
  1. 选择要作为internet访问的拨号连接。

    Select the dial-up connection you want to use for Internet access .

  2. 选择正确的拨号连接,然后输入isp帐户名称和密码。

    Select the correct dial-up connection and then type the ISP account name and password .

  3. 如果您已具有internet拨号连接或想使用宽带连接,请单击此处。

    Click here if you already have a dial up connetion to the Internet or want to use your broadband connection .

  4. 在拨号连接上,HTTP压缩可以加快HTML内容的传输,直接提供更好的应用程序性能。

    In dial-up connections , HTTP compression allows quicker transmission of HTML content , immediately offering better application performance .

  5. IETF的一种标准,用来管理拨号连接。

    The Point-to-Point Protocol , an IETF standard , which manage the dial-up link .

  6. 通过对WindowsAPI中网络服务函数(RAS)的调用,深入Windows内核,实现了应用程序对系统网络与拨号连接的直接控制。

    By calling the Windows API function , network services ( RAS ) redeployed to the Windows core , the direct control of the application program over " network and dial-up connections " of the system is achieved .

  7. 在PDA接入网络的众多方式中,目前比较经济实用的方式,是通过拨号连接ISP的接入模式。

    Among the increasing practical ways to connect PDA with Internet , the dial-up connection service from ISP is now widely accepted , which is reasonable for today 's processing capability of PDA .

  8. 根据Birds-Eye的2007宽带统计显示,美国境内25%的人没有Internet连接,53%的人拥有宽带,21%的人仍然在使用拨号连接。

    According to Birds-Eye 's Broadband Statistics for 2007 , 25 percent of people in the United States have no Internet , 53 percent have broadband , and 21 percent still use dial-up .

  9. MailBug是一款仅限于文本的小型终端,通过拨号连接收发电子邮件。我还没有测试过这种装置。

    The MailBug , which I haven 't tested , is a small , text-only terminal for sending and receiving email over a dial-up connection .

  10. 慢速网络连接(例如,一个拨号连接)

    Slow network connection ( for example , a dial-up connection )

  11. 此连接将被存入网络和拨号连接文件夹。

    The connection will be saved in the Network Connections folder .

  12. 继续之前,请关闭所有网络和拨号连接属性页。

    Close all network and dial-up connection property pages before continuing .

  13. 可以让其他计算机通过这个拨号连接访问资源。

    You can let other computers access resources through this dial-up connection .

  14. 这样才有可能加速你的拨号连接起来?

    So is it possible to speed up your dial up connection ?

  15. 从「开始」菜单删除“网络和拨号连接”

    " Remove network and dial-up connections from start menu "

  16. 此连接可以从网络和拨号连接文件夹中得到。

    This connection is available from the Network and Dial-up Connections folder .

  17. “管理网络和拨号连接的配置和设置。”

    " Manages configuration and settings for network and dial-up connections . "

  18. 您可以使用此设备进行远程访问请求拨号连接。

    You can use this device for remote access requests or demand-dial connections .

  19. 为远程客户和拨号连接启用网络访问

    Enable network access for remote clients and demand-dial connections

  20. 打开一个对话框,您可以在那里指定拨号连接的设置。

    Open a dialog box where you can specify settings for dial-up connections .

  21. 拨号连接就再不用等待了。

    No more waiting around to make dial-up connections .

  22. 拨号连接不能正常工作。请检查拨号连接属性。

    Dial up connection is not working . Check the dial-up connection properties .

  23. 请求拨号连接(由分支办公室路由使用)

    Demand-dial connections ( used for branch office routing )

  24. “对拨号连接使用“自动搜寻””

    " Use automatic discovery for dial-up connections "

  25. 这是有用的,如果你是在家中登录一个拨号连接。

    This is useful if you are logging in from home on a dialup connection .

  26. 单击“开始”,指向“设置”,然后单击“网络和拨号连接”。

    Click start , point to settings , and then click Network and dial-up connections .

  27. 该软件提供一个使用系统的拨号连接连通因特网的拨号器。

    It provides a dialer to connect to the Internet using the system 's dial-up connections .

  28. 此前,微软的移动电邮软件用户必须拨号连接服务器才能获取讯息。

    Microsoft mobile e-mail software users previously had to dial up the server to get messages .

  29. 小型网站缓存服务器能帮助小型现场办公室从拨号连接中获得更好的性能。

    Small Web caching servers can help small field offices get better performance from their dial-up connections .

  30. 实验者得出结论,短暂的屏蔽是骗局,以鼓励更多的浪自动跳出拨号连接费时间和金钱。

    The experimenter concluded the short sto ages were decoys , to encourage more wasted time and money .