
  • 网络Financial deficit
  1. 2005年第三季度,家庭财务赤字(支出超过收入)占到国内生产总值(GDP)的3.5%。

    Households ran a financial deficit ( an excess of spending over income ) of 3.5 per cent of gross domestic product in the third quarter of 2005 .

  2. 但由于英国私人部门的财务赤字相当于GDP的3%,加上家庭储蓄在2007年第三季度仅为可支配收入的3.4%,因此这也是一件非常好的事情。

    But since the UK 's private sector is running a financial deficit of 3 per cent of GDP and household savings in the third quarter of 2007 were a mere 3.4 per cent of disposable incomes , this is also highly desirable .

  3. 另一个选择是希腊私营部门财务赤字大幅扩张。

    The alternative would be a huge expansion in the financial deficit of the Greek private sector .

  4. 但主导因素一直是空前庞大的美国家庭财务赤字。

    But the dominant element has been the gigantic and unprecedented US household financial deficit ( see chart ) .

  5. 他们只有两种工具:政府和私人财务赤字(支出大于收入)。

    They have only two vehicles : government and private financial deficits ( excesses of spending over income ) .

  6. 美国私营部门无法再保持巨额财务赤字了,这些赤字抵消了减少需求的外部赤字。

    The US private sector is no longer in a position to run huge financial deficits as an offset to the demand-draining external deficits .

  7. 如果财政赤字被消除,而经常账户赤字仍然很大,那么私营部门将不得不运行庞大的财务赤字。

    If the fiscal deficit were eliminated , while the current account deficit remained large , the private sector would have to run a large financial deficit .

  8. 低实际利率和金融创新刺激了弹性信贷,使美国家庭部门(也包括英国家庭部门)在多年期间保持空前巨大的财务赤字。

    The elasticity of credit , stimulated by low real interest rates and financial innovation , allowed the US household sector ( and also that of the UK ) to run unprecedently large financial deficits over a long series of years .

  9. 如果我们再不赶快卖出一本书的话,我们的财务就要陷入赤字了。

    If we don 't sell any books soon , we 'll be in the red .

  10. 我拼命做两份工作,所以财务上不会有赤字。

    I 'm breaking my neck at two jobs so I don 't fall behind in my bills .

  11. 销售开始下跌,公司财务不久便出现赤字,他们只得把那幢大楼卖掉。

    Sales began to drop and the company was soon in the red . They had to sell the building .