
  • 网络spectrum utilization;spectrum efficiency;spectral efficiency;spectrum utilization efficiency;spectrum use
  1. MIMO和OFDM的出现为系统容量和频谱利用率带来了福音。

    Then MIMO-OFDM technology comes with hope on increasing capacity and spectrum efficiency .

  2. OFDM技术以其频谱利用率高,抗干扰能力强等优点而得到广泛的关注。

    OFDM has been paid much attention to for its high spectrum efficiency and strong immunity to interference .

  3. 连续相位调制信号(ContinuousPhaseModulation)具有包络恒定、相位连续的特点,因此有较高的功率利用率和频谱利用率。

    Continuous phase modulation ( CPM ) is a kind of constant-envelope digital modulation schemes with continuous phase which provides good spectral - and power-efficiency .

  4. 基于此,人们提出了空时编码(Space-TimeCoding)技术,它能够实现非常高的频谱利用率和数据传输率。

    Based on this , Space-Time Coding is offered , which can realize very high frequency efficiency and data transmission rate .

  5. MIMO技术可以在不增加发射功率与系统宽带的前提下,大幅度地提高系统的信道容量与频谱利用率。

    Without increasing the transmit power and system bandwidth , MIMO technology can greatly improve channel capacity and spectral efficiency .

  6. 无线资源管理是CDMA蜂窝移动通信系统保证业务质量(QoS)和提高频谱利用率的关键技术。

    Radio resource management is a key technique for CDMA cellular systems to provide QoS and efficient utilization of radio frequency spectrum .

  7. MIMO-OFDM既利用了MIMO技术提高系统频谱利用率的优势,又具备了OFDM抵抗频率选择性衰落的优点。

    MIMO-OFDM takes the advantage of MIMO in improving spectrum efficiency and has the OFDM resistance frequency selective fading .

  8. 由于其具有较高的频谱利用率、数据传输速率和抗多径衰落能力强等优点,使OFDM技术受到人们的广泛关注。

    Extensive attention has been paid to OFDM due to its high spectral efficiency , high data rate and well anti-multipath ability .

  9. 多输入多输出(MIMO)技术可以大幅度提高系统的频谱利用率,提供空间分集增益提高传输可靠性。

    Multi-Input Multi-Output ( MIMO ) can improve the spectrum efficiency significantly and provide spatial diversity to prompt the transmit reliability .

  10. 多输入多输出(MultipleInputMultipleOutput,MIMO)技术能够利用空间自由度获得空间分集增益和空间复用增益,有效地提高频谱利用率。

    Multiple input multiple output ( MIMO ) can achieve space diversity gain and space multiplexing gain by using degree of space freedom , and effectively improve frequency spectrum efficiency .

  11. 随后讨论了该方案的频谱利用率和成对错误概率(PEP)。

    The spectral efficiency and pairwise error probability ( PEP ) is also considered .

  12. 正交频分调制(OFDM)是一种高效的数据传输技术,具有良好的抗频率选择性衰落能力,并且提高了频谱利用率。

    The great advantage of OFDM is that it is robust against frequency selective fading and that it improves frequency utilizing rate simultaneously .

  13. OFDM技术由于具有很高的频谱利用率、良好的抗多径衰落性能、高效的数据传输能力,长期以来一直受到了广泛的关注。

    Due to high spectral efficiency , good robust to multi-path fading , and high-speed datatransmission , OFDM has always attracted much attention .

  14. OFDM技术以其有效对抗多径衰落、频谱利用率较高的优点,成为未来宽带无线通信系统的关键技术。

    OFDM has been regarded as the key technology for future broadband wireless communication systems , due to its robust to multipath-fading and high frequency efficiency .

  15. 跳频通信系统具有较强的抗干扰能力;OFDM具有较高的频谱利用率;

    The paper presents the FH-OFDM system with the joint of the stronger ability against interference in frequency-hopped system and greater spectral efficiency in OFDM system .

  16. OFDM调制技术由于其较强的抗多径传播和频率选择性衰落能力以及较高的频谱利用率,在许多无线通信系统中得到广泛应用。

    OFDM has been used in many wireless communication systems , due to its ability to repress multipath propagation , frequency selective fading and high spectral efficiency .

