
  • 网络financial value;financial worth
  1. 评估企业财务价值有几种方法。

    Several methods exist for assessing the financial value of a venture .

  2. 企业智力资本财务价值计量模型探究

    Research on measurement model of intellectual capital financial value

  3. 高校财务价值链管理的特征分析与内容

    The Characteristic Analysis and the Contents of Financial Value-Chain Management in College

  4. 基于这种构思,文章最后设计了一种新的智力资本财务价值计量模型。

    The final part of it designs measurement model based on this idea .

  5. 财务价值链与企业增值

    Creating Financial Value Chain to Add Enterprise Value

  6. 高校财务价值链分析与应用

    The University Financial Value Chain Analysis and Application

  7. 完整的品牌价值测评应由两方面构成:按照收益法原则测评品牌的财务价值;

    Brand value evaluation includes two parts .

  8. 企业智力资本的财务价值计量是目前国内外理论界研究中的热点领域。

    Measurement of intellectual capital value is the hot domain of theory study home and abroad .

  9. 高校财务价值链是财务战略体系中的重要环节。

    University 's financial value chain is an important link in the strategic system of the financial affairs .

  10. 接下来又介绍了实物期权的方法对创业投资项目财务价值评估的意义。

    The fifth part introduced in real option approach to the venture capital project finance value appraisal significance .

  11. 在价值链概念的基础上提出高校财务价值链的特征和内容。

    This paper suggests the characteristics and contents of college 's financial value-chain , which based on its definition .

  12. 所谓双重价值指的是财务价值和战略价值,双向指的是既为公司投资者创造价值,也为创业企业创造价值。

    Dual-type refers to financial and strategic value , and dual-direction refers to creating value for both corporate investors and entrepreneurs .

  13. 最后,针对我国的实际情况,分析了提高企业价值的途径在于优化企业业务价值链与财务价值链以及实现二者的协调。

    Lastly , optimizing the business and financial value chain and bringing them into harmonious is an approach to increase business value .

  14. 随着发达经济体从制造业转向服务业,从有形产品转向无形产品,品牌在财务价值中所占比例不断上升。

    As developed economies switch from manufacturing to services and tangible to intangible products , brands make up a growing proportion of financial value .

  15. 品牌资产的财务价值按照品牌忠诚度的模型来计算,也是为了展示市场和财务的相互依赖。

    The financial value of brand equity flows through the model of brand loyalty , which just goes to show the interdependency between marketing and finance .

  16. 最后,通过对129家国有企业问卷调查的经验分析,本文在一定程度上验证了财务价值矩阵系统的理论逻辑。

    In conclusion , the theory of Financial Value Matrix System is validated in a certain extent by the empirical tests through surveys of 129 state-owned enterprises ( SOEs ) .

  17. 品牌价值是对品牌作为一种资产和一种权益的价值量化,具体体现为品牌财务价值和品牌权益价值;

    The paper draws the following conclusions : Brand value is the evaluation to the brand as asset and equity and it can be expressed as brand financial value and brand equity .

  18. 研究结果表明,湖北省上市企业的财务价值创造能力与其R&D投入及企业规模呈正相关关系,与其财务风险呈负相关关系。

    The results showed that the ability to create financial value of the listed companies in Hubei created the positive correlation with the level of R & D investment and firm size .

  19. 企业价值报告应由财务价值信息、人力资本价值信息和企业治理结构信息构成,并采用货币指标、实物指标和文字说明等表达方式。

    The report of enterprises ' value should include the information of finance , human capital value and the enterprise 's governance , and be expressed in money , physical index and words .

  20. 生产要素经过市场交易过程被企业购入之后,变为要素资本;各种要素资本的价值及其增值形成企业的财务价值。

    Production factors turn into the capital of key element the value and appreciation of various kinds of capital of key element form the financial value of the enterprise through the marketing process .

  21. 接着,本文界定了人力资源和人力资源价值的概念和内容,认为人力资源的价值应该即包括财务价值,也包括非财务价值。

    Then , this paper define the human resource of human resources and value concept and content , and the value of human resources should be included financial value , but also includes the financial value .

  22. 这个评价体系大体上可以分为五个方面:财务价值方面、客户导向方面、内部流程方面、未来发展方面和环境保护方面。

    This system can be divided into five respects on the whole : the angle of customers , the angle of operation , the angle of development , the angle of financial value and the angle of environmental protection .

  23. 即便他不喜欢一家在印度和巴西拥有增长潜力、并拥有企业社会责任感的悠久传统的巧克力制造商,被一家美国加工食品巨头所吞噬,他也必须从财务价值上加以论证。

    Even though he dislikes the idea of a chocolate-maker with growth prospects in India and Brazil and a long tradition of corporate social responsibility being eaten by a US processed food giant , he has to argue on financial value .

  24. 在财务价值方面,首先从其项目投资、建设情况出发,研究A企业的盈利能力、清偿能力、风险与不确定因素,以明确其是否具有良好的财务状况。

    In financial value , proceed from its project investment , situation of building at first , study the profit ability of A enterprises , discharge the ability , risk and uncertain factor , in order to define whether it has good financial situation .

  25. 本文通过几次金融危机的例子,分析了财务价值、财务风险与财务控制的关系及相互作用,然后以风险投资为例说明建立财务文化制度的必要性。

    In this paper , by several examples of financial crisis , we analyze the relationship and interaction of the financial value , financial risk and financial control , and then by an example of venture capital , we illuminate the need to establish financial cultural system .

  26. 本文认为在设计计量模型时,应以产出价值为计量基础,充分考虑智力资本的配置状态或使用效率、经济寿命期等因素的影响,并且应能提供局部集合或单项智力资本财务价值的信息。

    When measurement model designed , this paper puts forward the output should be taken as measurement basis , such factors as deployment state of intellectual capital , economical life period and so on should be considered and information of local gather or monomial intellectual capital could be provided .

  27. 我们追求的是合并后双方金融企业的融合与壮大,而这不仅仅取决于财务价值,更多的则是取决于双方整体资源的匹配、彼此能力的转移效率,以及各种协同效应的实现。

    We pursuit the amalgamation and grandness of the two partner finance enterprises after MA . While this is not only decided by their value , but also the matching of their whole resource 、 the transfer efficiency of ability and the realization of all kinds of cooperation effect .

  28. 接着,在平衡记分卡的思想运用上,基于整体和发展的视角,本文从顾客价值、财务价值、供应链内部运营和供应链长远发展潜力四个方面建立了供应链绩效评价指标体系;

    Thirdly , based on balanced-score card and the visual angles of whole and development , this paper establishes the system of supply chain performance evaluation indices from four aspects , such as customer value , finance value , supply chain interior operation and its long range development potential .

  29. 通过实证分析,发现我国造纸行业上市公司财务三维价值多数属于E2类型。

    Through empirical analysis , we can find that many listed companies of paper industry in China have E2 type of3D financial values .

  30. 权益净利率的财务管理价值

    The Financial Management Value of The Rate of Return on Equity