
yǎng lǎo jīn
  • old-age pension;annuity
养老金 [yǎng lǎo jīn]
  • [old-age pension] 老年职工的退休金

养老金[yǎng lǎo jīn]
  1. 中国国有企业由于养老金资金不足的债务问题一直存在,导致公共养老基金的财政稳定性处于一种危险状态。

    China 's state-owned enterprises have debt problem of old-age pension because of insufficient funds , which result in a risk state of financial stability of public old-age pension funds .

  2. 职工退休后基本养老个人账户存储额已领取完毕时,由社会统筹基金按规定标准继续支付,直到其死亡,不影响基本养老金的发放。

    Account of individual of basic provide for the aged stores the forehead already was gotten after the worker is retired when ending , plan as a whole by the society fund continues to pay by formulary level , die till its , do not affect basic old-age pension extend .

  3. 她到邮局去领取她的养老金。

    She went to the post office to draw her pension .

  4. 你到65岁就有资格享受养老金。

    You will be entitled to your pension when you reach 65 .

  5. 许多雇员退出了养老金计划的合约。

    Many employees contracted out of the pension plan .

  6. 除了政府发的养老金外,她什么都没有。

    She 's got nothing beyond her state pension .

  7. 你缴纳的养老金分摊额将会影响你领取养老金的数额。

    Your contributions will affect your pension entitlements .

  8. 养老金每年应该按照收入或物价中升幅较高的那一项增长。

    Pensions should be increased annually in line with earnings or prices , whichever is the higher .

  9. 最低养老金和最低工资要与通货膨胀挂钩。

    Minimum pensions and wages are to be indexed to inflation .

  10. 政府即期支付养老金。

    Pensions are paid by the state on a pay-as-you-go basis .

  11. 他所在公司有本行业最好的养老金制度。

    His company has the best pension scheme in the industry .

  12. 有一类人似乎被遗忘了,就是那些领养老金的人。

    One group of people seems to be forgotten , namely pensioners

  13. 再过11年我就是个领取养老金的60岁老人了。

    In 11 years I will be 60 and an OAP .

  14. 他如果一声不吭地离开,就会获得一笔丰厚的养老金。

    He was offered a generous pension provided he left without a fuss

  15. 很多成功女性不想60岁就领养老金退休。

    Many successful women do not want to be pensioned off at 60

  16. 雇员可以退出雇主的职业养老金计划。

    Employees can contract out of their employer 's occupational pension scheme .

  17. 他就要领取养老金了。

    He is moving ever closer to drawing his pension .

  18. 她刚去邮局取了养老金。

    She had just collected her pension from the post office

  19. 他靠每周领取的作为病残养老金的直接转账救济支票过日子。

    He lived on an invalidity pension which came as a weekly giro .

  20. 我想知道为什么我们这些领养老金的人受到如此恶劣的对待。

    I would like to know why we pensioners are being so badly treated .

  21. 国家养老金还远远不够。

    The state pension is nowhere near enough .

  22. 首先,他们得确保他们能获得足够的养老金。

    Firstly , they must make certain that their pension needs are adequately catered for

  23. 公司涉嫌蓄意骗取他们的养老金。

    The company engaged in a deliberate effort to cheat them out of their pensions

  24. 工厂倒闭的时候,他的确拿到了养老金。

    He did have pension money coming to him when the factory shut down .

  25. 我定期领取养老金。

    I am in receipt of a pension .

  26. 几千名领取养老金的人被劝说用自己的住房作抵押去投资投机性债券。

    Thousands of pensioners were persuaded to mortgage their homes to invest in speculative bonds

  27. 调查的核心一直是对于牵涉其中的领取养老金者的关注。

    At the centre of the inquiry has been concern for the pensioners involved .

  28. 我靠伤残养老金过活。

    I live on an invalidity pension .

  29. 据信首相已经排除了削减儿童救济金或养老金的可能。

    The Prime Minister is believed to have ruled out cuts in child benefit or pensions

  30. 此刻他们正依靠政府发放的养老金维持生计。

    At the moment they are existing on pensions that are subsidised by the government .