
yǎnɡ jī chǎnɡ
  • chicken farm;hennery;chicken run
  1. 输卵管炎一直是困扰国内外许多养鸡场的一种原因不明的疾病,往往导致蛋鸡产蛋量下降,特别是当年养的高产蛋鸡更多见[1-5]。

    A lot of hennery at home and abroad has been troubled by salpingitis because of its unexplained cause . Salpingitis often leads to drop in laying production , especially high-yielding hens raised this year .

  2. 鸡饲料的缺乏意味着养鸡场将不得不杀掉饲养的鸡。

    Lack of chicken feed means that chicken farms are having to slaughter their stock .

  3. 对于KKR而言,这是中国成长基金(ChinaGrowthFund)最近的一笔交易。去年夏季,该基金为中国东南部省份福建省的一家养鸡场投资了大约4亿美元。

    For K.K.R. , the deal is the latest by its China Growth Fund , which last summer invested about $ 400 million in a chicken breeder in Fujian Province in southeastern China .

  4. 于1996年从长春地区一养鸡场分离到一株新城疫病毒(NDV长春株),经过病毒生物学特性的研究表明该NDV毒株为弱毒株。

    The Changchun strain of Newcastle disease virus ( NDV ) was proved one avirulent by its biological characteristics .

  5. 继韩国一养鸡场爆发禽流感A(H5N1)之后,又有14家养鸡场受到感染。

    Following an initial avian influenza A ( H5N1 ) outbreak on a chicken farm in the Republic of Korea , avian influenza spread to14 other farms .

  6. 赚取的利润重新投资在土地上,或是(这一点至关重要)投入到养鸡场和vcd工厂等各种项目中。

    Profits went back into the land or , crucially , into projects as diverse as chicken farms and VCD factories .

  7. 如今,这家总部位于阿肯色州斯普林代尔(Springdale)的公司在中国的养鸡场数量已经从三年前的零增加到20个。

    Today the Springdale , Ark . , company has 20 farms in China . Three years ago , none .

  8. 以养鸡场鸡粪、小麦秸秆为原料,在静态通气条件下,研究了堆腐过程有机物料微生物、胡敏酸E4/E6值、电导率及pH的变化。

    An experiment was conducted with mixed materials of chicken excrement and wheat straw to study the changes of microorganism population , E4 / E6 election conductance rate ( EC ), and pH during an aeration composting process in a static state with high temperature .

  9. 相比降水量,人类对地下水位影响较小:小流域人口数量翻倍、发展农业节水灌溉和取缔养鸡场可使地下水位分别下降0.9m、上升0.2m、上升2.4m。

    Comparing to precipitation , human impacts the groundwater level less : doubling population , developing the agricultural water-saving irrigation and banning poultry farm influences the water table dropped 0.9 m , increasing 0.2 m and 2.4 m respectively .

  10. 规模化养鸡场鸡粪无害化资源化处理系统研究

    Study on Feces Reclamation and Innocuity Treatment System of Scale Chicken Farm

  11. 工厂化养鸡场装配式鸡舍结构优化的研究

    Study on Structure Optimization of assembly poultry-house of industrial Hennery

  12. 养鸡场鸡群结构的动态仿真分析

    Dynamic imitation analysis of chicken flock in chicken farms

  13. 每一辆驶入养鸡场的卡车都要喷三次消毒剂。

    Every delivery truck entering the grounds is sprayed three times with disinfectant .

  14. 一个养鸡场的老板让我帮他经营养鸡场。

    A man let me help his chicken houses .

  15. 该报还报道,因突然拉闸限电,一些养鸡场大批鸡苗夭亡。

    Chicks were dying prematurely because of the cuts , the paper reported .

  16. 房后围了一块养鸡场。

    Behind was an enclosed run for his chickens .

  17. 立克命追踪粉在现代化养鸡场的灭鼠试验

    Rat Control at a Modern Farm with Racumin ~ ■ Tracking Powder-A Field Trial

  18. A/O法处理养鸡场污水及有关问题探讨

    On problems of a / o process to treat wastewater from chicken breeding farm

  19. 经过育肥,养鸡场的鸡生长得很迅速。

    After being fattened , the chickens on the chicken farm are growing rapidly .

  20. 有关官员说,皮奇特省的一个养鸡场爆发了禽流感。

    Officials say the outbreak was discovered on a poultry farm in Pichit province .

  21. 基于机器视觉的规模养鸡场死鸡探测系统设计研究

    Study on Dead Birds Detection System Based on Machine Vision in Modern Chicken Farm

  22. 鸽子疾病可能威胁养鸡场

    Pigeon disease may pose threat to poultry farms

  23. 轻型钢结构现代化养鸡场设计

    Designing of Light steel structure Modernized Hen House

  24. 经养鸡场进行田间回归免疫试验,该自家苗具有较好的保护效果。

    The chicken farm field regression immunoassay , Their own seedlings has good protective effect .

  25. 养鸡场总是会很热闹。

    The barn is always so alive .

  26. 建养鸡场不仅复杂,而且需要大量资本。

    Building farms is complicated and capital-intensive .

  27. 养鸡场规模大小与肉用仔鸡生产效益的关系

    Relationship between farm size and broiler performance

  28. 泽田家在岐阜县经营养鸡场,家里有三个姐妹花。

    Three sisters grow up on a chicken farm in a small town of Gifu .

  29. 他有一个养鸡场。

    He has a chicken farm .

  30. 他们讨论了何时何地建立养鸡场的事情。

    They discussed the question when and where they were to set up a chicken farm .