
shù jù jiā mì biāo zhǔn
  • data encryption standard;DES
  1. 同时,论文设计了一个破译数据加密标准的递归式DNA粘贴、剪接算法。

    At the same time , a recursive DNA sticker-splicing algorithm to break the data encryption standard is proposed .

  2. 一种数据加密标准算法的FPGA实现

    A FPGA Implementation of Data Encryption Standard Algorithm

  3. DNA计算与数据加密标准

    DNA Computing and Data Encryption Standards

  4. 讨论了一种基于现场可编程门阵列(FPGA)的数据加密标准算法实现。

    The paper presents a DES implementation based on FPGA and proposes optimal resource scheme .

  5. 研究了AES数据加密标准,并实现了该算法的C程序;

    AES data encryption algorithm is researched , and a C program is completed for it .

  6. 基于RSA和高级数据加密标准的网络数据加密方案

    Data Encryption Scheme of Network Based on RSA and Advanced Encryption Standard

  7. 软件部分采用了新的数据加密标准AES。

    One new datum encryption standard - AES is applied in software part .

  8. DES(数据加密标准)算法被广泛应用于软件加密和硬件加密。

    DES algorithm has been applied to the software and hardware encryption extensively .

  9. 该文介绍了数据加密标准算法,讨论了该算法的一种IP核设计及其FPGA实现。

    This paper introduces the data encryption standard algorithm briefly , and discusses an IP-CORE design and the FPGA implementation of the algorithm .

  10. 数据加密标准DES分析及其攻击研究

    Analysis and Attack Research of DES Cipher

  11. 作为新一代的对称数据加密标准,AES相对前一代数据加密标准DES具有更高效的执行效率和更好的安全性。

    As the new generation encryption standard , AES is more efficient and secure than DES .

  12. 而DES(DataencryptionStandard,数据加密标准)具有运算复杂度较低,速度快等优点,但密钥不便管理,难以实现数字签名。

    But DES ( Data Encryption Standard ) algorithm has the advantage of low calculating complexity , high processing speed , but it is difficulty to manage key and realize the digital signature .

  13. 一种密钥加密-解密算法,其使用一种两倍于数据加密标准(ES)密钥长度的密钥。

    A private key encryption-decryption algorithm that uses a key that is twice the length of a Data Encryption Standard ( DES ) key .

  14. 高级数据加密标准AES应运而生,AES[4]是2000年以后使用的新的分组密码算法。

    Hence , the Advanced Encryption Standard is proposed , and used after 2000 . The two algorithms are the representative of the block ciphers .

  15. OpenBSD中的加密转换库包括Blowfish、数据加密标准(DES)、3DES和Cast。

    Cryptographic transform libraries in OpenBSD include Blowfish , Data Encryption Standard ( DES ), 3DES , and Cast .

  16. Grover量子算法与数据加密标准的安全性分析

    Grover Quantum Algorithm and Security Analysis of DES

  17. 详细分析了新一代数据加密标准AES的性能及算法,以及如何利用AES实现文件的加密与解密过程。

    The performance and algorithm of new generation of data encryption standard AES , and the document encryption and the decipher process by using AES were analyzed .

  18. 美国20世纪的数据加密标准DES是到目前为止使用最广、讨论最多的分组密码算法之一。

    The Date Encryption Standard ( DES ) of America in 20 ~ ( th ) century is one of the block ciphers which have been used and discussed extensively up to now .

  19. 探讨数据库的加密特点及其加密方法,并详细介绍一种类似DES(数据加密标准)的分组加密算法&子密钥数据库加密算法;

    Methods of database encryption and its characteristics are firstly discussed . Then the method of encryption algorithm like DES ( Data Encryption Standard ) & sub-key database encryption algorithm is introduced in detail ;

  20. DES算法是一种数据加密标准,在数据通信和计算机网络中应用很广,但大多是用硬件和汇编语言实现,用高级的通用程序实现较复杂且速度不理想。

    DES algorithm is a data encryption standard of ANSI , which is used widely in computer network and data communication . In general , the implementation of DES algorithm is suitable for hardware or assembly language .

  21. AES即高级数据加密标准,是事实上的国际标准,并且AES算法全免费公开,基于该算法的密码产品已得到广泛应用,因此对它的研究具有很强的现实意义。

    AES is the data encryption international standard in reality , and AES algorithm is completely open and free , based on this algorithm , the products has been widely used , so the research has strong practical significance .

  22. 高级加密标准(AEs)是美国国家标准与技术研究局宣布采用的数据加密标准,在安全性、简洁性、实现成本等方面与原有的对称加密算法相比具有一定的优势,具有广泛的应用前景。

    National Institute of Standards and Technology announced Advanced Encryption Standard ( AES ) as data Encryption Standard , which has certain advantages over original symmetric encipherment algorithm in security , conciseness , cost , and have widespread application prospect .

  23. 介绍了差分密码分析,讨论了数据加密标准(DES)的S-盒的结构与差分特性,然后通过F-函数将S-盒的局部特性扩展到整个密码结构。

    The differential cryptanalysis is introduced . The properties of construction and difference on the S boxes of the date encryption standard ( DES ) are discussed . The local property of S boxes is extended to the entire cipher structure through F function .

  24. 从1976年美国数据加密标准算法DES公布以来,到20世纪末,DES算法或其某种变形基本主宰了对称算法的研究和发展。

    The American Data Encryption Standard DES was proposed in 1976 and used thru the end of the 20th century . During this time , the DES algorithm and its transmutations dominated the research and development of the block cipher algorithm .

  25. 它也利用RSATriple-DES数据加密标准对报文加密,此标准是168位的加密技术。他们利用窃听器,把未加密的电报原文录了下来。

    It also encrypts the message using the RSA Triple-DES data encryption standard , which is a 168 bit encryption technology . They recorded the clear telex straight through their microphones .

  26. AES是美国国家标准与技术研究所(NIST)提出的高级加密标准,它是一个对称分组密码算法,用来取代旧的数据加密标准DES,从而成为广泛使用的标准。

    AES stands for Advanced Encryption Standards and is published by NIST ( National Institute of Standards and Technology ) . The AES algorithm is a symmetric-key block cipher which is to replace the old Data Encryption Standard ( DES ) .

  27. 同时,本文针对数据加密标准DES和MD5及SHA-256算法分别进行了量子线路的设计,可用于后续的仿真实验,也可作为量子计算机芯片集成设计的依据。

    Meanwhile , this paper puts forward the quantum circuit design of DES , MD5 and SHA-256 algorithm which can be used in the following simulation and also can be used as the basis of the quantum chip design .

  28. 完成了电子门票方案设计、防伪和识别,对数据加密标准算法进行改进,设计了S-DES算法对电子门票条形码信息进行加密、解密处理;

    Accomplished the design , anti-fake and identifying of the electronic ticket scheme , improved the data encryption standard algorithm , designed S-DES algorithm encrypting and decrypting the electronic ticket barcode information ;

  29. 数据加密标准中S盒非线性设计分析

    Unlinear Design Analysing for S Boxes in the Data Encryption Standard

  30. 欧洲21世纪数据加密标准候选算法简评

    Brief Commentary on 21st Century European Data Encryption Standard Candidate Algorithms