
  • 网络Combinatorial Matrix Theory
  1. 本文主要的内容为概述组合矩阵论的发展,介绍一些基本知识,以及本原矩阵的三种类型的广义指数。

    The main content of this article summarizes the development of combinatorial matrix theory , introduces some basic knowledge of it , and three kinds of generalized exponents of boolean matrix .

  2. 符号模式矩阵是组合矩阵论中当前国际上十分活跃的一个研究课题,其重要原因在于它在经济学、生物学、化学、社会学、计算机科学等众多学科中具有广泛的实际应用背景。

    Sign pattern matrix is a very active research topic in combinatorial matrix theory , and one of the important reasons is that it has wide application in many subjects such as economics , biology , chemistry , sociology and computer science .

  3. 方法利用组合论和矩阵论方法。

    Methods By combinatorial and matrix theoretical methods .