• 网络合格境外机构投资者;人民币合格境外投资者;合格境外投资者;人民币基金
  1. Approvals for funds from three further rqfii licensed asset managers are pending .


  2. The growth of the renminbi QFII ( RQFII ) programme , has increased demand somewhat .


  3. The RQFII domestic securities investment administrative measures and operating rules will possibly be promulgated next month , Shanghai Securities News reported .


  4. Regulators have not so far approved a money market fund under RQFII , which mainly consists of bond funds and equity exchange traded funds .


  5. The speed of the fund approvals inadvertently placed many of the rqfii fund issuers in Hong Kong at a disadvantage .


  6. Vanguard Australia recently received a licence to buy onshore assets through the renminbi qualified foreign institutional investor ( RQFII ) scheme .


  7. However , except for a few rqfii fund managers that have met their fundraising targets , sales have generally fallen short of expectations .


  8. One thing that could quickly turn round rqfii fund sales at companies that have not hit their fundraising target would be the performance of those that were fully subscribed .


  9. Among these developments , says Ms Choy , was the launch of renminbi qualified foreign institutional investor ( RQFII ) ETFs in July .


  10. The letter was written in response to what the complainant considers to be the efficient approval of renminbi-qualified foreign institutional investor ( RQFII ) funds .


  11. Opportunities for foreign companies are not expected to be any better compared with Chinese asset managers when it comes to the long-awaited renminbi-QFII ( RQFII ) programme , previously commonly referred to as the mini-QFII .


  12. Geoffrey lunt , director and senior product specialist for fixed income at HSBC Global Asset Management , says that while rqfii has not been widely popular it is just another step in broadening access to the Chinese bond markets .


  13. However , regulators in China are making greater efforts to open up the stock market to overseas investors , principally through the Qualified Foreign Institutional Investors ( QFIIs ) system and the Renminbi Qualified Foreign Institutional Investor ( RQFII ) project .


  14. Of the $ 298bn of quota available through the qualified foreign institutional investor ( QFII ) scheme and its renminbi-based sister programme ( RQFII ), only $ 162bn has been granted .


  15. Competition between international and China-owned fund management companies is set to intensify in Hong Kong as a result of the much anticipated launch of mini-qfii , now being referred to as the rqfii ( renminbi-qualified foreign institutional investor ) programme .


  16. The increased access that central banks now enjoy does not extend to private-sector asset managers , who can only obtain access to the onshore market through the Qualified Foreign Institutional Investor Programme ( QFII ) or its renminbi-denominated cousin , RQFII .


  17. The two sides may make good use of the currency swap arrangement of over 700 billion yuan , give play to the role of the four Renminbi clearing banks in Europe and improve the RQFII scheme to ensure that financial cooperation become a bond that link our common interests .


  18. Rqfii is viewed by some as an opportunity to level the playing field for mainland firms , as international firms cannot participate at the outset and are unlikely to be able to do so until there have been another couple of phases of further liberalisation .
