
shù jù chuán shū lǜ
  • data rate;data transfer rate
  1. 通用串行总线〔USB〕是一种新型的计算机外围接口标准.它具有即插即用、扩展方便、数据传输率高等特点。

    USB ( Universal Serial Bus ) is an up-to-date interface standard of computer peripherals , with some advanced features such as PnP ( Plug and Play ), easy extensibility and high data rate .

  2. 概略的来说,MIMO系统可以通过空间复用技术提高数据传输率,或者通过发射分集方法提高传输可靠性。

    Broadly , MIMO system can used spatial multiplexing to increase data rate , and transmit diversity to increase link reliability .

  3. 为了提高短波通信系统接入Internet的数据传输率,提出一种设计方案。

    In order to improve data-transfer rates of HF access to Internet , a design scheme was put forward .

  4. 仿真实验证明,该方案有效提高了短波接入Internet的数据传输率。

    The simulation experiment showed that this design scheme can effectively increase the data transfer rates of HF access to Internet .

  5. 本文以提高绘图机数据传输率为目的,通过裁剪普通Linux操作系统,最终获得绘图机需要的嵌入式Linux操作系统。

    In order to increase data transmission rates of the plotter , this paper tailoring a embedded Linux operating system .

  6. SD卡拥有高存储容量、快速数据传输率、极大的移动灵活性以及很好的安全性。

    SD card has enough storage , fast data transfer rate , high flexibility and security .

  7. 基于此,人们提出了空时编码(Space-TimeCoding)技术,它能够实现非常高的频谱利用率和数据传输率。

    Based on this , Space-Time Coding is offered , which can realize very high frequency efficiency and data transmission rate .

  8. 通用串型总线(USB)是一种新标准,它支持每秒近1200万位的数据传输率。

    The universal serial bus ( USB ) is a new standard that supports data transfer rates of up to12 million bits per second .

  9. 监控程序一般要记录CPU的使用信息、I/O请求频率、数据传输率、RAM使用信息以及其他类似的统计数据。

    Monitors typically record CPU utilization , I / O request rates , data transfer rates , RAM utilization , and similar statistics .

  10. 而ASI接口凭借其数据传输率高、准确度高以及可靠性好的特点,成为TS流长距离传输的普遍接口。

    ASI interface depends on its high transmission rate and reliability becomes the general TS stream interface .

  11. 因为它的低成本、高数据传输率、使用容易和灵活性,USB在计算机行业里获得了广泛接受。

    Because of its low cost , high data-transfer rate , ease of use , and flexibility , USB has gained wide acceptance in the computer industry .

  12. 巧用PIO通信方式加速双微机系统数据传输率

    Speed up the data transport rate of double-CPU system using PIO communication mode

  13. 另一方面,对于MIMO-OFDM系统来说,自适应调制技术可以提高系统的数据传输率、频谱效率以及传输的可靠性。

    On the other hand , adaptive modulation technique can enhance data rate , spectrum efficiency and transmission reliability in MIMO-OFDM systems .

  14. 仿真测试结果表明,采用USB通讯接口比RS-232C的数据传输率快,能够满足系统实时仿真的要求。

    The experiments indicate that using USB can get a much higher data transfer rate than RS-232C to satisfy the system real-time simulation requirement .

  15. 采用CAN(ControllerAreaNetwork)现场总线实现上位机PC和下位机可编程控制器PLC、传感器控制器的通讯,提高了系统的数据传输率和抗干扰能力,增强了系统的实时性和可靠性。

    CAN ( Controller Area Network ) is adopted to implement the communication between PC and programmable logic controller ( PLC ) and sensor controller , so it improves the rate of data transmission and anti-disturbance ability and also strengthens real-time ability and reliability .

  16. 第四代移动通信(简称4G)具有高数据传输率、能为用户提供QoS保证等特点,这就要求系统实现中有处理能力更强的CPU和实时操作系统的支持。

    The fourth generation wireless communication has high data transfer rate and can provide QoS guarantee for the users . These properties require more powerful CPU and RTOS support in its system realization .

