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  • 网络Chen Longzheng;Long-Jeng Chen
  1. 将陈龙正的慈善实践按照血缘性和地缘性的特点,划分为三个向外延伸的同心圆区域,并详细介绍其在每个区域内具体的慈善举措。

    Through the feature of consanguinity and geographical in his charity , there are divided into three concentric circles which are extending outward region .

  2. 陈龙正是晚明时期地方社会一位十分重要的人物,曾师于高攀龙,授中书舍人,任南京国子监丞。

    Chen Longzheng was an important person in local society of later Ming Dynasty , he was once a student of Gao Panlong and was an official of Nanjing Imperial College .