
yǎnɡ lǎo jī jīn
  • pension fund
  1. 养老基金骗局的不幸受害者不大可能拿回被骗走的钱。

    The unfortunate victims of the pension fund fraud are unlikely to get their money back .

  2. 这表明,VaR成为养老基金进行投资决策分析的有效工具。

    In conclusion , VaR is important for the analysis of decision-making for pension fund investment .

  3. 养老基金由商业银行经管。

    The pension funds are administered by commercial banks .

  4. 据汇丰(hsbc)表示,该国养老基金资产相当于其经济产出的109%。

    The country has pension fund assets of 109 per cent of its output , according to HSBC .

  5. 国外已有很多金融集团、投资机构和养老基金管理公司采用VaR方法控制金融风险。

    There is a lot of financial groups , investment organizations and pension fund companies abroad adopting VaR method to control the financial risk .

  6. 同时,VaR的出现为养老基金管理者进行风险预算、风险限制和风险资本分配提供了一种良好的分析工具。

    At the same time , the VaR helps the managers to proceed the risk budget , risk limit and to distribute the risk capital .

  7. IMF称,银行将承担三分之二的损失,保险公司、养老基金、对冲基金和其它机构将承担剩余的损失。

    Banks would bear two-thirds of the losses , it said , with insurance companies , pension funds , hedge funds and others taking the rest .

  8. 高盛似乎很满意自己与美国州县市雇员联盟(AmericanFederationofState,CountyandMunicipalEmployees,简称AFSCME)养老基金讨价还价的结果。

    For its part , the bank seems to be pleased with its side of the bargain with the American Federation of state , county and municipal employees pension fund .

  9. 上周二,RWC从养老基金巨擘Hermes收购三支单边做多基金。

    Last Tuesday , RWC acquired three long-only activist funds from pension fund giant Hermes .

  10. 养老基金管理的常方差弹性模型及Legendre变换-对偶解法

    A Constant Elasticity of Variance ( CEV ) Model and Legendre Transform Dual Solution for Defined Benefit Pension Funds Management

  11. 养老基金投资组合的常方差弹性(CEV)模型和解析决策

    Constant Elasticity of Variance ( CEV ) Model and Analytical Strategies for Annuity Contracts

  12. 但代表养老基金的机构投资者委员会(CouncilofInstitutionalInvestors)的执行理事安雅格(AnnYerger)则表示:取消可自由裁量的经纪人投票,将确保董事选举不再受影子投票的损害。

    But Ann Yerger , executive director of the Council of Institutional Investors , which represents pension funds , said : Eliminating discretionary broker votes will ensure that director elections are no longer tainted by phantom votes .

  13. 韩国财政经济部计划于今日紧急会晤国家养老金服务(nps)和其它养老基金的官员,商讨稳定股市的办法。

    The Korean finance ministry is scheduled to have an emergency meeting today with officials from the national pension service and other pension funds to discuss ways to stabilise the stock market .

  14. 澳大利亚投资银行WestpacInstitutionalBank的债务证券及企业集团联合主管SimonLing补充道:它创造了大量现金,这些养老基金需要将其用于投资。

    Simon Ling , joint head of debt securities and syndicate at Westpac Institutional Bank , the Australian investment bank , added : It has created a vast pool of cash , which these pension funds need to invest .

  15. 根据新规定,单家合格境外机构投资者(QFII)的最高投资额度从8亿美元提高至10亿美元,保险公司和养老基金的投资本金锁定期从1年缩短为3个月。

    The new regulations raised the maximum sum a single Qualified Foreign Institutional Investor ( QFII ) may invest from $ 800m ( 489m , 537m ) to $ 1bn , and shortened the lock-up period for insurers and pension funds to three months from a year .

  16. 契约储蓄机构包括养老基金和寿险公司。

    Contractual savings institutions include pension funds and life insurance companies .

  17. 我国养老基金与股票市场的互动系统分析

    The Interactive System of Pension Funds and Stock Market in China

  18. 公共养老基金可以只投资于职业管理人管理的公司。

    Public pension funds could invest only in professionally managed companies .

  19. 当他们提取养老基金款项时不用缴税(到退休年纪);

    No tax is paid when members withdraw from their fund ;

  20. 资产组合保险在养老基金运营中的应用

    Application of Capital Composition Insurance in the Old age Pension Fund Operation

  21. 养老基金制度安排与经济增长的互动&以美国为研究对象

    The Interaction between Retirement Fund System and the Economic Growth

  22. 第三部分为国外养老基金的投资运营。

    The third part is the investment operations of foreign pension funds .

  23. 我国养老基金运营方式初探

    A preliminary study on the operating method for pension funds in China

  24. 待遇预定制养老基金管理的常方差弹性模型

    A Constant Elasticity of Variance Model for Defined Benefit Pension Funds Management

  25. 有些人称其为“最后的养老基金”。

    Some call it a pension fund of last resort .

  26. 其他几家养老基金首席执行官也发表过类似的言论。

    Several other pension fund leaders have made similar comments .

  27. 养老基金与证券投资基金的互动与双赢

    The Interaction and Mutualism Between Pension Fund and Mutual Fund

  28. 养老基金和货币市场基金因持有低级债券而被限制;

    Pension and money-market funds are restricted from holding lowly rated securities ;

  29. 养老基金多元化投资的风险与防范

    Measuring and Managing Separate Investment Risk of Pension Funds

  30. 我国养老基金风险评估及控制

    Risk Assessing and Controlling on Chinese Old-age Pension Fund