
  • 网络Provision coverage;Provision coverage ratio
  1. 富国银行(WellsFargo)的管理者想出了一个新的比率,用来与拨备覆盖率和资本充足率等银行业使用的可靠比率一起追踪银行的状况。

    At Wells Fargo , managers have dreamt up a new ratio to track alongside such banking stalwarts as provision coverage and capital adequacy .

  2. caixabank将不良房地产贷款的拨备覆盖率几乎翻了一番,增至62%。

    Caixabank almost doubled provision coverage of bad property loans to 62 per cent .

  3. 我们考虑了GDP增长率,通货膨胀率,银行规模,净利差,存贷比,资本充足率,不良贷款拨备覆盖率这七个因素。

    We consider the GDP growth , inflation , bank size , net interest margin , deposit ratio , capital adequacy ratio and NPL coverage .

  4. 我们需要更高的资本缓冲和拨备覆盖率。

    We need thicker capital buffers and provisioning coverage ratios .

  5. 不良贷款拨备覆盖率呈逐年上升(除深发展)趋势,抗风险能力趋于增强;

    4 ) The coverage of provisions for NPL is on a annually rising trend ( excluding the Shenzhen Development Bank ) and the capability to forestall risks is improving ;

  6. 经营绩效方面,各家普遍表现良好,不良贷款率逐年下降,拨备覆盖率逐年提高。

    When it comes to the operating performance , the banks behave generally well & the bad loan ratio reduces year by year and the provision coverage ratio goes up step by step .

  7. 去年年底,监管机构将不良贷款拨备覆盖率提高到130%;如今,报道称已升至150%。

    At the end of last year , regulators ratcheted up the provisioning level to 130 per cent of bad loans ; now , reports suggest , that has been lifted to 150 per cent .

  8. 同时,近几年来国有商业银行的利润大幅上升、不良贷款率持续下降、拨备覆盖率不断上升,经营能力不断增强,客观上也具备跨国经营的实力。

    Meanwhile , the profit of state-owned commercial banks increased substantially , the non-performing loan ratio continued to decline , provision coverage increased substantially and management ability enhanced a lot in recent years . Objectively , our state-owned commercial banks have the strength of internationalization .