  17. 此外,对整个设计进行了实际测试,并在测试结果的基础上,对影响PCI总线数据传输率的各种因素作了详细分析。

    Besides , practical measurement are made for whole design , and various factors of affecting PCI bus 's the speed of data transmission are analyzed in detail on the base of measurement result .

  18. 由帧格式分析了FDL的编码效率与有效数据传输率;

    Encoding efficiency and effective data transmission rate of FDL are calculated according the frame format of FDL .

  19. 片外存储系统的访存延迟主要由DRAM延迟决定,带宽则是由内存总线的数据传输率所决定。

    Off-chip memory latency is mainly determined by DRAM latency , and memory bandwidth is determined by data transfer rate through the memory bus .

  20. 在100M局域网环境中对网络备份系统进行性能测试,结果表明:这个网络备份系统具备高于使用FTP协议传输的数据传输率。

    From the experiments in 100M Ethernet environment , it is concluded that the speed of this network backup system is higher than that of FTP in our test environment .

  21. 不断增加的网络带宽需求已使数据传输率达到Gb/s以上,系统集成、低成本和低功耗的要求则需要在CMOS工艺中实现高速串行收发器。

    The ever-increasing demand for bandwidth has pushed serial communication data rates over multi-Gb / s. System integration , lower cost and low power requirements have made the CMOS the technology of choices for serial transceivers .

  22. 实验证明,此控制平台不仅数据传输率达到实时要求,而且,表明采用PCI总线技术是电能质量在线监测、分析与控制系统实现数据高速传输的理想方法。

    Experiment prove control terrace attain real-time require at data transmission rate , PCI bus is the best mean of realizing high speed data transmission at on-line monitoring , analysis and control of electric power quantity .

  23. 然后给出多载波调制和CDMA结合的MC-CDMA系统,此系统可以支持高数据传输率和高用户容量。

    Then we introduce the system which combines multicarrier multiplexing and CDMA , that is MC-CDMA , this system can support not only high data rate , but also high user capacity .

  24. 多输入多输出(MIMO)技术的空间复用增益可以提高数据传输率,分集增益可以提高通信的可靠性,已被一些无线通信的标准和协议采用。

    The data rate and reliability of communication systems can be greatly improved by spatial multiplexing and diversity gain , respectively provided by multiple-input multiple-output ( MIMO ) which is already adopted by some standards and protocols .

  25. 本文介绍了光纤通道的数据传输率、拓扑结构和类服务,分析了光纤通道在解决IO瓶颈问题方面的优越性。

    The data transfer rate , topology and service classes are presented in this article to indicate that fibre channel is a good choice to solve I / O problem of the system .

  26. 据富士通称,其消费电子产品用FCRAM相比普通RAM不仅接口功耗更低,而且数据传输率也更快。

    According to Fujitsu , FCRAM for consumer electronics devices offers a low power SDRAM interface and enables high-speed data transfer with low power consumption .

  27. 另外,通过专门的测试工具对配置成不同级别的磁盘阵列系统进行了测试,测试结果表明,各系统在IO率、数据传输率等性能方面都有较好的表现。

    Additionally , RAID systems configured with different levels are tested with specific tools , and the testing results shows that the systems have good performance on IO rate , data transfer rate and etc.

  28. 该NIM插件可同时记录30路ECL输入信号,采用增强型计算机并行端口读入方式,数据传输率达到2Mb/s。

    The scaler can scale 30 ECL inputs at the same time . With the EPP ( Enhanced Parallel Port ) modes of the Parallel Port , the transmitted rate of data is 2MB / s.

  29. ISDN具有较高的数据传输率和较低的通信费用,本文主要研究基于ISDN的企业网中的若干关键技术。

    Since ISDN have the advantages of higher transmission rate and lower charge for communication than others , I concentrate my research in this thesis on some key problems of voice over Enterprise Network based on ISDN .

  30. 经过性能测试,表明AMR算法比DSR算法在数据传输率方面提高20%60%,端对端平均延迟降低40%60%。

    THe results show that compared with DSR , AMR is able to improve packet delivery ratio by about 20 % - 60 % and reduce average delay by about 40 % - 60 % .