究发现:家庭宽带用户比起拨号上网用户,更有可能热衷于观看网上新闻。

    Study finds broadband users at home are more likely to go online for news than dial-up users .

  20. 讨论了校园网拨号上网用户的计费管理,它对于维护网络的运行和发展、合理的分配网络资源有重要的作用。

    This paper discusses the accounting management for dial up user in campus computer network . It is important for maintaining the running and development of network and for allocation of the network resources properly .

  21. 在登录Flash网站时,电话拨号上网的用户必须花费宝贵时间观看下载条,而不能快速获取需要的信息。

    Flash forces users with dial-up connections to spend valuable time watching the load bar , instead of getting to the information they want , fast .

  22. 本文介绍网络运营商对于网络接入服务器应用于公共电话网PSTN或综合业务数字网ISDN与Internet之间,为拨号及ISDN用户提供接入Internet能力。

    The network operators use NAS among PSTN , ISDN and internet to provide the ability to access internet for dialing and ISDN users .

  23. 阿姆斯特朗还计划再投资AOL的接入订购业务,AOL在兴盛时期曾有3000万拨号互联网接入用户,现在逐渐减少到大约600万。该部门继续为AOL的免费业务提供巨大的流量。

    Mr Armstrong also plans to reinvest in AOL 's access subscription business , a once thriving enterprise in dial-up internet access with 30m members , which has now dwindled to about 6m . The division continues to contribute significant traffic to AOL 's free properties .

  24. 拨号入网是用户接入网络的方式之一。

    Dialing is one of the methods for a user to access a network .

  25. 介绍如何构筑一个多媒体计算机服务信息平台系统,并作系统业务分析,以向拨号入网的用户提供包括文本、图像、图形、声音、影像等的多媒体信息服务。

    This paper introduces how to establish a multimedia information services database and the business related .

  26. 首先对调用方拨号,当用户加入后,再将其他参与者拨入到会议中。

    The caller is dialed first , and when the users join , the other participants are dialed into the conference .

  27. 通过密码拨号器代替用户手工拨号,对系统而言只增加了安全拨号功能,不改变原有的系统工作模式,合理地解决了当前电话银行系统中存在的安全隐患。

    Through the replacement of consumer dialing with the password dialing device replaces by hand , it increases the safe dialing function of system , solving the potential safety hazard existing in the banking system of the telephone at present rationally without changing the already existing systematic work pattern .

  28. 本装置与程控电话相连,配备不同的传感器,可实现对不同参量的自动拨号;同时,用户也可通过程控拨号实现对设备的远距离控制。

    In combination with program controlled telephone and various sensors equipped , the automatic dialing upon different alarming signals and the remote control of equipment through direct dialing can be realized .

  29. 结合目前用户跨区域通信的需求,从拨号方案、交换机用户数据制作、计费实现方式等多方面论述了基于交换方式的广域虚拟网业务实现方案。

    To cater for the requirement of interregional intercommunication , this paper discusses the solution of WAC based on Switching mode from many aspects such as dialing mode , the theory of exchange and method of billing .

  30. 铁通宽带拨号客户端是专门针对国内广大铁通宽带拨号用户定制的免费拨号软件。

    Tietong broadband dial-up client is targeted at the vast number of domestic Tietong customized broadband dial-up dial-up software for free .