
  • 网络Elderly care institutions;nursing facility
  1. 在这个过程中,让将要入住养老机构的居民参与其中可能是非常重要的。

    And involving the future resident in the process can be very important .

  2. 我得赶紧补充一下,我这里所谈论的并不是养老机构的护理质量。

    I am not talking about the quality of care , let me hastily add .

  3. 女儿担心她的母亲在那里会遭到忽视,所以她决定把母亲搬到一个服务更加热情友好的养老机构去。

    The daughter feared her mother would be ignored there , and so she decided to move her into a more welcoming facility .

  4. 我打算让问题变得更加复杂——我要说,老年人生活在哪种养老机构中可能并没有我们所设想的那么重要。

    I am about to make things more complicated by suggesting that what kind of facility an older person lives in may matter less than we have assumed .

  5. 当然,儿女们想拜访这些养老机构,跟管理员、其他居民及其家庭成员交流,并尽一切可能履行自己的义务。

    Of course , sons and daughters want to visit the facilities , talk to the administrators and residents and other families , and do everything possible to fulfill their duties .

  6. 成年子女在开始寻找养老机构时所关注的那些特色,对于将要入住的人来说未必事关重要。

    And that the characteristics adult children look for when they begin the search are not necessarily the things that make a difference to the people who are going to move in .

  7. 目的探讨在中国加入WTO之后,上海养老机构今后面对的困难情况预测和解决办法。

    Objective The article surmises the elderly of Shanghai of facilities for elderly of Shanghai after China enter WTO and give the way to meet the case .

  8. 第五部分,PPP模式在养老机构建设中应用的主要类型及相关建议。

    Part V , the main types of application of PPP model in the pension institutions in the construction and related suggestions .

  9. PPP作为一种建设与运营养老机构的创新模式,在我国的应用得到了普遍的关注与重视。

    PPP mode as a kind of innovation of construction and operation of pension institutions , it is also getting general attention and recognition .

  10. 吉尔伯特住在英国一家养老机构,为了进行此次拍摄,她戴上了专门定制的瓦伦蒂诺眼镜、维多利亚•贝克汉姆的上衣、TheRow的裤子、德赖斯•范诺顿外套、思琳的鞋和浪凡的项链。

    Gilbert lives in an assisted-living facility in England , and for her shoot she wore bespoke Valentino glasses , a blouse by Victoria Beckham and The Row pants over a Dris Van Noten coat , with shoes by Celine and a necklace by Lanvin .

  11. PPP模式应用到养老机构的建设中,不仅仅可以缓解政府的财政压力,还可以在一定程度上解决养老机构供不应求的问题。

    PPP model is applied to the construction of old-age care institutions , not only can reduce the financial burden of the government , but also can solve the supply problem of old-age care institutions to some extent .

  12. 采用问卷调查的方法对299名北京市城区养老机构入住老人生活质量进行横断面研究,问卷内容包括一般人口学资料、日常生活活动能力测定量表(ADL)和健康状况调查问卷(SF-36)。

    Questionnaire research were used to measure quality of life in 299 older people who live in various organizations providing for the aged in Beijing city , including general population information , form of activity of daily life ( ADL ) and questionnaire for healthy condition ( SF-36 ) .

  13. 养老机构发展主要问题及对策研究&长沙市养老机构及入住老人的调查与思考

    On the Main Problems and Countermeasures of Elder-Caring Organizations in Changsha

  14. 回忆疗法对养老机构老年人抑郁情绪的影响

    Effect of Reminiscence Therapy on Depressive Symptoms of Older Institutionalized Adults

  15. (她还打算向母亲的养老机构投诉此事。)

    ( She also plans to complain to the facility . )

  16. 一是私人开办,由镇民政部门统一管理的私营养老机构。

    The other is operate by private and managed by government .

  17. 合理调整养老机构的功能结构

    A Rational Adjustment to the Functional Structure of Aged Support Agencies

  18. 城市社会养老机构的经营模式探讨

    A Discussion of the Management Mode for Urban Social Elderly Support Organization

  19. 提出养老机构的发展战略。

    Putted forward the development stratagem of the endowment institution .

  20. 二是养老机构服务水平参差不齐。

    Second , the retirement organization service level is irregular .

  21. 西安市城区养老机构老年人生活质量的研究

    The Study on the Quality of Life in Nursing Homes in Xi'an

  22. 机构护理则是把这种服务形式搬到了养老机构。

    Institutional care moves the form of service pension in to institutions .

  23. 拓宽养老机构的外部社会关系,提高其内部管理;

    That aged welfare organizations should broaden external social relation and improve inner management ;

  24. 提高养老机构在住老人生命质量的对策与建议

    Countermeasures and Suggestion for Improving the Life Quality of Old People in Nursing Homes

  25. 养老机构老年人分级护理差异性分析

    Analysis on Difference of Grading Nursing Care of the Elderly in Endowment Care Institutions

  26. 社会化养老机构老年人主观幸福感的社会性因素研究

    Research on the social factors of subjective well-being of the elderly in the nursing home

  27. 建设高标准的养老机构,填补养老机构的短缺已经迫在眉睫。

    Build high standard pension institution , fill the shortage of pension institutions is imminent .

  28. 福州市社会养老机构现状及提供卫生服务能力的调查分析

    An analysis on the situation of nursing home and its capacities of health service in Fuzhou

  29. 国内外养老机构护理分级现状

    Status quo of nursing grading of Benefit to the Aged institutions at home and in abroad

  30. 城市养老机构老年人群健康及营养状况调查分析

    A Survey on Nutrition and Health Status of the Olds in Two Nursing Homes in Qingdao