
  • 网络China Chamber of International Commerce;China International Chamber of Commerce;CCOIC
  1. 仲裁委员会同时使用“中国国际商会仲裁院”名称。

    The CIETAC concurrently uses the " Court of Arbitration of the China Chamber of International Commerce " as its name .

  2. 涉外仲裁委员会的主任、副主任和委员可以由中国国际商会聘任。

    The chairman , vice-chairmen and committee members may be appointed by the China International Chamber of Commerce .

  3. 第六十六条涉外仲裁委员会可以由中国国际商会组织设立。

    Article 66 A foreign arbitration commission may be organized and established by the China International Chamber of Commerce .

  4. 中国国际商会山东商会石油装备经贸分会的成立,对黄河三角洲建设石油装备制造业基地具有重大意义。

    The establishment of the Sub-Chamber is of significant meaning to the production base of petroleum equipments in the Yellow River Delta .

  5. 中国贸促会中国国际商会驻海外代表处

    CCPIT & CCOIC Overseas Representative Offices