
  • 网络financial ratio
  1. 企业规模、行业分类与财务比率的统计研究

    Statistical research on enterprise size , industry classification and financial ratio

  2. 财务比率分析可能存在的局限性和潜在的问题有哪些。

    What are some potential problems and limitations of financial ratio analysis ?

  3. 运用SWOT矩阵分析法、PEST分析法、财务比率分析法和纵向、横向百分比法对长安汽车生存、发展的内、外环境进行了详细分析;

    Analyze the circumstance inside and outside of chang-an car by SWOT analytical method , PEST analytical method , finance ratio analytical method , the portrait percent method and landscape orientation method ;

  4. Box-Cox变换原理及其在财务比率正态分布中的作用

    Box - Cox Transformation Principle and Its Application in Normal Distribution of Financial Ratios

  5. 针对信用风险度量的方法包括基于财务比率的风险测量方法和基于波动性的风险测量方法,与之相关的风险度量概念有信用评级、Z分数、转换矩阵、违约频率。

    And in light of credit risk , there are accounting-based ratio measurement method and volatility - based measurement method , as well as the related concepts , such as Credit Rating , Z-score , Transition Matrix , Expected Default Frequency .

  6. 本文对Z-score预警模型进行了新的研究,将模型中各财务比率的权数及常数项进行调查;

    This research further studies on Z-score prediction model in which the sum of financial rates ' weight is normalized to 1 , And the constant in model is not demanded .

  7. 单变量预测模型是利用单一财务比率指标预测财务失败,而多变量预测模型则注重多个财务比率指标的综合,如线性概率模型、线性辩识模型、Logit模型。

    The single variable prediction model predicts the financial failure by means of unified financial rate , while multi-variable prediction model stresses on the comprehension of multi-financial rate , such as linear probability model , linear identification model , Logit model .

  8. 一般说来,分析者可以利用财务比率来实现下列目的

    In general , analysts use financial ratios to achieve the following objectives

  9. 利用财务比率识别公司会计造假的方法

    On the Methods of Identifying Company Accountant 's Counterfeiting with Financial Rate

  10. 构建上市公司财务比率指标评价体系

    Evaluation Module for the Financial Ratio of Listed Companies

  11. 财务比率在股票选择中的作用

    Role of the financial ratios in the stock choice

  12. 第二节为基本的财务比率。

    Section two sets forth the basic financial ratio .

  13. 企业财务比率的模糊决策分析

    Fuzzy Decision Making of the Enterprises ' Financial Ratio

  14. 进一步理解基于股东权益的财务比率。

    Better understand ratios based on stockholders ' equity .

  15. 研究结果显示:所有财务比率的行业效应均为显著,即不同行业的财务比率具有显著差异。

    Results show that the industry effects of seven financial ratios are all significant .

  16. 首先,指出财务比率综合分析的核心问题是确定财务比率的加权权重系数;

    The core of the comprehensive evaluation is the determination of the weighting coefficients .

  17. 财务比率的行业特征:差异性及收敛性&基于中国上市公司的非参数检验

    The Difference and Convergence of Financial Ratios : A Non-Parametric Test for Chinese Listed Firms

  18. 陶瓷行业标准财务比率的计算

    Counting standard financial ratios of ceramic industry

  19. 除此之外,本文还使用单一财务比率净资产收益率对样本公司绩效进行了分析。

    Besides , sample companies are also analyzed by using single financial indicator Return On Equity .

  20. 基本财务比率分析

    A Basic Analysis of Financial ratios

  21. 一种财务比率,计算方法为税后净利润除以净销售额。

    The ratio calculated by taking net income after taxes and dividing it by net sales .

  22. 结合案例,对现金流量的结构和财务比率进行分析,为报表使用者衡量企业的财务状况提供有效的方法。

    To analyze the structure of cash flow statement and financial rate based on case study .

  23. 百分比分析和财务比率分析

    Common size and financial ratio analysis

  24. 它使贷款成了具有流动性的证券,盘活企业的存量资产,并优化其财务比率。

    It makes the loan more flexible and activate the deposit asset and optimize the financial rate .

  25. 国外航空公司的财务比率分析

    Ratio Analysis of Foreign Airlines

  26. 大多数的会计统计模型是以财务比率的正态分布为假设前提。

    The most of accounting empirical statistical models is based on normal distribution assumption of financial ratios .

  27. 与财务比率的结合,是该模型的重要发展方向之一。

    Combined with financial ratio , the RIV model is characterized by more conspicuous objectivity and verifiability .

  28. 影响违约变量的研究,主要是探讨技术效率和违约距离在结合财务比率进行违约预测的作用。

    Technical efficiency and distance to default are important factors in explaining financial distress except for financial ratios .

  29. 讨论了一些相关的财务比率及三种不同的营运资本筹资政策。

    Second , Some financial ratios . Third , three kinds of financial policies for the working capital .

  30. 在一套财务比率的基础上,运用多元统计分析的因素分析法,综合评价了沪市90家工业类上市公司的财务状况

    On the basis of a set of financial ratios , using factor analysis to perform a general financial