- data transfer rate

DMA technology plays an important role in increasing the data transmission rate , especially for high rate transmission .
The use of CPLD makes the stucture of the system more integrated . The 32-bit data acquisition system , the speed of data transmission is faster , the CPU resource and PCI bus resource are spared .
As a new control technology , CC-Link has some advantages , such as more rapid data transmission rate , big capacity . CC-Link has some functions , such as auto-refreshment , booking station , RAS . CC-Link could meet the requirements of monitoring system of mining transportation .
The high-speed circuit designers focus more and more on the signal integrity because of the more complicated systems , higher rout densities and higher data throughout etc.
These limits determine the rates at which each individual data flow is sent , and for how long .
The array employs an internationally standard CAMAC system which communicates with a computer by using an interrupting mode to collect and process data . It has a high data transmitting rate , great flexibility , universal utility and fairly high standardization .