  17. V-BLAST系统有着非常高的频谱利用率,可以显著地提高系统容量。

    V-BLAST has demonstrated very high spectral efficiency , and can improve system capacity dramatically .

  18. 自适应编码调制(AMC)技术可以有效地提高无线数据传输的频谱利用率。

    Adaptive modulation and coding ( AMC ) can effectively improve the spectral efficiency for wireless data transmissions .

  19. 多输入多输出(Multiple-inputMultiple-Output,MIMO)技术能够充分利用空间资源,提高频谱利用率和链路可靠性。

    Multiple-input multiple-output ( MIMO ) technique can exploit space resource adequately , and improve spectrum efficiency and link reliability .

  20. MIMO技术是无线通信领域的重大突破,它可以在不增加系统带宽的条件下,大幅度地提高系统的信道容量和频谱利用率。

    MIMO technology is a major breakthrough in the field of wireless communication and it can greatly increase the channel capacity and spectrum efficiency without expanding bandwidth .

  21. 仿真结果表明该算法设计的脉冲不仅能很好地满足FCC辐射掩模的要求,而且具有较好的频谱利用率。

    The simulation results show that the pulse designed by this algorithm can perfectly meet the requirement of FCC emission mask and has higher spectrum utilization efficiency .

  22. 正交频分复用(OFDM,OrthogonalFrequencydivisionMultiplexing)技术具备频谱利用率高、抗干扰能力强和带宽扩展性好等一系列特点,是下一代移动通信系统最具竞争力的关键技术。

    OFDM ( Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing ) has higher spectrum efficiency , better anti-interference ability and bandwidth expansibility . It is the most competitive key technology in next generation mobile communication system .

  23. 正交频分复用(OrthogonalFrequencydivisionMultiplexing,OFDM)是实现高速数据传输的重要技术,它能够有效抵抗信道的多径衰落,且具有频谱利用率高、实现简单等一系列优点。

    Orthogonal frequency division multiplexing ( OFDM ) is an enabling technology for high speed data transmission due to its robustness against frequency-selective fading channels , high spectral efficiency , and simple implementation .

  24. 这种方式能够使用授权频段,利用更宽的带宽,因此频谱利用率相对较高,本文中我们考虑underlay模式下次用户的路由。

    Underlay mode can use licensed spectrum with wider bandwidth and higher spectrum usage .

  25. 为了在TD-SCDMA上行链路传输中获得更高的频谱利用率,提出了一种上行链路的发送和接收方案。

    To improve the spectral efficiency for uplink data transmissions in TD-SCDMA , the authors propose a scheme to transmitter and receiver for uplink .

  26. Nakagami信道是一种适应性较强的信道模型,MQAM(M-aryquadratureamplitudemodulation)是一种频谱利用率较高的调制方式。

    Nakagami channel is a channel model with great flexibility and MQAM ( M-ary quadrature amplitude modulation ) has a highly frequency efficiency .

  27. 最后,基于Walsh正交码和SDP算法还得到了四个频谱利用率都比较高的正交脉冲。

    Finally , four orthogonal pulses with high NESP values are derived based on Walsh orthogonal code and SDP arithmetic .

  28. 在未来的B3G/4G的移动通信系统中,OFDM将成为一个关键的物理层技术,它能够有效的对抗多径衰落,并且频谱利用率高。

    In the next B3G / 4G mobile communication systems , OFDM will become a key technology . It can suppress multipath fading , and it has highly spectral efficiency .

  29. 由于OFDM系统可以实现信道的动态分配,从而为面向多业务的传输系统提供了进一步提高频谱利用率的途径。

    In OFDM system we can realize the channel 's dynamic allocation . This trait offers a method of raising the spectrum efficiency further for transmission system oriented multimedia service .

  30. OFDM(OrthogonalFrequencydivisionMultiplexing)是目前已知的频谱利用率最高的一种通信系统,而且具有传输速率快,抗多径干扰能力强的优点。

    OFDM ( Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing ) is the most frequency-efficient transmission system known so far ; meanwhile , it has the advantages of fast transmission rate and the strong ability of anti-multipath .